I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 199: The role of Xingmei

   "Head, how many green fire monsters are there?" Theodore was a little far away, and couldn't see how much was left.

"There are almost a dozen more. Although they can swim in the river, they don't dare to dive into the magma for too long, and they will soon be killed. When they are killed, there are four blue fire monsters left. They should not be able to stop them. The crystal of brilliance that the woman threw out." Travis replied with excitement, seeing hope.

"Master Theodore, is it too dangerous to throw it here? What if the Crystal of Light falls into the lava river... Isn't my reward gone." Leo looked worried and said to Theodore. complain.

"The shining crystal will not melt... However, it still can't fall in. Even the captain, with full combat power, can only sneak into the lava river for a few seconds, and it may not be picked up. Boy, let your slave girl Be careful, she must be sure to lose it!" Theodore's face was difficult to look, and he sternly told Leo.

Leo didn't pay attention to Theodore's stern expression, turned his back to Theodore, and said to Xingmei with a serious face: "Have you heard, even the leader and the fire spirit dare not sneak into the lava river for too long. It can be seen that Its temperature is high. When you wait for it to pass, especially after you get the crystal of brilliance, don't fall into the river."

   While talking, Leo blinked at Xingmei vigorously. Xingmei was stunned for a moment, and a smile appeared from the corners of her diamond-like mouth. She blinked at Leo and said, "I, I fully understand what you mean, my master."

   "Do you really understand?" Leo confirmed again. Xingmei nodded, and turned her head slightly to look at the lava river.

"Okay! Just understand." Leo laughed in satisfaction, turned his head and said to Theodore: "Master Theodore, I have told her, she will be very careful after getting the Crystal of Light. , Will be thrown over only if you are sure."

  Theodore looked at Leo and laughed deeply. Leo also held the Earth Orb, and smiled at him.

   At this moment, there was a strange cry faintly in the distance, accompanied by the footsteps of landslides and cracks. The faces of the people in the crushed ice group changed drastically, and they shouted in unison: "No, it's a giant lava bear."

   "Captain, it must be aimed at the shining crystal, what shall we do?" Barlow didn't even cast the spell, looking at Travis with a pale face.

   "You can only have a chance with the fire monsters! Send that woman over immediately!" Travis screamed.

   Barlow seemed to be prepared for a long time, and immediately chanted the spell, the wand pointed at Xingmei, and a hurricane immediately enveloped Xingmei, leading her up into the sky and rushing towards the island in the center of the river.

   Leo looked at the distant star beauty, his face became extremely ugly.

   His plan, with the appearance of the giant lava bear, became a dilemma. Originally, he had a perfect plan. Xingmei took away the shining crystal and temporarily lurked in the lava river, but he activated the bracelet to leave, leaving the crushed ice group empty. But with the emergence of this accident, everything became meaningless.

   "Damn giant lava bear!" Leo couldn't help cursing.

   "Damn it! But, we can't beat it. This guy is a fourth-level lava creature!" Theodore was suddenly on the side, staring at the firelight at the end of the lava river, his face was not much better than Rio.

   "Level 4! Is it the master of this miniature lava world?" Leo asked unwillingly.

"Probably not. We only explored this area and found that its territory is this area. According to territorial theory, there must be creatures that are not worse than it in other places, so it will be restricted." Under the huge threat , Theodore's attitude became much better, and he answered Leo's question simply.

   At this moment, Xingmei has exceeded the control range of the Barlow spell, and the hurricane on her body quickly dissipated, causing her to fall quickly. At the same time, a large group of red dots flew up from the island, like a fiery red cloud, welcoming the stars.

"That's... the deadly sting that even the giant lava bear fears!" Although the crisis was imminent, everyone stopped at this moment and stared at Xingmei to see if she could withstand the glare bee. Stinger.

   At this moment, at the end of the lava river in the distance, a huge creature showed its appearance. It's a bit like an infinitely magnified giant bear, but its body is made up of lava flowing stones. It is also the largest that Leo has ever seen, and it should be no less than five meters tall.

   "Wow!" It also seemed to have seen the scene where Xingmei was about to face the Yaoguang swarm, made a huge roar, and rushed forward.

   "Puff!" Xingmei and Yaoguang swarm suddenly collided. At this moment, Leo suddenly said: "Oops, I forgot to tell Xingmei what the Crystal of Light looks like!" As he said, he hurried to the river.

   Theodore was taken aback for a moment, and quickly followed, but did not stop him. At this moment, he is the same as the rest of the ice group, most of his energy is concentrated on Xingmei, and the lesser half is on the lava giant bear. He is not too outrageous with Leo and has no thoughts about it~www.readwn.com~ the other side , Xingmei was under the attack of the dazzling bee swarm, exuding the brilliance of diamonds all over, and suddenly fell on the island. She had already seen the dazzling brilliance of the shining crystal, against the sting of the bee swarm, grabbed the shining crystal.

   "Hurry up, throw it here!" Travis' cheeks flushed with excitement, tears filled his eyes, and he screamed.

   "Head, pay attention, the giant lava bear is only a few miles away from us. After we get the shining crystal, we will retreat immediately, and hope everyone can escape safely."

   Travis immediately yelled: "You go now, I will go after I get the shining crystal!"

  The people from the ice-breaking group immediately packed up their weapons and quickly retreated to the distance. However, at this moment, the four blue fire spirits suddenly became excited and rushed to the island in the direction of Xingmei frantically.

   "Boy, let your slave girl throw the shining crystal here!" Travis suddenly swung his sword against Leo's neck and shouted sharply.

  Leo sighed in his heart. Originally, he wanted to ask Xingmei to postpone the time and use the giant lava bear pit to smash the ice masses. Unexpectedly, Travis was so decisive that he actually ordered all the people in the regiment to flee, and it seemed that his plan had failed.

"Remove the sword and I will shout! Otherwise, I will let her throw the shining crystal into the river." Leo watched as a few blue fire spirits rushed onto the island, and was immediately surrounded by groups of shining bees Live, fell down the lava river with screams, and said without hesitation.

   "Then right now!" Travis retracted the sword without any hesitation.

   Leo looked at Travis, and suddenly showed a weird smile at him, and his figure suddenly disappeared in front of him.


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