I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 193: Tentative

"Well, you go over." Leo nodded and agreed to Xingmei's request.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, after hearing the conversation between the two, the leading knight laughed, turned and nodded to the woman who was holding the carriage of their team. The woman understood the meaning, took out a piece of light armor made of black metal and held it in front of Xingmei.

At this time, the leading knight smiled to Leo and said, "This is a set of second-level armor, made of cold abyssal iron, and is a set of soft armor I treasure. Although the defense is not strong, it has very good fire resistance. And there is no need for special energy drive. I found that you, an alien slave, don’t seem to have special energy. You rely on your body to fight. This armor can cover her up so that you don’t have to look for clothes to wear after every battle."

"Then, I will thank Xingmei instead." Leo hesitated and decided to accept it. The reason, naturally, I don't want to offend these people.

Yes, although they were very friendly, saving people and giving things away, two hunting teams with completely unequal strengths met in the wild. In a better situation, the strong one will be indifferent and the weak one. Keep your distance, refuse them to approach, let alone show it.

This is still a good situation, if you encounter a cruel and strong person. . . The Black Tiger Hunting Group is an example.

Xingmei put on the soft armor at Leo's sign, and then still stood behind Leo. At this time, Di Lisha and others discovered that the situation had changed and they had already turned to this side. However, this group of people did not look at Di Lisa and the others in the distance at all, their eyes fell on Xingmei many times, and it seemed that their interest in her was far greater than that of his master.

"Well, what kind of race are you alien slave? Why have I never seen it?" Gal, who had rescued Rio before, asked first.

"Oh, she is a diamond race, and the area where her race lives is extremely far away. She has lived here because of special circumstances, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to go back in this life." Leo sighed and shook his head to explain. . The star diamond clan’s name was deliberately changed to the diamond clan to prevent them from actually knowing this alien race.

"Oh..." Gail nodded and said after a moment of silence: "Then, why is she so obedient to you? I don't think you seem to be at the second level? You won't be her opponent at all!"

When Gail asked this question, Leo vaguely felt that the atmosphere was a little weird. It seemed that the breath of these seven people had converged a little, and they were listening attentively.

"Oh, this..."

Leo paused, scanning around. These seven people deliberately pretended not to care, or played with their nails, or stroking weapons, or looked at Leo with a smile, and made him move, and said solemnly: "If it wasn't because you saved me, I wouldn't have talked about such a problem Xingmei wandered alone, and the first thing I met was me. I treated her like my family, so she gradually felt a sense of belonging and decided to follow me. Later, I took an adventure and got an ancient contract. Yes. Let the two connect life and death, and at the same time can perceive each other’s location. Considering the occasional distraction during the adventure, Xingmei took the initiative to use the contract, giving us the ability to perceive each other’s location up close."

Perceiving the location at close range is just one of the peculiarities of the Confusion Clan's talents, and there are many other abilities. The key is that this ability is generally unilateral, unless Leo, as the master, temporarily allows the slave to perceive his position and emotions.

"That's it." The seven looked at each other calmly, and the leading knight suddenly laughed and said to Leo: "My name is Travis, the leader of the Ice Hunting Group."

When he said this, it happened that Di Lisa and the others ran over. He stopped for a while, and waited for Di Lisa and the others to come, before continuing to introduce: "Gail is holding a two-handed sword, and Pomit is holding a gun. The two of them quarrel every day. You should have known each other."

Then he pointed to the remaining three people and introduced: "The one holding the shield is Thurman, the one holding the dagger is Theodore, and the one holding the bow and arrow is Sonny..."

Travis introduced everyone to him, and it was strange that he didn't wait for Rio to introduce them to Di Lisa. Instead, he smiled and said, "My friend, are you interested in exploring a lava world with us? We have been in and out several times. We have basically figured out the situation in the periphery. If we are interested, our two hunting groups should be able to gain a lot from cooperation."

Cooperation? Cooperate with a team that is all three-level knights? This joke is not funny at all. There was a trace of chill in Leo's heart, and he was not happy to know the world of lava.

He told Leo and the others about such important news at once, which almost meant that this invitation should not be rejected.

Although Leo had long known the existence of the lava world.

Di Lisa and the others are not stupid, and soon they want to understand the key, and her face is difficult to look at all of a sudden. A group of three-level knights have invited you to cooperate. Although it is worthy of joy, where is your role? Responsible for death?

"Haha, if you don’t speak, then I will take it as you agreed. Very good, we stayed in the lava world for several days, and some food and water were exhausted. It just so happened that you brought a lot of food and water, which is great. ."

Travis said with a smile, turned his head and gestured to Gail and Pomit. The two ran to Leo's lost convoy, pulled the two surviving horses, and brought the things in twice. Then, the people of the crushed ice hunting group began to take food and water.

An unexpected thing happened at this time~www.readwn.com~ The escaped fish-head leopard actually pierced the water tank and drained all the water in it during the short time it occupied the convoy.

Barlow wasted a fire gem and released a fire spell to fill the hole in the water tank. Travis pondered for a moment, and suddenly pointed to Xingmei and said: "Since we are already teammates, then one person from each team... Just you, follow Pomit to fetch water."

They have conspiracies, and they seem to have no room for resistance. . . Leo pondered for a while and nodded to Xingmei. Xingmei got up and followed Pomit, the two of them pushed the carriage with the water tank together, and walked away.

After about half an hour, Jerry became puzzled first, and whispered: "Strange, there are not many water sources around here, where did Xingmei and the others go?"

Leo could vaguely perceive the approximate direction of Xingmei, and found that she had circled a large circle to the opposite side of the departure direction. But he did not speak, and vaguely guessed what Travis was thinking in his heart.

At this moment, Travis walked over with a smile, and said to Leo: "The two of them have gone too long, I'm afraid they are in danger. Leo, you didn't mean that you can induce your slave through that contract. Where is it? Feel it, and I'll let Gail go and see."

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