I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 512: 2 more?

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In the shadow space in the distance, Katis asked: "Leo, aren't you afraid that the guy will kill Proudmoore by using the crystal slaying dagger?"

"Hey, it's impossible. Even if he still has ten crystal slaying daggers, he will save some use if he has the opportunity to kill Proudmoore in other ways, let alone he obviously only has one. Well, my Ice Wind Mana has recovered 30%, and I will be able to fully recover after a while, and I will cast Glacier Storm again." Leo shook his head disapprovingly and watched the show calmly.

Katis chuckled, then paused and said, "You have always wanted to change the shadow walk, but you have found that you have not. This ability is used very frequently, and its effect on you is almost irreplaceable. No matter what. Close combat or long range, or escape, detection, including dealing with some special situations, this ability is almost indispensable. I suggest you think about it again, choose another ability to replace, and improve this ability."

Leo's expression became serious, touching his chin and lost in thought.

Katis didn't mention that Leo was not very useful in demigod battles because he disliked Shadow Walk. He would be noticed when he got close to other demigods, and he had decided to give up. But when Katis mentioned it, he recalled that the frequency of use of this ability really seemed to be extremely high, and if sneak attacks were not considered, it was indeed irreplaceable.

"However, other talents seem to be irreplaceable." Leo frowned.

"Replace that incomplete and non-upgradable talent of the puzzler." Katys did not hesitate to suggest.

Leo froze for a moment and frowned, "But, what about Shivana, Stani and Ulena? Ulena forgets it, it doesn’t matter if you give up. But Stani and Shivana are both demigods, It is a pity to give up them. Although for the time being, the insect general is also a demigod level, but their flexibility is far from what the insect general can compare, and many things need to be done by them."

Katis had an idea for a long time, and said slowly: "Sequence Soul Crystal."

Leo was stunned for a moment and shook his head: "That is only effective for dead souls without wisdom, not for living beings."

Katis thought for a while and said: "Aren't your next plans to go to Time Lost Dreamland? If the three-body talent can deceive Time Lost Dreamland, then your time is infinite, combined with sequence soul crystals and mind-bewildering talents. Mystery, coupled with the soul control spells of your human race, deducing a spell that can control a demigod is always a little more reliable than you deducing a god-level spell."

Leo's eyes moved, thoughtful in his heart.

Katis added: "Besides, I think the eye of the royal family is basically useless for the demigod. It is a bit too wasteful to control a few soul slaves to occupy a talent position. Take a 10,000 step back and say, if you want to It’s not difficult to get the talent of the puzzled heart clan again. The puzzled heart clan is right next to the human race. You can't do it to dig the tomb and steal some crystal marrow. Moreover, the royal talent of the puzzled heart clan is complete again. , Not your broken version now."

Leo was deeply moved by the last sentence.

But Katys actually had something to say, and continued: "Furthermore, if you really study a similar sequence of soul crystals that can control creatures, this may not be of much significance to you, but it may not be less significant to the Gresch family. One Trafolte."

This time Leo's heart was shaken and he was completely persuaded.

At this moment, Proudmoore laughed loudly: "Turtle egg, don't you want to kill me, why do you only defend, and you dare not even attack me?"

The Turtle Man was unmoved, delayed and consumed with a profound strength far surpassing Proudmoore, waiting for the battle to become clear.

At this time, Leo's ice wind magic energy slowly recovered, and he appeared from a distant shadow space, holding the endless glacier scepter to the turtle body, and hitting the ice storm with all his strength!

"You!" The Turtleman never thought that Leo would ignore Proudmoore by his side and forcibly trigger a glacier storm. Unprepared, he had no time to dodge, so he roared angrily and shot the crystal killing dagger.

The previous scene repeats itself again, but this time, the tortoise stared at Leo in the process of killing the dagger to break through the glacier, and finally saw that after the glacier storm, a strange figure split into Leo’s body, blocking it. It turned out that before that figure, it seemed that his hand was still pressing on the figure behind.

Facing the Turtle Man, at first glance, he didn't see such a change at all.

"Damn it, it's really a stand-in!" The turtle body hated him, but it was too late. When the Crystal Slaughter Dagger broke through the glacier storm and slashed in front of Leo, the Leo behind with the endless glacier scepter disappeared strangely, leaving only the front Leo, open his arms to face the Crystal Slaughter dagger.

The dagger was inserted, and the strange law from the Lord of Slaughter instantly ended all the vitality of the split. But at the same time, the weird law of the killing dagger also makes it feel like it has completed the task~www.readwn.com~ naturally collapsed.

Not far away, Leo slowly revealed his figure, sneered at the tortoise, with the death tomahawk in his hand spinning, slowly drifting closer.

The Turtle's face was blue and white. He looked at Leo, then looked back at Proudmoore, and suddenly realized that he seemed to be in desperation.

"Think about how to die?" Leo's murderous voice echoed in the sky.

Proudmoore didn't say a word, just wielding the Dark Gold Warhammer, and also stared at the Turtle.

Everything seems to have settled.

The tortoise stayed for a few seconds, a strange expression flashed across his face suddenly, his backhand suddenly took out two crystal killing daggers, held them in his hands and sneered: "Why, do you think I only have the last dagger in my hand? "

How can it be? Leo froze and stopped suddenly, cold sweat dripping crazily on his forehead.

The Ice Wind Demon is exhausted, and the two parts have been lost. He can't resist the crystal killing dagger at all, let alone two.

Strangely, the turtle body also stared at Leo, and did not activate the crystal killing dagger.

Just staring at it for a while, the turtle body suddenly said: "Today's matter, you have caused me a great loss. But I don't want to waste the killing dagger anymore. Give me your battle axe as compensation. My killing dagger, I can consider forgiving you this time."

Leo froze for a moment, a little bit unable to believe his ears.

When did this guy talk so well?

However, Leo was afraid of the Crystal Slaughter Dagger, but Proudmoore had no idea what it was. Although she also saw the dagger's extremely terrifying power and easily broke through the ice storm, Proudmoore, who was already dominated by the will to revenge, was fearless. After seeing Leo's jealousy, she let out a roar and rushed to the tortoise. people.

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