I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 522: 3 years

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Because the source of the power of this world is the blood and heart of the blood beast.

And Master Akama is a Crimson-level powerhouse, belonging to the fifth level, and is already a second-level powerhouse in ordinary small countries, and the blood-red level powerhouses on the opponents belong to the top powerhouses of the major countries. Moreover, the highest Scarlet rank is recognized as the strongest on the continent, and every one of them is an earth-shattering big figure, suppressing a continent.

"Teacher, is the Scarlet level the most powerful?" Leo asked as he walked.

The two have already decided on the status of teacher and student.

"No... There are also eight-level blood beasts in the blood beasts, but they generally do not leave their own territory, and our scarlet strongman can also deal with them with the blessing of weapons, armor and other equipment. The most important thing is The thing is, unless you go to an unknown area, the number of crimson-level blood beasts is extremely small, so don't care too much." Akama said, shaking his head.

"... It turns out that the Mohong rank is the strongest." Leo took this point in his heart, but he didn't see Akama on one side and stopped talking.

Two days later, Leo followed Akama to a manor in the city, only then did he know that the entire city has Akama's forces operating business and supporting Akama Manor. And this is a recognized rule. The kingdom manages the country and taxes, and the strong occupy certain high-income industries in a region to achieve a delicate balance.

At the back of the arena, there was also a crimson strong man. However, Akama has a short lifespan, and has seldom been in charge of affairs.

"Starting from tomorrow, you will follow me to study and strive for every minute of your time. My life span is not too long, and I may not be able to watch you grow, so you still have to go by yourself in the future." Akama said while carrying Li Ao went to a room and stopped and said, "I will take a break today, and I have to prepare something. From tomorrow on, you won’t be free for a minute and you will practice with all your strength. Of course, if you are just for freedom and afraid of hard work, you can also Leave, no one will stop you."

Akama left after speaking. Leo naturally wouldn't leave. He smiled and slept in the room for the whole night. Akama was taken to the training ground early the next day.

"You are tall and you should have practiced the power-type blood map technique, but who made me discover you?" Akama was obviously a little proud, and said after a pause: "My spirit snake blood map technique specializes in it. Toughness and surprise attack, although not the top blood map technique, it is also a powerful blood map technique that can be cultivated to the fifth level. You have to use your heart."

Leo nodded awe-inspiringly, knowing that this might be his fundamental strength in this illusion, and he listened to Akama's narration.

The mystery of the blood map technique gradually unfolded in front of Leo, his eyes getting brighter and brighter, and he felt that the blood map technique was 70 to 80% similar to the physical strengthening technique. The body strengthening technique is practiced by drawing special small patterns on the blood of a powerful monster, and the blood map technique is to mix the blood of the heart of a powerful blood beast with a lot of medicinal materials to make ointment, and apply it on the body to form a huge blood pattern, which activates the mysterious Chain reaction, absorbing the power of ointment to obtain superb power.

The biggest difference is that after the successful cultivation of the blood map technique, the body is not as strong as the Kongjue Strengthening Body Technique, but there is a special blood boiling force surge in the body, and there are many mysteries, so in general, it is almost equal to the Strengthening Technique.

"If..." Leo remembered that the Kongjue Strengthening Technique had not yet been tried in this world, and a thought came up in his heart. However, because it was not easy to explain, he finally did not mention this idea, but followed Akama to start the practice of Spirit Snake Blood Map Art.


To the north of Scarlet Continent, there is a mountain that reaches the sky. At the top of the mountain, a crystal-like ice wall stands on the top of the mountain, emitting endless light in the sun.

An old man in a robe of snow stared at the ice wall and said in a deep voice, "How is the war going?"

"Report to the Pope that he has defeated the Kahlo Kingdom and is currently occupying it." A man in full armor knelt on one knee, reporting respectfully. Beside him, there are four men who are about the same.

"To speed up, we must migrate the entire country to the only viable place in the world before the arrival of the big cold wave. The sight of the holy wall tells me that this time the cold wave is world-destroying and will last for hundreds of years. More than ninety-nine living creatures are extinct. Only in that country can they survive." The pope said gravely.

"Pope, the kingdom of the Holy Sun is one state away from us, and there are more than a dozen countries in the middle. The distance is not close." The armored general quickly remembered something and frowned.

"Then speed it up. We only have 20 to 30 years left. In 20 to 30 years, we will defeat many countries along the way, and the whole country will migrate to the Kingdom of Holy Sun. Only then will we have the chance to survive the cold wave more~www .readwn.com~ The old man shouted excitedly.

"Yes!" The five generals took their orders together, looked at each other, turned and left the peak.

The old man waited for the generals to leave and stretched out his hand to touch the ice wall and muttered to himself: "Holy wall, if it weren't your prediction, the cold wave would be easy to understand, but what does the figure shown mean? Is it the savior who saves the world, or is it bringing The devil of disaster?"

The ice wall was motionless, nothing unusual.

The old man looked at the unfathomable cave on the side of the ice wall again, he muttered, and whispered: "The fruit in front of the bones of the holy beast has been growing for tens of thousands of years, but what effect will it have after it is taken? No one knows, and because there is only one, you can't just find someone to experiment. Moreover, the pressure of the bones of the holy beast is so huge, only me and the five marshals can withstand the pressure with the strength of the scarlet level. Otherwise, I can't risk using this thing."

The old man finished speaking and turned and left the mountain.


Three years in a flash.

On this day, Akama called Leo in front of him. With great relief in his weakness, he stuffed a broken bag into his hand and said: "Vatra, you are fine. Your hard work over the years has exceeded my imagination. , After only three years of cultivation to the first level limit, your future in this life will be limitless. However, my life span is running out. I am afraid that I will leave after another year at most. At that time, the kingdom will take me back With the resources in hand, my enemies have long been coveting me, so you can’t continue to follow me. Take this, leave from the dark road, walk far away, and be company with time, let the years witness your growth. On the day you are strong, come back here to see me again, and pour a glass of wine on my tombstone. I am very relieved."

At this moment, Leo's eyes were reddish, and there was a touch of sadness in his expression.

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