I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 258: Linlin and the child

   child? ? ? Leo frowned. Less than a few months after Polk died, she found a second lover? It feels a little uncomfortable to think that all of Polk's entrustments before his death were arrangements for Linlin.

   "In that case... I intend to leave." Leo stood up, preparing to leave, lest he see Linlin coming in with another man. Although after coming over to give Linlin the head of the Windwing Mantis today, it is considered to be doing her own mind, and the possibility of contacting again in the future is unlikely, but it looks upset after all.

   At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and then Linlin walked in slowly.

   "Miss Linlin, this gentleman is looking for you!" The maid reported to her and left the room consciously.

   "It's you? Here, Mr. Leo." Linlin looked surprised when she saw Leo.

   "Oh, it's me. Is Miss Linlin unwell?" Leo asked directly with a move in his heart.

   "No, it's not uncomfortable, I'm just pregnant." To Leo's expectation, Linlin didn't conceal the slightest, and said the pregnancy.

   "Whose child is it?" Leo glanced at her lower abdomen.

   "Of course it is Polk's. Mr. Leo, you will not doubt me and others..." Linlin's face became a little ugly, and she stared at Leo motionless.

   "This... Polk didn't seem to mention it when he died, and you didn't seem to mention it at the beginning?" Leo didn't believe it. Even if Polk didn't know when he died, she should have known Linlin.

   "Here... Mr. Leo, are you doubting my loyalty to Polk?" Linlin's eyes flushed and she glared at Leo.

Leo didn't speak, and looked at Linlin quietly for a while, took out the head of the Windwing Mantis, handed it over, and said coldly: "I am here this time, just to do the responsibility of a teammate and give this to you. I don’t know what Polk’s relatives are in the world, so I can only give it to you. If you are not interested anymore, then tell me the address of Polk’s relatives and I can go there again."

   Linlin's anger disappeared at the moment when she saw the head of the Windwing Mantis. She walked over cautiously, holding the head of the Windwing Mantis in both hands, tears in her eyes, choked up and asked: "Mr. Leo, this, which one is this?"

   Leo looked at her teary eyes silently, sighed slightly, let go of her hand, and nodded.

   "Peng!" Linlin knelt down in front of Leo suddenly, and her forehead was heavily swollen on the ground.

   In the customs of this world, even if you meet the prince, the king, or even the emperor, you only need one knee. Only in special circumstances, such as offering sacrifices to the sun, do you have the habit of kneeling on your knees. Linlin's gift is extremely important.

"Thank you, Mr. Leo, for avenging Polk! I will always remember your kindness until death. No, even in the abyss of death, I will bring this news to Polk. Also, I have pity on the child. Wait for him After birth, I will tell him that it was Mr. Leo’s gift that allowed him to get rid of the fate of vengeance and choose to do his own thing."

   Linlin was crying, while expressing her gratitude to Leo in extremely sincere words.

  Leo was silent. After a while, he asked, "So, are you pregnant with Polk's child?"

"Yes. Polk and I are both warlocks, and Polk is also a pharmacist, and some methods of contraception. Before that, Polk always said that he was still young and didn't want children, so I would drink a bottle of ice every month. The medicament lowered the temperature of the abdomen during pregnancy for a period of time to prevent the child from coming. But after Polk died, when I was about to drink the medicament, I suddenly remembered that my dear Polk had left me forever, and no one could stop me anymore Have a baby..."

When Linlin said this, tears came out again, choked up and said: "I, I dropped the potion and began to pray. Pray for the earth, pray for the sky, pray for the legendary god, and hope that the child will come this time. Maybe it is. My prayers worked, and soon after, the doctor told me that I was pregnant."

A smile appeared on her tearful face, and she slowly said: "From that day on, I have to go to the doctor once a day. I dare not be careless to ensure that the child can be born smoothly. Because this is Polkliu. The last gift for me!"

   Leo looked at this woman silently, and suddenly realized Ming Wu in his heart. She will be tied to this child in the rest of her life. If this child has an accident, she is afraid. . .

"It turned out to be like this. I misunderstood you." Leo sighed, stood up and said to Linlin: "In this case, I can rest assured that I leave the head to you. I'm leaving. I wish you and Polk's children the best. Smooth profit and healthy growth."

   "Thank you, Mr. Leo!" Linlin followed and got up, knowing that Leo had done enough. Compared to those who are greedy for the inheritance of Mexican teammates, her luck is already very good. She dared not ask for anything, and silently sent Leo out of the door.

Leo turned around and walked a few steps, then paused for a moment and said, "If ~www.readwn.com~ I mean, if you encounter huge difficulties in the future, you can go to the Breakthrough Academy in Blood Moon City. , Find a teacher named Palmer, he can find me."

   Linlin bowed deeply in gratitude, and when she raised her head again, Leo's figure had disappeared.


   A few days later, Leo returned to his residence in Tallinn and soon called Edwin.

   "Is this huge sword what you said?" Edwin looked at the stone huge sword on the floor of the room, his eyes a little startled.

"That's right. This thing is a third-level magic weapon. I don't have enough combat power and can't drive it. I don't know which level of the third-level magic weapon this is. I need your help." Leo said and asked him to help s reason.

   Edwin walked over and held the giant sword in both hands, the battle energy poured in, and a shiny green light lit up on the sword. But the stone giant sword is too big, even if compared to the largest two-handed giant sword, it is also nearly one-fifth larger, and a bit longer than Di Lisa's exaggerated two-handed battle axe. He wanted to wield it, and soon discovered that it would destroy the house, so he could only drag the huge sword to the yard.

When he arrived in the yard, Edwin swung a giant stone sword, and used a few boulders in the yard to test his power. After he stopped, he said to Leo: "It should be the perfect weapon of the third level soil system, or the best of perfection. But it's definitely not extraordinary. But this sword is strange. After the battle energy is poured into it, it feels a bit unharmonious. It seems... it's a design of another kind of energy."

"That's right, it comes from a level three puppet, and it should be designed for the puppet's special energy. Edwin, how much strength do you think you can play?" Leo was surprised that Edwin could even do this. Found it and explained it.


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