I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 219: Toxic Smoke

Travis did not answer, but accelerated his pace and said loudly: "This is an unexplored miniature lava world. We are blocked by the giant lava bear and can't explore the depths. However, we only found this. In the film, three pieces of flame essence have appeared, as well as precious treasures such as the shining crystal."

After a pause, he said again: "I suspect this is a lava world that hasn't been set foot on. After the shining crystal was taken away by the **** kid, I left a letter to my teacher. , Marked the location here. If I go back smoothly, my teacher will not see the letter. If I die, the soul candle I left behind will go out immediately, and my teacher should see it soon Letter, and come right away."

   Dick smiled indifferently and said, "Is the ice feather knight Mustaq-sama? Ha ha, old friend, you underestimate me. Apart from being promoted to the championship, would I care about this?"

Travis solemnly said: "You will be wrong. What I want to say is that the kid deliberately brought us here, there must be some kind of trap. I have avenged Thurman and Theodore, and I have not hesitated to live and die, so Just a word to remind you."

   "A giant lava bear?" Dick's face was serious and thoughtful, and he took out a strange white pearl, smiled at Travis, and suddenly crushed it.

"You..." Travis, who had always been calm, looked a little hard to look at. An anger surged on his face, then he suppressed it forcibly, and said coldly, "Didn't you say that the lava world is useless to you? Why did you crush it again? A precious soul-oriented orb?"

"Yes, it's really useless for me, but it's still precious to the college I belong to. My teacher will be very happy. Old friend, don't blame me, you should know that I am helpless doing this." Dick looked at Travis with a wry smile. This time, Travis didn't speak, took a deep look at Dick, and silently turned his head back.

   A group of people walked for more than an hour, and the floating blue smoke river could already be seen ahead. Travis and Dick walked into the Blue Smoke River first, and then the others entered one after another.

   "Not good, poisonous! Do you want to kill us and swallow the crystal of brilliance?" Mira just entered the range of the blue smoke, and immediately yelled out of color.

This time, even Dick, who had always trusted Travis so much, changed his face drastically. The people with Mira and other Ink Shadow Hunting Groups suddenly withdrew from the range of Blue Smoke, holding weapons and looking on guard, while looking at it. Watching the terrain while watching the crushed ice group.

   It’s also a coincidence that the terrain of the cave is a bit like a bottomless gourd in this section of the Lanyan River, and the inside is getting wider and wider, but the diameter of the gourd mouth is only two meters, which is very narrow. If someone destroys this section, the disintegrating stone will block the cave, and it will be impossible to get through without a few days of cleaning, and then smoke it with poisonous smoke. . .

   "Travis, for a shining crystal, you spend too much time, right?" Dick looked ugly and looked at the old friend with a strange look.

"Dick, I swear, I didn't know it was poisonous at all. And we have cleaned up here dozens of times, and even got three pieces of flame essence and shining crystals. How could it be poisonous?" Travis looked stunned. , Shook his head without thinking to clarify.

   The other people in the ice crush group also looked puzzled, not knowing the situation.

   The atmosphere suddenly became silent. After a few seconds, Mira suddenly said, "I am a water warlock, and I have a secret water spell that is specifically used to detect toxins. I can say with certainty that the smoke is poisonous, and it is enough for three. A powerful poison that produces full effect."

  Mila was so sure, everyone in the Ice Crushing Group was a little bit suspicious, and sucked their noses hard. After a few clicks, Sunny said hesitantly: "Captain, Mira may not have lied this time. You know my blood. I just sniffed it hard and found that there seemed to be a trace of the sulfur in the blue smoke. The smell of rotting leaves. This has never happened before."

Travis immediately ran out of the blue smoke area with the icebreaker group, his face was ugly and said: "That kid led us here, it turns out that there is such a poison in his hand! No need to think about it, it must be. That kid’s plan deliberately placed the poison in the pungent blue smoke, let us neglect the poison and let him kill."

   Travis said so, the members of the Ink Shadow Hunting Group looked at each other and slowly relaxed. Of course they are not so easy to believe, but they have been together, and the broken ice group has no time to put the poison.

   "Travis, isn't it you?" Dick asked solemnly.

"Dick, if I let it go, I will never be able to be promoted to the championship! Alas, you know my character, and I don’t like tricks. I admit that I desperately desire the Crystal of Light, but I will fight with you openly. , I would never use this method! Besides ~www.readwn.com~ your teacher is coming soon, do I need to find death?" Travis smiled bitterly and shrugged to Dick.

"...I believe you. So, what can we do to get there? With this poisonous smoke blocking, the shining crystal is simply hard to reach. Or, wait for my teacher to come over?" Dick stared at the blue smoke from a distance. His brows frowned deeply.

   Everyone was silent for a while.

   When Teacher Dick comes over, there will be no suspense about the ownership of the shining crystal, which is definitely not what Travis wants to see. He winked at Sanny. Sanny nodded, took out a bag of things, and said to everyone in the Ink Shadow Hunting Group: "Everyone, I have some high-level detoxification potions here. We can send someone to try if we can treat this kind of medicine. Very toxic and effective."

Mira sneered and took out a package of detoxification potions and said, "High-level detoxification potions, I have them here too. I believe anyone who fights in the Emerald Plains will prepare some, but what's the use? No one knows whether the smoke can be removed. Who is willing to try the poison in the virus?"

   At this moment, a few people look at me and I look at you, and they are speechless.

After a while, Travis took out a light ball that seemed to be like flames, and said to Mira, "Miss Mira, your mount is controlled by a slave crystal, right? I use a flame essence , In exchange for you to drive the leopard to test the poison, what do you think?"

   Travis, it’s not hesitating. A flame essence is worth at least 30,000 gold coins, and it is also a rare item with no market. And a third-level slave beast crystal and a third-level strange beast are not worth that much at all. After all, the alien beast controlled by the slave beast crystal is in danger of backlash, especially at the critical moment, it is more likely to backlash, so the price is very low.


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