I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 229: Crisis ahead

   After signing the letter of allegiance, the Gresch family paid a lot for Ander's training, including accidental losses caused by several accidents. When you have experience and experience, come to talk about freedom again? It's just that this is an internal family affair, and he doesn't intend to explain it to Steve.

"Well, this free caravan is just a small caravan. It hires a knight and some reserve knights. This time the destination is a small city in the west of Monash Province. But... they also can't afford the high crossing. Cost, choose to go to the sinking mud swamp."

   After Steve finished speaking, he got up and left. Leo didn't explain his relationship with Ender, which made him feel a little unhappy. When he left, he didn't even ask him whether he would stay in the caravan.

   He didn't ask, but Winnie couldn't wait any longer, she raised her head and asked: "Uncle Leo, you, do you have a decision?"

   Leo laughed, touched Winnie's head and said, "Of course, I will accompany Little Winnie on a walk."

   "Hey, that's great. I can read the spellbook for several days again." Winnie laughed, her eyes bent into crescents.


   One day flashed by, and in the early morning of the next day, Alisha walked over with a worried look and told Leo that she was about to send it out. Over the past six months, dozens of caravans have disappeared in the Mud Marsh, with no trace of people or goods. So this time it has united three large caravans, a dozen medium-sized caravans, and twenty or thirty small caravans to move forward together.

   "I know, I will continue to follow the caravan." Leo knew that Alisha was suggesting that he was too late to leave, but Ender's caravan was in the united caravan, so he naturally wouldn't leave.

   Although the papers were lost in the family resident, although he has not yet figured out how to punish the defectors, but slowly, there is always a chance.

   "In that case... Mr. Leo, we will leave after breakfast." Alyssa took a deep look at Leo, reminded him and left. Breakfast came shortly afterwards. After eating, the huge joint caravan slowly spread out from Jinjulin Town. After walking for a mile, it left the wide and smooth road and led along a rugged path towards the wilderness.

   The crisis that Alisha was worried about, Leo didn't pay attention to it, but patiently studied the five secret spells given by Teacher Nicholas. With the help of deep knowledge from Galio, Leo has figured out the basic context of the five spells, and decided to give priority to learning the first secret spell—Netherwind Bulwark.

"This is the defensive spell I urgently need!" Leo recalled the normal defensive spell, the wind shield, which was extremely fragile in front of a strong attack. Drem's javelin pierced his heart, his face couldn't help but look right. The learning of Lingfeng Bulwark is even more urgent.

   There was no interruption along the way. The beasts and strange beasts that appeared on the road were either scared away, or were hacked to death by caravan guards and added meals, but there was no major accident. One evening two days later, the caravan had reached the sinking mud swamp, about one-third of the distance.

   At this moment, Leo's face suddenly changed.

   From the induction of the breath of the wind, he felt a large amount of life ambush three kilometers ahead. Moreover, he sensed at least five auras of the same level, with both combat power and magic power.

   "Winnie, go and call your father over now, I have something important to tell him!" Leo said with a solemn expression to Winnie.

   It was the first time Winnie saw Leo's face so serious, she was slightly startled, and immediately got up and jumped out of the carriage. Soon after, Steve came to the side of the Rio Mar.

   "Mr. Leo, you are eager to call me over, what's the matter?" Steve saw Leo already waiting outside the carriage, strode over, and asked with some doubts.

   "Three kilometers away... No, now we have walked a little longer, it should be less than three kilometers, and a large number of people ambush." ​​Leo coughed and said to Steve seriously.

   "Mr. Leo... can you tell me how you knew it?" Steve looked at Leo suspiciously, and didn't seem to believe it.

   After Galio obtained the breath of the wind, he studied the breath of the wind for thirteen years. At that time, he suspected that this spell had a special origin, but the ruins had been destroyed and could no longer be confirmed. In comparison, whether the Dark Blade of Wind Shadow, Wings of the Wind, or the five secret spells given by Teacher Nicholas, the learning time is about a few months, and it will never exceed a year.

   But now Leo will naturally not explain this to Steve, shrugging and saying: "I just tell you what I know. As for how you decide, I can't control it."

   Steve pondered for a moment, and sighed, "Although I can't believe it, we are already ready to welcome the arrival of the thieves at any time, so I will go and tell everyone what you say."

   "...Then, it's better to tell them that the other party has five third-levels." Leo thought about it, and still said five third-level things. Or this will cause caravans to panic, but it's better than not being prepared.

   "Five three levels???" Steve was taken aback~www.readwn.com~ The blue veins on his forehead jumped, finally healed, and left in a hurry. This is terrible news. There are only three large caravans in the joint caravan, which means that under normal circumstances, there are only three people with third-level strength.

   Leo looked at the leaving figure of Steve, was silent for a while, suddenly turned his head to look at the caravan that Ander was in, and laughed. If the road is calm, he will not be able to punish the defectors. But if the **** battle begins, who will notice the destruction of a small caravan?

  As a person who inherited the Gresch family, Leo's thinking has gradually adapted to the rules of this world, especially the rules of the nobility. For defectors, it would have been magnanimous without Ling Chi being executed.


   After a while, the entire caravan slowly stopped and built a defense. At this time, it was only two kilometers away from the ambush.

   Then, Leo saw a group of powerful men and women rushing towards Leo.

"Mr. Leo, here are all the leaders of the caravan and the guards of the united caravan. After I relayed your words, although they didn't believe it, they still told the caravan to stop and come over to ask you." Shi Tiff introduced the situation and made a helpless look at Leo with his back to the others.

   Okay, I should have thought of it. Leo laughed at himself, and looked at the group of people calmly, to see what they had to say. Well, Ander is among them?

   "Leo, right? I think you can take out the proof of how you found those people. This is very important to the entire united caravan." A chubby caravan leader looked at Leo with a scornful look and shouted orders.


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