I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 234: Siege

After Leo took it, he distinguished a little, and he knew which one was the sun shrimp. He carried this bag of crystal marrow to Edwin, and said with a smile: "Sun shrimp is very famous. Someone has studied it for a long time. It’s not what I want to rely on its large and special forelimbs...As for this special hybrid tiger..."

Leo began to ponder. To be honest, he was a little surprised that he would encounter the hybrid beast crystalline marrow of the wind attacked tiger and the chameleon here. The Wind Attack Tiger is the knight technique cultivated by Tyrone, and the chameleon is the prototype of Theodore's strange knight technique. They are not particularly powerful, but can only be regarded as special knight techniques suitable for assassination and sneak attack. There are obvious flaws.

But the hybrid combination of the two actually made up for each other's flaws perfectly. Although this crystal marrow has not reached Leo's expectations, it already has backup value.

"...I will accept this hybrid wind-assisted tiger crystal marrow, even if my commission is deducted. Well, let's go." Leo put away the hybrid wind-assisted tiger crystal marrow, satisfied. Edwin nodded and decided to follow him to meet the three big businessmen.

For this shot, not counting the rarity, his commission is actually three hundred gold coins, which is very cheap. However, Leo wasn't someone who had those thousands of gold coins. He was quite satisfied that he could harvest a kind of quintessence that could already be a candidate.

Just as Leo followed Edwin towards the caravan center, he sensed that the band of thieves moved faster.

"Edwin, I think, the **** battle is about to begin, and we only have the last three kilometers left!" Leo looked at Edwin and sighed. Edwin understood Leo's meaning, although he had been mentally prepared, his face still turned ugly.


"Let your leader come over and speak... We are willing to pay gold coins as a toll."

In the dark night, the united caravan's convoy had formed a huge defensive circle, with torches stuck on the edge, hazy reflection of the thieves not far away.

With Howard's loud yelling, a figure walked out of the thief, wearing a large flaming robe, and stretching out his staff toward the convoy.

A scorching fireball blasted towards the convoy, and was blocked by a curtain of water triggered by Mira.

"Howard, save some effort, they don't mean to talk!" The eldest Brad said calmly, not too scared. Now the United Caravan has four third-level powerhouses, not much worse than the thieves.

At this moment, Leo turned his head to look at a group of businessmen with an ugly face and said: "I confirm that they are not many, only about two hundred. But they have fifty knights, one hundred and fifty knights! "

"What!!!" The merchants turned pale all of a sudden, and began to question Leo's words. For this warlock who suddenly appeared, these people still felt a little untrustworthy.

"Shut up all of you!" Hank, another strong knight who was silent and drinking strong alcohol, roared, stood up with a strong alcoholic body, and stared at the merchants with cold eyes. Turning his head to Leo said, "Anything else besides these?"

"No more." Leo shrugged, and calmly glanced at the two-handed battle axe he had thrown on the ground. Well, it looks bigger and heavier than Di Lisa's.

"This is a tough battle, and our high school and low-end strengths are all at a disadvantage..." Edwin patted Hank on the shoulder, his tone changed suddenly and said: "But relying on defense, we are not without a chance. Look, The band of thieves just surrounded us and has not launched an attack. They are also feeling tricky."

The panicked businessmen finally calmed down. Howard came up again at this time and proposed: "We must repel an attack to make them feel jealous, so that we have the capital to negotiate."

"Howard, you are right. We should think about the wording and let them make way without irritating them, just like we did before." On one side, another big businessman, Bobby, nodded and agreed. And made suggestions. So a group of businessmen got together and began to discuss the wording.

Edwin watched this scene silently, and after a while with a bitter smile, he said, "I have a bad premonition. Howard is not wrong, but this time the situation is a bit wrong. In the past, thieves would at least talk about it first, and then Because the price has not been agreed, either start the fight or continue the negotiation. Unlike this time, the other party will not say a word at all. I feel that they are not trying to rob..."

"The thieves don't want to rob, what are they going to do?" Mira's eyes showed a trace of doubt and frowned.

"I think Edwin's guess is right." Leo lowered his voice and said to the other three: "In fact, there is one thing I didn't tell the businessmen for fear that they thought I was deceiving them. Actually, I don't know why. When the thieves came, a strong knight did not follow, but disappeared in sight, not knowing where he went. I have a bad feeling that the disappearance of the strong knight must surround us with the thieves, but always Not offensive related."

Edwin was stunned for a moment, before answering, Hank on one side said in a deep voice, "They must have gone to find reinforcements and want to kill us. In the past six months, dozens of joint caravans have disappeared on the sinking mud swamp. , Including the caravan guarded by my good brother Hansen. I checked carefully and the situation was very strange. No one escaped. Those caravans and guards disappeared at the same time! Undoubtedly, they were all killed. Now, in this muddy swamp with weird terrain~www.readwn.com~ don't you think this situation is weird?"

As Hank said, he took a sip of spirits, a decisive look in his eyes.

Leo and the other three also felt that something was wrong. If what Hank said is true, the band of thieves surrounded the caravan without doing anything, probably not because of fear, but because they were not sure to leave everyone behind, right?

"It can't go on like this anymore, we must take the initiative to fight against these weird thieves and decide the outcome." Mira said eagerly. She is not lacking in courage, not due to level four.

"Then we must give up the defense we have built, and with our strength, that is looking for death." Edwin immediately objected. Even with the defense, it may not be able to withstand the attack of the thieves, let alone rush out of the defense.

"Are we waiting for the other side's reinforcements to come over?" Although Mira knew that Edwin was telling the truth, she was still unwilling to ask.

"If what Hank said is true, then we will break through and protect our employers and run away." Edwin sighed and said his thoughts. Although very passive, this is indeed the easiest way to escape when dozens of caravans are escaping together.

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