I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 178: Sad Linlin

This should be his new teammate. A thought flashed in Leo's mind, shook his head and quickly left behind, waiting with peace of mind. After about ten minutes, it was the turn of the female warlock in front. She represented the five people alone, took back the deposit of 1,000 gold coins each, turned around to Obi and the others, and dragged them away.

Vaguely, Leo still heard the female warlock talking: "Idiot, if you want to pull the warlock, I can go to the teacher's tower to find it, and there is no need to pull people outside. Obi, you are not allowed to make your own claims in the future!" ...

Leo faintly heard these words and was stunned for a moment. He could only walk to the stage with a wry smile, and reported his name and the time for signing the adventure agreement.

"Leo? You and Polk signed an agreement together. Now only you are back. Do you have any explanation?" The agreement deacon asked seriously.

"Yes. We are in great danger. A wind-winged mantis appeared unexpectedly, so we had to hide separately. Polk was discovered by the wind-winged mantis and told me the secret words before he died and asked me to help him get his deposit back. , And gave it all to his woman Linlin. Then, he was killed by the wind-winged mantis, and even the corpse was not preserved. And I was lucky that it was not discovered by the wind-winged mantis at the time. Was able to survive."

What Leo said was basically the truth, but only the first half.

The deacon of the agreement stared at Leo and said, "Because of the murder, I will ask the Ear of Truth next. You repeat what you just said. If the situation is true, you will speak the secret words again and receive Polk's deposit."

This is a process that cannot be rejected, and it is also the reason why many adventurers choose the Warlock Palace to sign the adventure agreement. Leo nodded to express his understanding. Soon, a strange ear the size of a person appeared beside the deacon.

This is the Ear of Reality, which is an advanced magic power item at a glance. According to the book, it seems to be a level four magic power item, possessing the magical power to distinguish between truth and falsehood. Leo repeated what he had just said without changing his face, the Ear of Truth beat himself slightly, and then turned away.

"Very well, Leo, you are telling the truth. Polk, alas, poor boy."

The deacon looked so good, smiled, took out five fourth-level crystals and handed them to Leo. At the same time, he asked: "Do you need me to inform Linlin? I know her and Polk, although they are not very familiar. "

"If it's not troublesome, thank you so much. Apart from Crystal, Polk has other things for me to give to her. I'm worried about how to find her."

Polk also left items such as windfly puppets, staffs, etc., which added up to a value of at least a few thousand gold coins. They were all messages belonging to Linlin and needed to be forwarded. As for the boiling potions and spell books. . . Leo watched it on the way back, and after comparing it with the memory in the knowledge fragment, there was some missing, and he still needed to keep it by himself.

The deacon immediately called a servant, and after a few orders, the servant hurriedly left. Then Leo walked aside for the time being as the deacon ordered. About twenty minutes later, the sorcerer who had met that day hurried over with an anxious expression on her face. As soon as she saw Leo, she rushed over and grabbed Leo's arm, tears welling up before she even spoke.

"Pok, my dearest Polk, how is he? Tell me, why didn't he come back? Did he go soaking up women again, so he didn't come back? Didn't he?" Linlin hissed frantically. Shouting, tears gushing out, already crying.

The crowd onlookers were either adventurers themselves or people in the warlock hall, and they also had guest appearances for a few days. They all felt the same, and the whole warlock hall was silent for a while.

Now that she has guessed it. Leo was silent for a while and replied sadly: "I'm sorry, it's a wind-winged mantis, I can't save him. No, I can only hide aside and watch him..." At this point, Leo stopped. After the words, I did not say any more.

Although everyone present followed the words and guessed Polk's tragic end, everyone showed a pity and didn't say anything.

"No, it's impossible! You liar! Polk must be alive. He must have gone to the Mystery Tavern again to find those foreign women to have fun!" After a daze, Linlin pushed Leo away, madly rushing Out of the warlock hall, rushed to the mystery tavern next door.

Leo took five thousand gold coins, but he didn't have time to give them out.

After a while, the agreement deacon came over, patted Leo on the shoulder, handed him a note, and smiled gently: "Linlin has been with Polk since she was a child. She has not experienced any adventures. Polk has always been in the front. Therefore, she is a little different from ordinary adventurers and cannot accept Polk’s death for a while. Give her some time, let her calm down, and wait a few days before you go to the note. Address, give her what Polk left behind."

Leo took the note, nodded and thanked the deacon. Then he thought about it and wanted to leave his address, and then walked out of the warlock hall. Now, this can only be done.


After leaving the hall of warlocks, Leo went to buy a batch of equipment needed for refining medicine before returning to his residence. The maid Martha was surprised that Leo came back, which meant that her high-paying job had not been lost, and she quickly prepared delicious food for Leo.

Leo counted the time while tasting the craftsmanship of Martha ~www.readwn.com~. Well, it's been ten days since Di Lisa left, should he be back soon? I don't know what news she will bring back this time.

With anticipation in his heart, Leo finished tasting the food and began to sort out the knowledge from Galio.

The knowledge of wind spells, especially those three secret spells, is Galio's reliance on chasing and killing the Darklight Clan, which is very peculiar. The Wings of Wind and the Dark Blade of Wind and Shadow are teachers from Galio, and Galio has only learned the first three levels. The breath of the wind was accidentally obtained by Galio, and he had it all at level one to seven.

The breath of the wind is simply a necessary spell for wild adventures, except that the first level can only detect a range of one kilometer, the second level is two kilometers, and the third level is four kilometers. Galio was at this level at the beginning. The range of four kilometers is enough for him to avoid all threats. The fourth level can detect 10 kilometers, the fifth level is 20 kilometers, and the sixth level reaches the terrifying 40 kilometers, which is comparable to the radar before crossing.

As for the seventh level, reaching a terrifying distance of one hundred kilometers, that is the detection beyond the line of sight, and it is unimaginable magic.

Leo has now mastered one to three levels, but limited by the different types of mana, the earth mana he possesses can't cast wind spells at all, secretly calling it a pity.

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