I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 517: Green Heart Ointment

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"Come on." Leo picked up his mood and put on a posture. Bernard was taken aback again. Obviously, it was the first time he saw this posture. He glanced at him suspiciously, said a word of caution, and punched Leo in the head.

Leo waved away and fought with Scarface, and soon he tested their level.

"Go straight, it belongs to the skills I have explored in actual combat. It is very effective, but it is not systematic. It is still far behind me."

A few minutes later, Bernard stopped in surprise and said, "That's not right, Giant Bear, when have your skills been so great?"

"I suddenly realized something at the moment of life and death." Leo was very indifferent and didn't hide it. After all, his next plan is to gain freedom as soon as possible. Since the troll clan body forging technique is not effective, he should simply try his skills.

Bernard was stunned for a while, and did not doubt, but looked at Leo thoughtfully: "You are indeed a little strange today. I originally thought that you were stimulated because of the injury, and I was worried about the fighting in a week. , I didn't expect you to experience a battle awakening."

This is probably the epiphany in this world.

"Well, almost, I may be awakened." Leo smiled slightly and took a vaccination for later. After a pause, he asked, "I want to be free as soon as possible. Is there a way?"

"... The only way, if you feel confident, apply to the guards patrolling at the door, and fight one by one every day. The more you win in a row, the faster you jump in the ranking, and you will be promoted by one per win, two consecutive times. Every time you win two places, three consecutive wins every time you win three places, and so on. When you reach fourth place, you are eligible to choose to challenge the three strong players. After victory, you can choose to leave the arena, or simply substitute. The three powerhouses." Bernard replied with a strange look on his face.

After all, the body that Leo occupies is also a person who has spent many years in the arena. These common sense shouldn't be asked to him.

"Understood." Leo nodded and sat down quietly. After a while, two people who participated in the battle returned one after another. It was just a minor injury and came back by himself, named Oma, a member of Leo's side.

The other was seriously injured, and the one who was carried in by the servant belonged to the group of three.

"Vatra, come and get your wound medicine." Suddenly the iron door opened, and a heavily armed guard came in and handed him a medicine bottle.

A beautifully packaged, distinctive medicine bottle.

Leo quickly noticed the unusual look in other people's eyes, and immediately understood that this wound medicine was definitely not a medicine bottle in the arena, and his hand stopped in the air.

"Take it, do you want me to apply medicine to you?" The guard threw the medicine bottle to Leo impatiently, and then locked the door on his own and left.

Leo quickly saw the weirdness in other people's eyes, and silently glanced at the bottle. On it was a strange line of text that he could understand: Green Heart Ointment.

"This is a very expensive ointment. It is said to be very effective for internal and external injuries. Who gave it to you?" Bernard asked in surprise.

Leo shook his head and did not answer, but he had guessed in his heart that it must be Mrs. Jeva. It seemed that she said she would not give up easily, and she really did what she said.

Moreover, Leo would be very difficult to put off the ointment delivered in this way, but he would definitely not follow her wishes. Let's talk about the other things later.

Leo chose to apply Green Heart Ointment.

"Take it. Mainly internal injuries, skin injuries are nothing, there is no need to waste such precious medicine..." Bernard said heartily.

Leo blinked, remembering that the mysterious little tree was still talented and was not afraid of being poisonous, so he took a little bit and swallowed it, and suddenly a stream of heat emerged, and the inside of the wound was warm and warm, and there were signs of healing.

"The effect is so good?" Leo was taken aback.

"Nonsense, the **** ointment we usually use only sells a copper coin outside, but the green heart ointment is said to cost ten silver sand a bottle, which is a thousand times more effective. I heard that it is used with light red blood. The internal organs of the beast are made with some auxiliary materials, which is particularly effective." Bernard said with envy and jealousy.

Leo confirmed that it was non-toxic, and took a few more mouthfuls. He felt that the power of the medicine penetrated quickly and his body was in great condition. He realized that this world might not be simple.

Also, the light red blood beast? In this way, this blood beast must also be graded, so everything is interesting. It's just that this is probably too common sense to ask.

"I'm here for you." Realizing that the injury was quickly healed under the effect of this ointment, Leo handed the green heart potion to Bernard and Oma.

"...You, don't you keep it for your own use?" Bernard was surprised.

Leo smiled with a confident look: "I have already awakened from the battle, and I will be like a broken bamboo in the future. It is difficult to get injured. Besides, do you think this is the last bottle of ointment after I am injured?"

Bernard was stunned for a moment, and cursed enviously: "Damn guy, what happened to you in this battle? Not only did you wake up from the battle, but you also met a noble person~www.readwn.com~ It seems you can get it soon. become free."

Leo just smiled without answering.

Bernard turned his head and handed the Green Heart Ointment to Omar, but Omar shook his head and said, "Slightly injured, keep it. The critical moment is a life."

Bernard nodded solemnly and carefully put the ointment in his arms.

Leo shook his head slightly, got up and walked to the iron gate, and shouted from the small window: "Is anyone?"

After a while, a rude voice shouted: "What are you doing? Want to fight?"

Leo said calmly: "Guard, I want to continue participating in the gladiatorial fight tomorrow."

The guards outside were obviously surprised. Soon the iron door opened, and a guard walked in and looked up and down Leo to confirm again: "You want to continue fighting tomorrow?"

"Yes." Leo replied calmly.

The guard looked at Leo strangely, but still didn't understand, there was a whisper outside the door, another guard walked in, took a look at Leo, and asked in shock: "Just after using the ointment, do you want to continue fighting? "

It turned out to be the guard who gave the ointment just now.

Leo nodded.

The guard who delivered the ointment whitened his eyes, shook his head, and said coldly: "I don't have a good chance. Okay, I'll report it for you. You can't stop you if you want to die, but it's a pity..." Tiemen, leave with his companions.

Leo stood silently in front of the door for a while, returned to his corner, lay down on a piece of animal skin spread on the ground, silently thinking about the way forward.

It seems that the water in this world is not shallow. Can fighting skills, inexhaustible strength and recovery ability sweep the world?

Leo didn't know, he had too little control over the world. However, compared to the weird worlds recorded by the God of Trick, this place is still more savage, and it is easier to be familiar with.

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