I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 249: Arrive in Tallinn

   "Crystal Marrow?" Leo was taken aback. Humans will not be born with crystals, at least humans before level 4 will certainly not. This is a consensus, how can blood demon be born with crystals?

   But Leo changed his mind and shook his head again. Although the blood demon was born by the blood sacrifice of countless people, it looks like a human, but it really cannot be regarded as a human being. It is just a kind of human-shaped living "pharmaceutical" made by some careerists, and it will leave some crystal essence. Not surprising.

   "The blood-red crystal marrow, and the number is unexpectedly large, there are thousands of them!" Leo knelt down hesitantly and stared carefully. However, with this gaze, he suddenly swallowed a mouthful of water involuntarily.

   There was a strong desire to swallow in his heart.

   And unlike the desire to swallow that fills the remaining empty space, this feeling is stronger and unbearable, similar to the feeling of getting that strange bead in the underground black market.

   "Could it be..." Leo gently picked up a **** crystal marrow and placed it in front of him to look at it.

  The crystal marrow of the blood demon is like blood-red beads with a little transparent, and it is a rare round shape, rather than a common irregular shape. What is a bit strange is that in the center of the beads, there is a cloud of smoke drifting, condensing into a human face from time to time, and the shape of the human face is different every time.

  "...Do you really want to swallow this horrible thing?" Leo couldn't help but hesitate.

   At this moment, he felt a powerful breath in the distance approaching quickly, and it seemed to carry another weak **** breath.

"He's back!" Leo moved in his heart, and immediately made a decision in his heart. He put away all the crystal marrow left by the blood fierce demon, and then threw the three hundred into the endless treasure box, and took the remaining seven hundred in his hand. , Looked up and looked into the distance.

   A blue figure grabbed a blood-colored figure, and stepped on a circle of water ripples in the air, quickly approaching from the sky, and soon fell in front of Leo.

   "My lord, I don't know why, the blood demon's body evaporated, leaving behind a bunch of strange crystal marrow." The first time Leo saw him, he held the crystal marrow and briefly said the situation.

   "Lost it, this kind of thing has gained a lot at the beginning, and it contains a lot of resentment of human death, which is difficult to use."

The middle-aged man just glanced at the **** demon crystal marrow, and after an order, he diverted his attention. Instead, he said with a worried expression: "I briefly interrogated, behind this guy, there is actually a certain major in the principality involved. Noble. These blood demon are by-products. What he really wants is a blood demon made from the blood sacrifice of plant knights and warlocks."

After a pause, the champion knight’s face became more worried, and solemnly said: "Unlike other blood monsters, it is said that after absorbing this blood monster, not only will not lose part of the life span, but it will also greatly increase the life span. At the same time, they can also gain the strength of the pseudo-4. When I went, they had already left and left nothing. Leo, I will take this guy back to the military for interrogation right away. You, go back by yourself."

   "Okay, no problem." Leo replied and handed him the basket.

"I have to hurry up quickly, I can't take it. I gave it to you. They are all spices and auxiliary ingredients. It is a surprise to put in the food!" The middle-aged man blinked at Leo, paused, and laughed: "My name is Bruce and I work for the Golden Spurs. Maybe in a few decades, we will be together against the enemy."

  Bruce finished speaking to Leo, waved his hand, and lifted the captive, ripples violently under his feet, and went away.

   "Goodbye... Master Bruce." Leo looked at the disappearing figure in the night sky, whispered, and immediately displayed the wings of the wind and flew towards Tallinn.


   Tallinn City, Arlando Manor.

   After Leo told the servant his name and let him go in and report it, not long after, Delissa and the others rushed out.

   "Leo, you, you are back!" Tears flickered in Di Lisa's eyes, and she quietly wiped it off. She grabbed Leo's hands and asked excitedly.

   "The luck was not bad, I got out of danger very early. It was just that something happened later, which delayed some time and made you worry for so long." Leo looked a little apologetic.

   "It's okay, as long as you come back." Delissa didn't care, she raised her head and looked up at Leo, her eyes bright.

"My lord, your saliva is about to flow out..." Dreyus on one side said unconsciously, and then saw a pair of vertical pupils turning around and staring at him, there seemed to be flames inside. Burning.

  "...Leo, you, you, it's nice to be back, I'll clean up the room for you..." Dreyus finally knew what stupid he had done, yelled, turned and ran.

   Di Lisa restrained her anger, smiled at Leo, let go of holding Leo's hand calmly, and stood aside. At this time, Jerry and Ackerman walked over with a smile and asked what happened.

Leo said roughly what he could say, and Jerry frowned deeply~www.readwn.com~ and asked: "Leo, Xingmei is lost in the lava world, and it looks like it will be lost there in the future. The Champion Cavaliers occupy. Then, do we just ignore Xingmei?"

"It's too late... Xingmei is no longer in the lava world, but was taken to the north of the Emerald Plain. If the map is correct, it should be the location of the Emerald City." Leo looked ugly and shook his head to explain. .

   "What, was taken to the Emerald City? You mean, the champion knight took her away?" When Delissa asked, there was a murderous look in her eyes.

"It should be correct. When I left, I specifically told Xingmei to hide on the island not to leave easily, and rely on the shining bee colony to resist level 4. Now I think of it, Travis's teacher is a bit unexpected. He forcibly brought Xingmei out of the dazzling bee swarm." Leo said, staring at the northern sky with cold eyes.

   "What should I do, do you just give up Xingmei? She saved us all!" Jerry and Ackerman exclaimed almost at the same time.

"Now there is no way, only to wait. After I am promoted to the championship, I will personally go to the Emerald City and bring back Xingmei. But in the past few decades, she will suffer a lot. In that day, I will double as her I got it back."

   Everyone fell silent for a while. After a few seconds, Di Lisa said in a complicated tone: "Leo, count me. I have had enough of the pain of lack of strength. I have been thinking these days, what is the point of being together like this? So I decided to return to the tower. , Practice knightly, and then go to the Emerald City with you."

   Jerry and Ackerman were silent at the same time. After a while, Jerry looked up at Di Lisa and asked, "Head, what shall we do?"


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