I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 526: stalker

"The fifth level is the qualitative change. The fifth and sixth levels belong to one level, and the seventh level is another level. However, many people will control the level of the fourth level and release the third-level blood map technique, but strictly control it. The blood map technique and potion formula for promotion to level 4. Why? Because if the limit falls at level 5, then there will be a large number of crimson-level fighters. There are exceptions to everything, perhaps by chance, a very few people will use it. There are some special ways to break through to become Level 5, but these people are never going to reach Level 6 because they are not the orthodox route. In this case, they will compete with us for resources, but there is no opportunity for improvement, which is not a good thing."

Leo's weird Akama's words naturally understood that the purpose of restricting potions was to maintain the dominance of the top. Because according to his statement, most of the strong are on the side of the nobles or the army.

"This group of people is probably under the command of a certain nobleman. I don't know if they can kill a few four-ringed snakes and finally get the morning dew flower." Leo muttered, and had no intention of showing up.

If he joins, he is likely to become a blade and cannon fodder, why bother? Moreover, the blood and heart of the four-ringed snake are not required to be fresh, and the corpse within a few hours is okay. When the time comes, he can take a few corpses secretly, anyway, these people want to gather the morning dew flowers, it is impossible to run around with the corpses, so Leo just needs to follow far away.

Time slowly passed, and the young villager was showing the way, and they would not go the wrong way. Leo followed the safe route created by the group for five days, and finally reached the edge of the rotting mud.

It was already dusk at this time, and with a long hissing "Call!", the group of people did not immediately enter the rotting mud, but set up a temporary camp on the edge of the mud and chose to rest.

Leo hid behind them half a kilometer away, waiting patiently.

After about half an hour, suddenly a figure appeared from a distance. Had it not been for Leo's high alertness, hiding in the bushes, he would have been spotted immediately.

"It's him?"

It turned out to be the bearded man who came to see his teammates every year.

He carefully followed the horse's hooves to the front and observed near the camp for about half an hour, then quietly retreated, stopped not far from Rio, and hid.

Things are getting more and more interesting.

Early the next morning, under the leadership of the villager, the front team left all the horses and walked forward avoiding the mud traps. Leo waited patiently, even if there was a faint sound of fighting at the beginning, he didn't move. After ten minutes, the grass not far away suddenly moved, and his beard quickly came out and ran forward.

Leo waited for a while, then followed behind his beard and walked forward.


"Miss Mina, after a while, there will be a large group of second-level blood beasts. At that time, the danger has just begun." The young man who led the way looked at Mina obsessively, without words.

Mina was at the center of the team, staring at the young man and asked: "It's so dangerous here, how do you know the way?"

"This is the secret of the village..." The young man's voice fell into a low tone, a little embarrassed to avoid Mina's gaze.

Mina sighed and said disappointedly: "It turned out to be a secret, then forget it. I originally thought there might be a better way to get the morning dew flowers and save my father's poison."

The young man's face was reddish, and he was silent.

After the silence, Miss Mina suddenly stretched out her hands to hold the young man’s hand, and said sadly: “However, the rotting mud is so dangerous, I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid that even if I die, I will not be able to get the morning dew flower. My father will be poisoned to death by the conspirators, and the entire territory will be taken. You, can you help me?"

The young man raised his head excitedly, staring into Miss Mina’s affectionate eyes, flushed and said: "Miss Mina, I, I can’t help you, that kind of method can only find the way, it can’t help you get the morning dew. flower."

Miss Mina was silent, with pleading eyes.

The young man struggled for a while, gritted his teeth and whispered in Miss Mina's ear: "Miss, I can tell you, but please keep it secret. Our village chief domesticated a very intelligent magic eye eagle, which can not only detect The terrain, and can understand the general meaning of the village chief, simply nod and shake his head to communicate with the village chief. It was relying on it, the village chief spent ten years to make a detailed map of the Yinshui Mountains and mountains, which not only recorded the whole The topography of the Yinshui Mountains, and even the location, number, and even the regularity of most blood beasts have been recorded. But this is really useless for you to pick morning dew flowers."

Miss Mina showed disappointment in her eyes, smiled at the young man, quietly let go of his hand, and the group of people continued to move forward.

Within a few seconds, there was a buzzing sound.

"No, it's a rotting poisonous bee. Quickly fire them to disperse them, otherwise it will be difficult for us to deal with." The villagers screamed.

The fighters took out the torches neatly and uniformly, lit them and stood together. The torches formed a wall.

The sky full of poisonous bees flew like a black cloud, but before the wall of fire composed of twenty or thirty torches, one turned and flew to other places. Soon they found the prey, swarmed up, surrounded a calf-sized blood beast, and slammed it ~www.readwn.com~ to poison it. Then gathered the power of all the poisonous bees, wrapped up the calf carcass, and flew towards the nest.

"... It's dangerous. These guys are far more terrifying than a crimson-level blood beast. But they are full and won't reappear in a few days. There should be no danger." The young man wiped his cold sweat, and Mina immediately ordered. Forward.

After about three hundred meters, a group of red strange fish with limbs sprang out of the water, and they rushed towards the crowd with their mouth wide open.

"Sharptooth fish, be careful, they are staring at us, and their intelligence is very low, they are not scary at all, this time they are endless!" the villager shouted.

The fighters drew their weapons and slashed these sharp-toothed fish frantically. Each knife and every sword could kill several sharp-toothed fish, but some people would be bitten, but the strong armor resisted most of the dangers.

"Help me!" At this moment, the young villager screamed and was bitten by dozens of sharp-toothed fish.

Several long swords suddenly appeared on him, quickly strangling dozens of sharp-toothed fish and saving him.

It took a full five minutes to kill this group of nearly a thousand sharp-toothed fish, and the fish corpses were all over the floor.

"No, this is only one kilometer away, and I have already encountered a second danger. Tell me, what else is behind? How long will it take to find the morning dew flower?" Miss Mina showed a solemn expression.

The young villager wiped his cold sweat and said: "You have to walk at least ten kilometers before you may encounter the morning dew flower. But the guy behind is more terrifying, there are at least ten more battles, and near the morning dew flower in the rotting mud It is the territory of a group of four-ringed snakes. According to the map of the village chief, there are about seven or eight. Miss Mina, please figure it out."

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