I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 281: The original oath

   "For my talent and potential? It seems that they regret it." A sneer appeared on the corner of Leo's mouth.

   Compared with the kindness of Blood Moon that seems to be careless but secretly maintained, the indifference of the Padin family makes him chill. Of course, one of the two knows Leo's talent in advance, and the other is not clear, this is very important. However, there is no luck in the world. Since the Padin family chose to abandon the Gresh family at the beginning, it doesn't matter whether they know Leo's talent or not.

   "Frey, how do you think I am going to deal with Hathaway, do I need to see her?" Leo asked, raising his head to make Adele button up his neck.

   "There are several strong knights in the Padin family. It's okay to see them, there is no need to offend them. As for the suggestions they may make, you can delay them and let them give up." Frey soon had a countermeasure.

   "A few strong knights? Haha, Frey, you are so funny, here is Blood Moon City, what do they dare to do? And, what about the strong knights?" Leo smiled confidently. Frey didn't know that he was already a third-level warlock, so he was naturally more conservative in considering the problem, and he couldn't be blamed.

   Frey heard Leo's meaning and bowed his head respectfully, without any objection.

"My lord, I know you are thinking about the idea of ​​Duke Blood Moon. But I think Fred's method is very good. You should meet with Wei Wei and deal with it casually." I don't know when, Shane left the door. Come in and put forward his opinion.

   "Oh?" Leo knew his knowledge was extraordinary, showed a solemn expression, and listened carefully to his opinion.

"My lord, I've experienced this from the beginning. I guess you mainly don't want to pay attention to them, so you don't want to let the Grand Duke think about it. But my opinion is that since she is your previous boss, then see you. , Just deal with it, but it made the Grand Duke feel that you are not a ruthless person. Well, although the Patin family first abandoned the noble vows and was not saved." Shane recounted his opinion.

  Leo pondered for a while, and Adele took advantage of the trend to tidy Leo's clothes. Then he nodded and said, "What you said makes sense, I think there is indeed one level missing. Let's go, you two will come with me to meet this Miss Hathaway."

   Thinking of Hathaway's amazing beauty, even if Leo had already made up his mind to climb the peak of power and take a look at the scenery of the high places in the world, his heartbeat speeded up slightly at this time.

   Soon Leo saw Viscount Pam and Miss Hathaway in the hall, and beside them, there was a strange middle-aged man with a deep temperament. Leo opened up the breath of the wind the first time he saw him and checked his strength, but he felt blank.

   "This guy is the kind of person who is good at hiding his breath?" Leo's heart jumped slightly, and he stopped far away. The advantage of the breath of the wind is the super large range, but the penetrability and accuracy of the small range detection are very poor. As long as you understand some of the secret techniques for astringent aura, the breath of the wind will have no effect.

   In other words, this man has deliberately reduced his breath now. In most cases, no one will deliberately hide their breath. The truth is like we can breathe deeply all the time, as long as we are awake day and night, but no one will really breathe deeply all the time. It's not that it can't be done, but it violates the habits of biological instincts and it will be very tired.

   Even Joshua couldn't keep her breath constantly, and was finally sensed by the breath of the wind. This man must have his purpose in maintaining this state at this moment.

   "What do you call this?" Leo asked from a distance, standing just before entering the hall. Shane and Frey were stunned for a moment, and then Shane understood something immediately, seized Frey secretly, and gestured to him.

   In the silence, Pam stood up to Leo in confusion: "This is Miss Hathaway's guard, protecting us to the Blood Moon Country. Leo, it's not easy to see you again!"

"Poor abandoned man, Uncle Pam, you laughed. As long as you get to Blood Moon City, wouldn't it be easy to want to see me?" Leo grinned back, before waiting for Pam to answer, and turned to Shann Frey. Said: "Uncle Pam is rare to come over, you let the restaurant prepare a sumptuous meal and a hundred snake wine, and then call the elephants and the others to come over and perform the show, to cheer for Uncle Pam and Miss Hathaway."

   Frey's expression changed, but Shane calmly agreed and pulled Frey away quickly.

   The performance of Hundred Snake Wine and Elephant One Elephant Two, Shane and Frey understood.

   "Leo, you are so polite. Actually, we came here with..." Viscount Pam was embarrassed to say something.

"Pam!" Hathaway stopped Pam's words, took a deep breath, and said to Leo: "Leo Gresch, do you remember the original vow? Be loyal to the Padin family for generations and never betray. This is the vow made by your ancestors of the Gresch family, and it is recorded in the inheritance document! Also ~www.readwn.com~ You once said when you inherited the title, you will be the sharp sword of the Padin family, kill you Strong enemy. You will be the strong shield of the Padin family to resist invasion. You will be the hard-working shepherd of the Padin family, the leader of the management. Do you remember all of these?"

"Remember! However, in the face of an irresistible enemy, when the family is destined to be destroyed, I chose to give up, so I know very well that I have lost the qualification to inherit the baronial title, so I just changed to another country and started again. "

  Leo didn't discuss who was right and who was wrong with Hathaway, and simply admitted his escape. Really speaking, the ruthless upper aristocrats sacrificed the lower aristocrats in exchange for strategic advantages. The original practice of the Padin family can't be mistaken, and Leo is not interested in discussing the past. Anyway, the Gresch family gave up the titles and territories that they had managed for generations. This was already second only to the punishment of genocide, and it was enough to offset all faults.

   "Leo, you..." Hathaway was a little irritated by Leo's bachelor's attitude, breathing heavily. The point is that her next rhetoric cannot continue. In desperation, she turned to look at Viscount Pam.

Viscount Pam sighed and said to Leo: "In his whole life, Lion hopes to carry forward the Gresch family, to make the territory rich and beautiful, and even to be promoted to the Viscount family. But Leo, you, you have given up the title. , Reduced to the level of an ordinary family, you let Ryan know that he can't rest in the abyss of death."

   Leo stared deeply at this friend of Ryan's life, trying to find out whether he knew the inside story and came to be a lobbyist, or did he not know the inside story and was deceived to persuade him out of good intentions, so he didn't speak for a while.


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