I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 181: try

   Leo was only a second-level, and his interest diminished a little. What kind of leapfrog fight, can it be better than the puzzled royal family? So he smiled bitterly, and said to Di Lisa: "Di Lisa, trouble you, this star diamond clan is not bad, I will try to control her when I look back."

Di Lisa did not see that Leo’s interest fell sharply, but said seriously: “Leo, if you are not sure to control her, don’t move a sealing needle. These sealing needles were placed by the tower owner himself, he said at the time. However, the body of the Star Diamond Clan is extremely abnormal and can be said to be indestructible below level 4. Only he can insert all the sealing pins in the entire tower without damaging her structure. So... if you accidentally untie it. One, maybe she will be able to break free soon, then..."

   "What? Indestructible below level 4?" Leo was taken aback, and immediately understood the horror of this guy. If Di Lisa did not exaggerate, does that mean that as long as the fourth level is below, only this woman can beat others, and others can't help her at all? This, this is probably not worse than the mutant dragon like Di Lisha, but she is a second-level!

   "I see!" Leo became solemn this time and replied very solemnly. As long as he thinks of a monster below level 4 that cannot be destroyed, it is impossible for him not to take it seriously.

Di Lisa breathed a sigh of relief, clapped her hands and laughed: "Leo, because the star diamond clan is too rare, I pledged your second-level perfect weapon and gave you 10,000 gold coins. You won’t be too expensive if the tower master has replaced her, are you?"

   "Uh, no, if she is really as the tower owner said, it would be worth twice as expensive!" Leo solemnly. Although a second-level alien race can only cost two or three thousand gold coins at most, this star diamond clan really can't be evaluated normally, and it's worth a bit more expensive. Well, although the expensive one is a bit too much, it is almost five or six times the normal third-level alien.

Di Lisa happily passed the remaining thousands of gold coins to Leo, clapped her hands and said loudly, "Now that the distribution of the spoils is complete, shouldn't it be time to celebrate? I propose that we go to the best tavern in Ten Thousand Beasts City for a drink. By the way, you lost to Leo in a bet with 20 bottles of wine, and you have agreed that ten of them are my Jade Flame wine, so you can't fall back on the bill."

   "Um, head, I bet Leo and I on chlorsta wine..." Delaeus struggled in vain on the side, trying to explain the situation.

"What? It's the hot spring fire? Well, I didn't expect Delai you to be generous for a while. Knowing that a bottle of Biyan wine for ten silver coins is not worthy of the leader, I decided to change to the hot spring fire. Tsk, one bottle for one gold coin. Good wine, I haven't drunk it for a few days." Di Lisa laughed and looked up at Dreyus with a smile.

"Captain, it's Lu Rui..." As soon as he said the beginning, he was covered by Jerry next to him, and said in his ear with a voice that everyone can hear: "Drey, you just accept your fate. Go on. , Maybe it has become a red lizard fan wine. Ten bottles of red lizard fan wine, I think half of your harvest this time may be gone."

   Red Lizard Wine, an authentic special wine with both taste and medicinal effects, the price is up to ten gold coins a bottle. Although half of the harvest is an exaggeration, ten bottles add up to a hundred gold coins, which is scary enough. The corners of Dreyus' mouth twitched, and he bowed his head silently.

   "Well, captain, I'll go in a while and deal with the Star Diamond Clan first. In case something happens during drinking, I can't afford such a loss!" Leo explained with a wry smile. What he said was the truth, fifty or sixty thousand gold coins, he really couldn't afford such a loss.

  Di Lisa patted her head, and said quickly, "How can one be less celebrated? It's okay, we'll wait for you."

   Leo sighed. Although he hoped that they would leave, he knew that this was impossible. He could only carefully pick up the Star Diamond from the carriage, chose a room and walked in, and then closed the door.

   It is impossible for him to use his abilities in front of anyone.

   The Star Diamond Clan has more than one hundred seal needles all over his body, far exceeding the number normally required. And these seal needles didn't look like ordinary goods. No wonder she couldn't move a bit. You could see the prudence of the person who put the needles.

   Leo frowned, looking at the star diamond tribe woman, suddenly felt that the blood worm seemed unreliable. Because this guy has no flesh and blood at all!

   Since enslaving Frost One, he has once again condensed a three-talented blood worm in the past half month. He originally planned to continue to condense, but it seems that he needs a try at this time. With a nervous mood, Leo stretched out his hand and pressed it on the top of the Star Diamond Clan's head. Under her transparent and colorless gaze, the blood worm hit her skin with a scream, and slipped back full of bags.

   "This!" Leo was shocked instantly. After thinking for a while, he put his hand on her ear again, and the blood worm got in from the ear smoothly this time, it seemed that success was hopeful.

   However, it didn't take long for the bloodworm to crawl out of the ear again~www.readwn.com~ An idea was passed to Leo-unable to fuse.

   This star diamond clan is indeed not a flesh and blood life, and not only the outside, but also the inside is a diamond structure, and they don’t know how to multiply! In desperation, Leo retracted the blood worm and stared at the Star Diamond Clan, his expression beginning to be uncertain.

   The way out now is to abandon the Star Diamond Clan or try to enslave her with the Confusion Clan talent. There are a total of four vacancies for his mind-conflicting talents, which have enslaved Shane, Elise and Jace respectively, and now there is one vacancy left.

"Is it true that when I made up my mind to never enslaves intelligent creatures again, it would really become an empty talk? Even so, it wouldn't mean that all the four vacancies would enslave intelligent creatures, right?" Leo thought of this impulse to kill. He kept rolling his eyes, not knowing what to choose for a while.

   Whether it was Shane, or the young couple of Elise and Jess, he did not forcibly enslaved them, but found the flaws in their hearts, guided them in accordance with the situation, and persuaded them with words, and then they succeeded in enslaving. But this one in front of me. . . Are there any vulnerabilities in the mind without talking about it, even if you can't communicate with each other, how can you convince them?

   For a while, Leo only felt a terrible headache.

   "If there is really no other way, I can only try it!" Leo flashed a thought for a long time, fixed his eyes on the Star Diamond Clan woman, and stared at her cold gaze.

"Hehe, you must hate me very much? After all, to you, I am a foreign race, and I am still the foreign race that caused you to suffer this kind of pain." Leo said as he touched a certain sealing needle lightly. Then he continued to stare at her, was silent for a moment, and smiled: "But soon, you will admire me!"


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