I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 223: Sonny's Charge

Mira smiled sadly and replied: "When we left, Master Maxim was still in the academy in the Emerald City, and he hadn’t heard of his plans to go deep into the Emerald Plain recently. Even if he rushed here from the Emerald City, Master Maxim, you can't do it in five or six hours. Hey, in five or six hours..."

   Mila said this and did not continue, but Leo already understood what she meant. Under the hands of a giant lava bear for five or six hours? Just kidding, whether an hour can survive is also a question.

"Tell me about the Dragon Skeleton Valley. The bones of a giant dragon? That is an invaluable treasure, thousands of times more precious than the Crystal of Light. You can't let it be left there." Leo There was indeed a lot of doubt in my mind, and I started to ask this question.

"This was discovered when we cooperated with the Broken Ice Hunting Group. It is true that there is a skeleton after the dragon fell, but... the dragon has fallen for tens of thousands of years, right? Essence and power have long been lost, it is estimated that It’s not turned into ashes, it’s pretty good, where is there any value."

  Leo frowned and looked at Mira silently, revealing a trace of coldness.

"... We estimate that when the giant dragon fell, it was not noticed by intelligent creatures, and then it was eaten by low-level alien beasts in the valley. Countless years have passed, and the offspring of those alien beasts have become very strange, similar to those outside. It's completely different. I suspect that those guys have been changed bloodline by the dragon corpse back then. They have some characteristics of dragon transformation and should be counted as some kind of monster." Mira explained nervously.

  Leo pondered for a while, nodded, accepting Mira's explanation.

"By the way, we found a longan amber inside. It should be when the dragon fell. A longan was somehow wrapped in amber. After a long time, the power in that amber has not been lost, but combined with the power of the longan. Become a strange treasure."

When Mira said this, she shook her head regretfully: "Although we can't get it, we checked the ancient books and learned that the eyes of the super alien have improved observation ability, and the guessing effect will help to hit the door of the championship. It's a pity that The thing is something belonging to a level 4 monster in the Dragon Skeleton Valley. It refuses to leave at all times, and we have no chance to get it."

  Leo was silent for a while, frowning and asked: "The Glory Bee may be troublesome, but for a fourth-level strange beast, your group leader is so eager for such things, why not ask his teacher for help?"

"It's useless. As long as there are monsters with the characteristics of Dragon Transformation, they are terrifying. Although they can't reach the leapfrog level, it is a trivial matter to fight a few of the same kind outside. Kill those third-level dragon mutant beasts. Even if the teachers of the two team leaders join forces, don't even think about fighting against that dragon mutant beast, let alone there is more than one fourth-level dragon mutant beast. Because it is too dangerous, we I quickly gave up that place, planning to wait until I have the strength to explore it." Mira said with a wry smile.

  Leo understands, that place is not accessible at level 4 at all. No wonder the two hunting regiments kept this secret empty but didn't develop it.

   "Xingmei, what's going on outside?" Leo solved his doubts, and left the matter of Dragon Skeleton Valley behind his head, and began to care about the outside affairs.

   "Master, Yaoguang Bee has returned to the hive, I will open a gap, and you can see for yourself." Xingmei said, turning her body sideways, revealing a gap for viewing. Leo leaned in immediately and looked outside.


  At this time, the giant lava bear slowly approached Travis again. Strangely, when approaching ten meters in front of Travis, it stopped, turned its head and looked at the others one by one, revealing a trace of joking in the rolling lava in its eyes.

   This guy is actually playing on purpose!

Sunny had calmed down at the moment, put away the dagger, took a deep breath, and said to Dick: "Without Travis, what is the difference between living or dying? Captain Dick, I'm sorry, I still decided to accompany you. To the lover, walk towards the abyss of death together!" After speaking, the longbow was pulled away like lightning, and a series of three arrows shot into the eyes of the giant lava bear.

   "Sanny, you!!!" Dick turned his head unexpectedly, with a hint of anger on his face. But seeing Sonny's decisive gaze, he suddenly sighed, showing a trace of admiration and sympathy, and stepped aside.

   "Whoo!" Shot by Sonny's three arrows, the lava bear roared with excitement, once again abandoning Travis, and striding towards Sonny.

There was no fear on her face, and she drew her bow and shot another arrow while screaming loudly: "You, a sad monster, are trapped in this boring world. Only by playing with the weak and watching them with fear and fear can they bring you Are you happy? Then I want to tell you, you never want to see my fear, all I can give you is my angry arrow!"

   The giant lava bear couldn't understand Sonny's words, and he still walked towards her unhurriedly.

"Travis, you bastard~www.readwn.com~How can you let people stop me!" Sonny stopped talking nonsense with the giant lava bear, arching around and trying to get close to Travis. At the same time cursing loudly.

   "Sonnie, no, I don't want to watch you die!" Travis was already pale and desperate when Sonny shot the first arrow.

"So, what do you want me to do? In the years to come, crying for missing you day and night? Or day and night regret for not standing up today and failing to die with you? Or day by day The pain and sleepless night, and finally endured decades of torture, and then go to the abyss of death to find you? Terra, you are too cruel, how can you bear the pain of a person who loves you so deeply?" Sunny While asking loudly, tears poured out wildly.

   "No, it's not... You will find a man who is better than me, stronger, and loves you more, and spend the years to come together." Travis shouted loudly,

"So, do you think so? Do you think there will be a man who can hold my hand tightly under the claws of the corpse eagle, and say to me, Sonny, don't give up, hold on to it again? You will let go. Do you think there will be a man who can block the entrance of the cave under the angry impact of the bloodstab beasts, just to save me who is seriously injured behind? Do you think there is another man who can give up for me? With the opportunity to get the Tear of the Night, will it not be possible to break through the championship door for more than ten years?" Sonny yelled sternly as she quickly approached Travis.

   "... Yes, you are so beautiful, so beautiful, maybe... Maybe..." Travis replied blankly, as if countless sickles were being cut in his heart, the pain could not be added.


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