I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 203: Tallinn

Ackerman and Jerry are in the same situation, turning their heads to look at Di Lisa together.

"Don't look at me, it's not very useful for me. I don't talk about the problem of inability to contribute. First, I am too far away from the third level. At least it will be several years. Second, wait until I reach the third level. Extremely, the tower master will help me to do a purification, to promote the dragon bloodline with the physical body, rather than relying on battle ability to promote. In this way, after reaching the championship, although I don’t have the power of leapfrog challenge like now, my strength will be very good. Strong!" Di Lisa shrugged and recounted the reasons she didn't use.

"In this case... the crystal of brilliance is mine!" Leo threw the crystal of brilliance and put it away. Since Di Lisa doesn't need it, and others don't need it, according to the principle of keeping the hunting group's harvest as useful, this thing naturally belongs to him.

As for the earth spirit ball, although the knight is also useful, it is more effective in the hands of the warlock. This is a consensus. Everyone didn't mention this, it was owned by Leo by default.

"Of course it belongs to you. That's it. By the way, I suddenly thought, if it wasn't for Xingmei's strange talents, would that crushing ice group clean up us as soon as it met us?" Dreyus said this, but he suddenly realized it, and only then did he remember it.

"Drey, you finally understand. Actually..." Jerry said here and glanced at Ackerman, but after thinking about it, he said, "Actually, I also want to understand the reason for the destruction of the Black Tiger. The leader brought people to the Black Water Pool to hunt, and the lava world was not far from the Black Water Pool. In order to keep the secrets of the lava world from leaking, the group of guys cruelly killed everyone in the Black Tiger group!"

Speaking of this, he gritted his teeth and said: "Originally, they came forward to get rid of, the old leader will definitely leave. But they chose to kill and kill, which is really hateful."

"Okay, don't be sad anymore." Leo looked at Ackerman, who bowed his head and said nothing, patted Jerry on the shoulder, and changed the subject: "By the way, next to Tallinn, you gave me the violent rhino The group route is no longer available, should you make up for me?"

"Uh..." Jerry rolled his eyes. Although he knew that Leo was joking, he could only shrug his shoulders: "Okay, okay, I'll help you find a safe route when you get there. In fact, if you have money, It’s not difficult to buy a route map. People who are afraid of selling it will deliberately keep one hand, then it’s troublesome. Well, leave it to me."

Leo smiled and nodded. Everyone chatted for a while, and then simply rested for the night, waiting for Xingmei to catch up. When it was still dark the next day, Leo felt strange, and when he woke up, he saw Xingmei standing quietly outside his tent.

"It's nice that you come back safely." Leo looked at Xingmei and smiled slightly. Xingmei smiled back, took out a fiery red stone, and handed it to Leo.

"Is that the core of the blue fire monster?" Leo was slightly happy. Unexpectedly, Xingmei not only grabbed the blue fire spirit and went deep into the magma, but also killed him. It seemed that Xingmei's fire resistance was even higher than that of the Blue Fire Spirit Monster.

"We will leave for a while and go to a new human city." Leo put away the core of the blue fire spirit monster and said to Xingmei. However, to her, human beings are all different races, and there shouldn't be any difference in which city, right?

About two more hours later, Di Lisa and others woke up one after another. After seeing Xingmei, they all thanked them sincerely. Xingmei declined a bit uncomfortable, but Leo faintly felt the joy surging in her heart.

"She is actually a shy girl." A thought flashed in Leo's mind. But he obviously wouldn't let Xingmei know that he could spy on her emotions, and remained silent on the side with no expression.

After daybreak, everyone slowly ate breakfast, and then followed Jerry to start the journey. When approaching the Ten Thousand Beast City, Jerry led the crowd for a while, left the Jade Province, and entered the Monash Province next door. Then he walked along the official avenue of Monash Province, and walked for five days before turning into the Emerald Province again. It didn't take long before he saw a new city.

This new city is different from Ten Thousand Beasts. There are some tall towers with spires standing all over the city, giving it a unique view.

"Leo, this is the safe route that Di Lisa has been taking, haha, safe enough!" Jerry said to Leo with a smile.

Leo rolled his eyes and said, "I looked at you high. I thought you would take us across the Emerald Plain, from Thousand Beast City to Tallinn City. As a result, you actually came on such a route. Who wouldn't? "

"Hahaha." Jerry laughed and followed Di Lisa into Tallinn. Before long, Di Lisa stopped in front of a luxurious manor.

"This is my father's manor, but he is basically in the tower, and he rarely comes here. Usually there are housekeepers and some servants here, as well as my half-sister. She will come here occasionally. . Well, she also awakened the dragon blood."

Di Lisa looked a little complicated, and paused before saying: "But she is a little different from me. She has inherited strong spiritual power and her body is similar to ordinary people, so she chose the path of warlock. I and her are quite different in age. The road is different, there is no common language, and the relationship is very cold."

"Well, I understand. But Captain, why are you bringing us here?" Jerry asked a little bit uncomprehendingly.

"Live!" Di Lisa spit out a word cleanly ~www.readwn.com~ and then took the lead to walk inside. Soon a fat butler ran out, and when he saw Di Lisa from a distance, she shouted: "Ah, Miss Di Lisa, it's so amazing, why are you here?"

"I'll stay here for a while, until the old man drove me away." Di Lisa said coldly, and the fat manager immediately exclaimed: "Oh my God, how is that possible! My lord can't wait for you to live here forever, he always I can see you every time I come back, how could I drive you away? By the way, Miss Di Lisa, are these your friends? Are they going to live here too?"

"Yes, they are my friends and teammates. Of course they live with me." Di Lisa glared at the Fat Manager unceremoniously and said loudly.

"Oh, this way, the master is not here now, I don't know when to come back next time, and Miss Sophia likes quiet again..."

"You just say it's okay, if it doesn't work, I'll leave right away!" Di Lisa interrupted the fat manager and said coldly.

"This... all right, since Miss Di Lisa's instructions, I will definitely follow." The fat manager responded, and immediately began to loudly order the servants to tidy up the room and arrange the accommodation for several people.

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