I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 508: Inn and owner

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Proudmoore rolled his eyes, patted the Dark Gold Warhammer and said: "With it, the three of them can't kill me if they join forces. Should I worry about the one left? Hurry up, I know you can't wait to want it. I went to meet Di Lisa, don't be embarrassed."

Leo smiled awkwardly, bid farewell to Proudmoore, and flew to the Glory Empire.


Glory Knight Academy, library.

When Leo saw Di Lisa, she was wearing the gray training suit of an ordinary student, and she was immersed in a book of combat skills that was not very high.

Leo just stood on one side and stared at her for a long time. Finally, Di Lisa felt a little wrong. She looked up and her eyes widened.

"...Bad." After a long time, Di Lisa spit out a word, but her face was blushing.

"It's great to be able to look at you like this." Leo sighed sincerely when he thought of his madness before.

Di Lisa didn't understand Leo's emotions, her eyes were full of confusion.

The last trace of worry in Leo's heart also fell, and he walked over to hold Di Lisa's little hand, and chuckled: "Let's go, take me around."

Di Lisa closed the combat technique book with one hand and put it back on the bookshelf, holding Leo's hand tightly with the other hand, and walked out the gate of the academy in this way.

"By the way, what is the name of the one who pursued you back then..." Leo saw the gate of the academy and suddenly remembered it, and couldn't help but smile and ask.

"Hey, a big man like you actually remembers such trivial things? His name is Howard." Di Lisa couldn't help but grinned, and paused: "I have been following Teacher Proudmoore all these years, and I haven't seen it. I passed him, but I heard Jerry mentioned it once. That guy really became a marquis of a kingdom, and with great luck, he was promoted to level 6. He went back to the academy again, found Jerry, and wanted to find you through Jerry Go back to the scene. Then, Jerry was so bored that he betrayed your true identity."

Di Lisa couldn't help but bend down with a smile when she said that, Leo was also very curious, and asked enthusiastically: "What then?"

"I heard Jerry say that after knowing that you are the legendary Leo, Howard's face was blue and white. He stayed for a full minute, then turned and left without a word. He never saw him again in the academy. Pass him." Delissa said with a smile.

Riojaha laughed and walked on the streets of the City of Glory holding Di Lisa's hand, watching the people around him running around for life and ideals, and suddenly he felt so far away.

Even if he tries hard to blend in, and doesn't want to become a demigod who is unsympathetic and supreme, but unknowingly, as the road goes further and further, as time goes by, he is still undergoing some kind of change that he can't notice. .

For example, this time, when he saw Delaron and Proudmoore goodbye, he felt a bit awkward to be an adult because of the long years passed by the Time Corridor. Later, Delaron proposed equality and proportionality, and he agreed with it. In fact, he had this idea. Otherwise, based on his character, he would definitely not change his mind.

"Fortunately..." Leo lowered his head and glanced at the hand holding Di Lisa. Suddenly, tenderness emerged in his heart. At the same time, he understood that Di Lisa, Altinis and Jax, Goode, Mrs. Lane and others were facing each other. His meaning.

That is the anchor point that anchors his emotions. If one day they leave forever, maybe Leo's heart will slowly close, and he will become one of those demigods who are elevated, emotionally indifferent, and purely pursuing power and desire, right?

Thinking of this, Leo suddenly stopped and looked at Di Lisa, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, and whispered: "Di Lisa, I miss the small hotel last time."

Di Lisa was caught off guard, her face turned red all of a sudden, she looked around shyly, hammering Leo and cursed: "You are still half a loss... The strong, you are too shame to say such shameful words in public. ...Too shameless, turn back to me..."

Leo didn't wait for her to finish, put his arms around her, and kissed her lips heavily. Di Lisa struggled hard a few times, her eyes watery gave up resistance, and she put her arm around Leo's neck with her backhand.

In the surprised eyes of other people around, Leo smiled slightly while holding Di Lisa and suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he had reached the small border hotel tens of thousands of miles away.

After opening the room, one panting, another aggressive, fierce movements shook the disrepaired border hotel to dust. The elderly innkeeper looked dumbfounded, and opened his mouth for a moment not knowing whether he should go up to dissuade him, or wait a moment to dissuade him.

Fortunately, there are usually no people at the border inn near the eternal fortress. The elderly innkeeper quickly gave up the idea of ​​going up and discouraged him, lying on the rocking chair alone, showing a trace of nostalgia, and secretly thought: "You are young. , That’s great. Fifty years ago, when I first met Aishami, I seemed to have such passion~www.readwn.com~ It’s a pity..."

For a while, the innkeeper fell into the memories of the years, and did not move for several hours. It wasn't until Leo and Di Lisa stood in front of him that he finally recovered. He looked up at the old wall clock, smiled strangely, and said with a thumbs up, "Five hours! Young man, very strong." Well, much stronger than when I was younger."

Di Lisa was embarrassed. Leo looked at this ordinary person who was in his 60s or 70s but was already dying. Naturally, he would not tell him that he was older than him, so he rolled up his sleeves and showed it. Muscle smiled and said: "Of course, I am an adventurer with extraordinary strength. Boss, check out."

"... It's rare to see such energetic young people like you, and it only took a long time, and it's not easy to count money. Then, as a reward, I would like to thank you for reminding me of my youth, forget it." The boss waved his hand and said.

"Uh, so?" Leo was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he would be treated like this because of his bravery.

He gave Di Lisa a triumphant glance, only in exchange for a blank eye. However, the dignified demigod will naturally not receive the favor of an ordinary person. Although it is simple to throw a gold coin, he is in a very good mood at the moment. He looked up and down the innkeeper and found out a bottle of ink-red potion. When I got to the table, I smiled and said, "In that case, I won't pay. However, there is a bottle of nostalgic youth potion. If you still want to reminisce about your past youth, then it is a gift from me."

After putting down the potion, Leo took Di Lisa and left the hotel with a smile.

"Hello, hello?" The old innkeeper stood up and shouted, but couldn't stop Leo. When he trembled around the counter and walked out of the hotel door, the desolate yellow sandy land was endless, but Leo and Di Lisa had been lost.

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