I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 255: Tracking Windwing Praying Mantis

Leo stood up suddenly, widened his eyes, and murmured: "So, I always thought that the mana channel connecting the three shields was disordered. I didn't expect it to be the combination of the three runes. Looks like. Winnie, you are so great, let's talk, what do you want? Uncle Leo will buy it for you!"

   Winnie blinked and thought about it and made a request: "I, I want to allow me to copy the preparatory warlock and the first-level content in your secret spell book when Uncle Leo is free."

   Leo was taken aback, nodded and said, "No problem. Besides, there are only half of this book, and the other half is on another book, and I will give it to you.

  Leo intends to copy the contents of Galio's first-level spell book and Nicholas's first-level spell book together for Winnie. During this period of time, he also thought about it carefully. It is very difficult for Cheryl to accept Winnie. Let Winnie learn some knowledge first. Anyway, she is still two years away from the age of twelve. During this period, she is strictly forbidden to meditate. It doesn't matter if she reads books in that department.

   "Great! Uncle Leo, that's it!" Winnie laughed, and after high-fiving Leo, she left Leo's room with satisfaction.

   Leo waited for her to leave, immediately calmed down, and began to try the spiritual wind barrier. Although the principle is known, the difficulty is still extremely high. But what is strange is that Leo tried for a few hours, and he really smoothly released the real spiritual barrier. The three-tiered defensive spirit wind barrier!

"It's not that the accuracy of the mental power stimulated by the medicine is too low. It will be very difficult to practice spells. Even if you understand the mystery of ordinary spells, it takes more than ten days to practice. Secret spells need to be calculated at least in months. My spiritual power is almost all It is obtained by taking medicine. Logically speaking, even if you understand the mystery, it will take at least dozens of days to successfully cultivate, how can it be half a day..."

   Leo was very confused. He touched his chin and thought for a long time, then thought of something that he had neglected for a long time.

  After the original spiritual power of other sorcerers, they can use potions to increase their spiritual power, generally not more than double their own. Some extreme warlocks will forcibly increase more than twice their original spiritual power, and they will be irritable, irritable, and have a major change in personality.

   If someone increases their mental power by more than twice, it will cause the accuracy of the original mental power to decrease, and the magical control is rough. The higher the multiplier is, the more serious the problem will be, and even some spells that require high precision cannot be learned. So although the importance of warlock talent is not as important as that of knights, it is still highly valued.

However, Leo’s original mental power is only a little bit, but now it has risen to 13 points, which is a full 13 times. It is reasonable to say that he is not thirteen times slower than others in learning spells, but it is definitely much slower, and definitely There are personality problems such as irritability. However, this is clearly not the case now.

"Not only that, the difficulty of the breath of wind is far beyond imagination, and it is a spell that requires super precision casting. According to Galio, in addition to the pure primary spiritual power, the additional spiritual power should not be more than doubled, otherwise it is fundamentally learned. No. Well, it's stupid enough that I thought about this question after so long."

   Leo patted his forehead, fully understanding his strange state. I don’t know that there is a problem. After taking the medicine, the mental power he obtained has turned into the original mental power. Does this mean that he can absorb the medicine unlimitedly and raise his mental power to human level 7 or less? The limit of one hundred points?

   "This is really abnormal." Leo smiled wryly. In this way, he is equivalent to a knight and a warlock with dual talents, but there is a problem that is difficult to choose.

   Fortunately, the magic transfer technique has isolated Leo's path to the promotion of warlocks for at least thirty years. This allows him to concentrate on the path of knights he likes, without having to be embarrassed anymore.

   This night, Leo continued to cultivate the spiritual wind barrier, from being unfamiliar to proficient, and slowly being able to use it in battle.

   Early the next morning, Leo said goodbye to Edwin and Winnie, left Tallinn City, and walked along the original road towards the City of Ten Thousand Beasts. In order to guard against Mustak, he changed his appearance, and when he reached the vicinity of the Thousand Beast City, he did not go in, but changed his direction and followed the route that Polk had led him.

   A day later, Leo looked at the dark crevice and the rope that Polk had left behind. He secretly sighed and lifted into the air, flying towards the bottom of the crevice.

   "It should be almost midnight." Leo lightly landed on the bottom of the crack, lit a torch, and suddenly his eyes narrowed. He found that at the bottom of the rift that had been empty, there were a few torn bodies of strange beasts left in a mess. Every corpse was chopped sharply to death.

   "It came out, and it has already left." Leo quickly understood it, and a cold light appeared in his eyes. In this way, killing the Windwing Mantis will be a lot of trouble and has to be tracked deeply.

But before that, first grab the giant sword that is suspected to be a Level 3 supernatural weapon~www.readwn.com~ It soon reached zero. After Leo entered, he successfully found the Level 3 in the broken tower. The stone giant sword was put into the endless treasure box. After that, there was nothing of value here, Leo waited silently for a day and night, waited for the spiral staircase to open again, and quickly left here.

"The corpse, and I didn't finish eating it, I only ate the fattest place. In this case, it would facilitate my tracking." Leo quickly flew over the fissure and began to fly in a circle, looking for traces left by the wind-winged praying mantis. .

   Sure enough! Leo quickly saw the traces left by the wind-winged praying mantis after killing and eating. Perhaps because of the abundance of food, it will not eat all of it, but a part of it will always remain. So Leo followed the corpse for more than ten kilometers. A green thorn forest appeared in front of him, and a one-armed wind-winged praying mantis was hiding in it. Rest in the thorn forest.

   "Finally found you!" Leo stared at the Windwing Mantis from a distance, but a trace of dignity rose in his heart, and did not go out recklessly. Because in the induction of the breath of the wind, beside this wind-wing mantis that ate Polk, there is also a more powerful wind-wing mantis hiding.

   Observed carefully for a while, before Leo found the location of another Windwing Praying Mantis. It hides in the depths of the thorn forest. Because the body and the thorns are almost the same color, it naturally achieves the hidden effect, not deliberately hiding.

   "No, this Windwing Praying Mantis is a bit weird. Although its breath is still Level 3, how can it have four sword arms?"

  Leo had doubts in his mind, and after thinking about it, he quietly followed the grass, trying his best to hide his body and lurking in the thorn forest. Because of the flourishing vegetation and piles of greenery, it was not difficult to hide the figure, and slowly approached the position of the wind-wing mantis.


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