I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 214: Have their own plans

"Head, let's not chase after him like this, we will have problems ourselves. I agreed with him that we will not exceed Xiaohe and talk about it first. Let's clean up these strange animals first!" Barlow shouted loudly in the sky. One sentence.

"Barlow, you bastard, what are you talking about? The souls of Thurman and Theodore are still watching us, so you..." Pomit was about to swear, and Travis suddenly turned his head and glanced at the crowd. At a glance, he whispered: "Shut up, after killing the alien beast, listen to Barlow's thoughts, and then decide what to do."

The head of the group said that even though the people in the Shattered Ice Group were resentful, they could only stop, turning around and venting, and began to slaughter the group of strange animals that followed.

For a time, blood flowed into a river on the other side of the river.


After Leo landed, he closed his eyes and felt magical energy for the first time.

"Huh, it's only so much loss? I flew for about ten minutes, and I inspired more wind shadow dark blades to kill Theodor, which should consume a lot." Leo was a little surprised, touching his chin and thinking for a while, probably Guess it is related to teacher Nicholas' meditation.

There are too many doubts in his heart, just because of this question. Taking advantage of the broken ice group and the alien beasts to kill into a group, and there is no time to pay attention to this side, take out the shadow mirror to activate it, hide it in a place where you can't see it on the other side, and then start looking for a strange beast to kill, skin and bone , Remove the internal organs and head, set it on the fire for barbecue. It was after such a short time that he reacted to the shadow mirror.

"Leo, what's the matter?" Palmer appeared opposite the mirror.

"Teacher, I'm being chased by a group of strong knights, take a moment to ask Mr. Nicholas a few questions!" Leo held the mirror while talking, while turning the mirror concealedly, so that Palmer could see it. Crushing ice group across the river.

"...You can, Leo, you can roast meat while being chased by someone?" From this turning point of view, Palmer not only saw the crowd cleaning up the alien beasts, but also saw Leo's fresh food. Barbecue.

"This... Everyone is hungry, so we can talk about stopping to have a meal together, and then start chasing." Leo blinked and explained the situation honestly.

"... You are very good chasing, do you stop at night, find a tavern for a drink, and have a deep exchange with the beauties of the tavern by the way, and get up the next day to continue?" Palmer looked unbelievable. Look like.

This time, it was Leo's turn to roll his eyes and looked at Palmer for a long time before saying: "I said teacher, why do you not believe your students like this? Okay, no matter what you want to kill or not, you Help me ask Mr. Nicholas, after flying in the sky for a full ten minutes, why does the magic consume only one tenth? Also, how do I feel that besides my strength, I have reached level three..."

Having said this, Leo frowned suddenly, not knowing how to describe it. His strength has indeed reached the third level, and it is still the third level extremely, this point Theodore who died in the ice-breaking group can prove it with his life. However, he knew there was something wrong, but he didn't know what to say.

"What else?" Palmer waited for a while without a sound, and gave him a strange look.

"... You can help me ask Nicholas teacher, what is the deep difference between the third level of the magic transfer technique and the third level reached by normal cultivation?" Leo finally thought of how to ask this matter.

"All right, I'll help you ask." Palmer nodded, preparing to close the mirror.

"Wait. Teacher, I have one more question for you. If I am underground, is the bracelet transmission random, or is there any destination?" Leo suddenly remembered a key question, and he was not sure if Palmer was right. I know, but I still asked.

"You bracelet... I heard the Grand Duke talk about it, although it is a random teleportation for ten miles, but because of the moonlight, the destination after the teleportation will generally choose a place with more moonlight. You are teleporting underground, if it is within ten miles. When it reaches the ground, it will upload."

Palmer actually knew about this, and after answering Leo's doubts, he said impatiently: "You kid, do you have any questions?"

"Thank you, teacher, I have no problem." Leo thanked Palmer with a grin and watched him close the mirror.

At this moment, the ice-crushing group on the other side of the river also settled the group of irritable and brainless alien animals, standing in place as if arguing about something.


"Barlow, make it clear, why reconcile with that Leo? The souls of Thurman and Theodore are still watching you!" Pomit was implicated by Leo and almost died. He was the one with the deepest hatred.

"Not a reconciliation, but a temporary peace talks."

Barlow sneered and asked, "If you keep chasing like this, do you think you can really catch him? This kid suddenly became a third-level wind warlock somehow, and his strength is no worse than mine."

"Even if you are stupid and take risks with me all year round, you should also know that wind warlocks are the only two warlocks who can fly on their own at level three, and they are extremely fast. How do you catch up? he?"

Pomit did not hesitate to say: "But the consumption is also high, and the endurance is not comparable to our knights. As long as we insist on chasing for an hour, he will definitely run out of demons and let us slaughter."

"Hahaha, an hour? Pomit, stop talking about these stupid things, open your eyes and see what place is here! But after only ten minutes of chasing ~www.readwn.com~, I have encountered so many Alien beast. Although we walk slowly, we can clean up all the way, but will you have time to clean up during the hunt? Let alone an hour, and another ten minutes of chasing, we will enter the depths of the southeast area of ​​the Emerald Plain. What is there for you? Don't you know?" Barlow retorted mercilessly.

Pomit turned his head and thought for a moment, and suddenly his face changed. Gale on one side said: "Pomit, don't faint, Barlow is not wrong. Thurman and Theodore's hatred will of course be reported, but they can't chase a wind warlock on the emerald plain. Running all the way, what's the difference between this and death? The white-toothed two-headed lion's territory is ten minutes ahead. I don't want a group of us to go over and give it a meal."

"However, the Emerald Great Plains also have fourth-level raptors, and maybe he will meet fourth-level raptors earlier than us!" Pomit roared in a low voice, unwillingly.

"In that way, even though I helped Thurman and Theodore avenge in disguise, I don't think it's enjoyable enough. And you keep saying that you want to take his bones down and boil it into soup? More importantly, he fell into it. In the mouth of the fourth-level raptor, do you still want to retrieve the crystal of brilliance?" Barlow sneered on the side.

Pomit turned to look at Travis. Travis looked back at him calmly, without speaking. However, after more than ten years of getting along, Pomit couldn't see the head of his mind, and immediately lowered his head and stopped talking.

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