I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 520: Anticipation

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Huaquan was really responsive, and he was caught off guard, still blocking Leo with his other hand. However, Leo's terrifying power also shook his whole body, causing him to lose control in an instant.

At this moment, Leo's remaining hand suddenly backhanded around Huaquan's waist.

"No, surrender!" Huaquan shouted desperately, trying to break free. But Leo didn't stop at all in his movements. He hugged Huaquan with stronger arms with both hands, folded in the opposite direction, and slammed Huaquan to the ground.

Huaquan fainted without making a sound when she landed on her neck. This was Leo's last moment to regain his strength, otherwise, with the strength of his body, Huaquan would definitely break his neck and die.

Amidst the sound of bells, cheers and curses, Leo left the arena without looking back, and followed the guards back to his residence.

At lunch time, the guard walked in with a weird face and said, "Come with me."

Leo couldn't fight against these fully armed guards, so he could only get up and silently follow the guards for a long way to a new room.

"Tomorrow I will continue to apply for battle." Leo stopped at the door, thinking for a while and said.

This time, the guard looked at him strangely for a while, and said, "I'll report it up and see how it is arranged. Now, you will enter the room for me."

Leo didn't know why the guard looked weird, but he was too lazy to think, walked into the new independent room, and the scene in front of him was a little surprised.

This is no longer a simple stone house with only one bed as before, but a suite with a living room, a bedroom, a toilet, and a living room. . . A training field of 300 square meters.

A man with a drape of hair and a height of about 1.7 meters standing in the training ground with his back turned to Leo, said coldly: "Close the door."

Leo's extraordinary consciousness made him feel the terrifying power in the short man's body, closed the door without saying a word, and walked slowly to the training ground, but he had already guessed the ins and outs of the matter in his heart.

"At the request of Mrs. Jeva, I will train you for ten weeks, so that you can leave the training ground in a fair manner. Within these ten weeks, you will have ten battles, but Mrs. Jeva has already greeted the arena. Only fight with one-ranked gladiators at a time, until ten weeks later." The long-haired man slowly turned around as he said, he was a very ordinary man.

Leo blinked, knowing in his heart that he could finally come into contact with the true power of this world, although it might only be of a relatively low level.

"What can you teach me?" Leo asked rebelliously.

The man glanced at him and said coldly: "You will know soon. Attention, I'm going to shoot you."

Leo smiled, fully guarded.

The next moment, a figure appeared in front of him like lightning, and swept Leo's leg with one foot.

"It's fast." If it weren't for the all-seeing eye that was exchanged for huge mental power, it was a bit beyond common sense, and Leo's body degraded to the extreme would not be able to react. At the critical moment, he predicted the trajectory of the attack, and reluctantly retreated half a step with a floating leaf step, avoiding the sweep.

"Huh?" With a cry of surprise, the man continued to kick Leo's bottom plate in disbelief, trying to trip him over. However, Leo’s weird all-seeing eye not only has no blind spots, but also predicts the trajectory. So although the movements are a lot slower than the man, the reaction is a bit unable to keep up, but every time he avoids it in advance and barely avoids it. Men's continuous sweep kick.

A few minutes later, the man suddenly closed his hands and backed away, staring at Leo with a strange expression on his face, staring at Leo for a full minute, and then asked in a deep voice: "Are you really a gladiator? Have never taken a potion? "

"Yes." Leo answered honestly.

In fact, he didn't know what the potion was.

The man thought for a while, walked to Leo and stretched out his hand to hold his arm, and observed it carefully for a while. The surprise on his face could no longer be concealed, and he said in shock: "I really haven't used a potion, my God, Yes, Madam has found a treasure this time!"

Leo's eyes flickered, and he faintly guessed that it was a great thing to avoid men's sweeps and kicks like himself.

Leo really didn't guess wrong about the matter. What he is doing now is equivalent to a reserve knight of the wild human race avoiding the sweeping kick of a formal knight in succession. The implications are very significant.

"You, don't mention this to the arena, and you should try not to overdo it in future battles. I will go back immediately and report to Madam. Damn, the original ordinary blood map technique is no longer suitable for you. Genius, I am afraid that my wife will get some blood to help you find a more powerful blood map technique." After the man whispered in a low voice, he hurriedly walked out.

Leo stood quietly on the training ground thinking for a while, then suddenly smiled.

He showed that his talent was right. Wild experience tells him that geniuses are sometimes taken care of, as long as they don't show up in front of people who are malicious to him.

After the man left, there was no news for three days~www.readwn.com~ Three days later, the door of the room opened, and the man with a trace of excitement walked in with an old man in a simple servant costume.

After closing the door, the man's attitude suddenly changed, and respectfully said to the old man behind him: "My lord, it's him, you can test it yourself."

The old man looked at Leo from a distance, nodded slightly, and appeared in front of Leo the next second, suddenly reaching out to Leo's eyes.

"So fast!" Leo felt a shock, judging the trajectory with the gaze of the All-Seeing Eye, and stepped sideways to avoid the danger.

In the next moment, the old man's fingers were like knives, and he crazily inserted Leo's eyes in a storm, but there was a feeling of understatement every time. Leo's cold sweat dripped, and he had no intention of thinking about other things in his mind. He used the prediction of the All-Seeing Eye to the extreme, evaded continuously, and barely avoided all attacks.

After a minute, the speed of the old man suddenly increased. In less than two seconds, his fingers touched Leo's eyelids lightly, and his figure flashed back to the long-haired man.

"Very good, very good, great! I didn't expect to meet such a genius shortly before my death." The old man laughed cheerfully.

"My lord..." The long-haired man turned pale.

The old man put away his laughter and nodded to the long-haired man: "Don't worry, the person behind the arena, I will talk to him personally, and give enough benefits so that they won't let them hate your wife. To me In terms of what can be compared to a qualified inheritor? What's more, this is not only qualified! I want to cultivate him into the kingdom's super strong!"

The long-haired man smiled bitterly with nothing to say.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a man about forty-five-six-year-old in a gorgeous suit walked in, followed by Mr. Carney and a group of guards.

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