I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 284: Cheryl's doubts

   In the silence, the roar continued. Obviously, the dragon horse knight did not pay attention to the meaning of his words and continued to attack.

   Leo's side, Cheryl's eyes flickered, as if planning something. Hearing this, she smiled and said: "That guy is really cunning. He obviously couldn't beat him, so he took out the Viking brand. Hmph, although the nearby principalities and our Blood Moon Principality seem to be peaceful on the surface, they secretly I have joined forces a long time ago to prevent the Grand Duke from actually lifting the blood moon to the kingdom and sacrifice them."

   "Sacrifice?" Leo's heart moved. His inexplicable hostility towards the Four Kingdoms and the Blood Moon seized the opportunity to kill Joshua without hesitation. It was very strange, but he didn't ask much because it didn't matter to him. But now that she has nothing to say with Cheryl, it's not bad to start with this.

"Yes, sacrifice! Of course, it's not what you think. When the Blood Moon Principality was entrusted as a kingdom, the country could expand into the wild, and the Disaster Council would not allow the new kingdom to embezzle too much land from other countries, but According to the usual practice, the Disaster Council will allow the new kingdoms to launch a plundering war in the surrounding area for a period of ten years. The main plunder is the population. Do you think it is inappropriate for this kind of behavior to use sacrifices?"

   "...Why would the Disaster Council allow such a thing?"

Cheryl smiled and explained patiently: "This is due to the consideration of human development. Because the new kingdom must be due to years of expansion wars against foreign races, resulting in a vast land and a shortage of population. On the contrary, the inner principality and kingdom are due to There is no place for expansion, the population is large, the land is scarce, and there is enough time to slowly recover. This is the acquiescence of the ten-year plundering war."

   After listening to Leo, he recalled something and probably understood the reason. But seeing Cheryl suddenly seem to answer questions, his heart felt like a furry, and he couldn't guess what the icy woman had in the end, his attitude suddenly became like this?

"Leo, where's your earth magic power? I remember that under the magic potion, the earth magic power has already been solidified in your mental space. It is impossible for you to concurrently cultivate the second kind of magic power. How do you get rid of the sequelae of the magic potion infusion?" Cheryl endured for a while, finally couldn't bear it, and asked this question.

"Do you want to know this?" Leo's heart suddenly moved, and he thought about it for a moment, and looked at Cheryl with a mysterious face and said, "I resolved the solidification problem of the spiritual space because of some adventure in the wild. Things are not repeatable, you still don’t inquire."

   Stop asking? If it were ordinary things, Cheryl's personality would not have any interest at all. But this matter is related to her future promotion, how could she not inquire about it? As for non-repeatability? She doesn't think so.

   "You better tell me." Cheryl smiled stiffly. One can imagine how unnatural a person with a cold face can barely show this smile.

  "...This, it's not easy to say, it's related to my secret, unless..." Leo had an embarrassed expression.

   "Unless what?" Cheryl tried to pretend to be calm, but her flashing eyes revealed her anxiety.

"Unless you are willing to accept a girl with a medium ice talent as an apprentice, and promise to teach her seriously, I will tell you roughly and make sure that the matter is true. However, as stated in advance, I don't think you have the ability to replicate this. You can't use this as an excuse to play tricks at that time." Leo made a condition.

   "You don't think I can copy this thing?" Cheryl looked at Leo's affirmative expression and couldn't help falling into thought. If Leo was still a first-class knight, she would think that she had too little knowledge and would not heed this warning. But Leo is now a third-level warlock, and it would be a bit stupid to think that he has too little knowledge.

After thinking about it, Cheryl guessed that it was really impossible to replicate, but it was too important to her. She gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you that I will accept an apprentice and will teach her with my heart. Now Can you tell me?"

  Leo's expression became solemn, staring at Cheryl and swearing: "I swear that this matter is true and not false, otherwise it will stop me at the third-level powerful warlock forever."

Cheryl's expression moved, and he was about to add something. Leo already said quickly: "A year ago, my subordinates encountered a statue of a **** in the wilderness, and for some reason, attracted that one. The projection of the gods into the body. It’s just that the gods are more picky, and finally chose me. In the process of capturing my body, she discovered that my solidified mental space seemed to hinder her capture process. As a last resort, she struggled. The loss of a lot of strength cleared my mental space, and finally led to a failure to seize the body."

   Cheryl's attention was suddenly deflected by Leo, and she forgot to let Leo replenish his vow. Besides, Leo's news was too shocking.

   "God? Who is it?" Cheryl's face is very ugly~www.readwn.com~ I don't want to say this, because I'm afraid you will attract her attention, then I was miserable. "Leo refused without hesitation. I really told the mad woman that the ghost knew if she would really travel around the world, gathered thousands of pre-judged bird essences, and let Vanessa descend into the world again.

   "You!!!" Cheryl's eyes sprayed with anger, as if she was about to run away.

"You don't need to ask her name deliberately. I think that this method can be done by any god. But I warn you that God is great and unbelievable. I was also carrying something to restrain her at the time. Something barely repelled her. Otherwise, even if you have the wisdom of the sky and the infinite magic power, in front of the projection of the gods, it is illusory." Leo recalled some of the moments he obtained when he was connected with Vanessa Common sense issued a severe warning.

   "...sell me that thing!" Cheryl immediately made a second request.

   Leo rolled his eyes, turned his head and ignored her. Although the mysterious little tree has an illusion, it can be said that it is an item, but in the final analysis it is a kind of talent of him, and it cannot be sold at all. Moreover, even if he could sell such a magical thing, he would not be willing to sell it!

   At this moment, the roof of the station below suddenly cracked, and the two figures violently collided and jumped out of the crack.

"I am a knight sent by Grand Duke Viking to hunt down criminals. Even if your Blood Moon Principality wants to protect our criminals from the Principality of Viking, you won't openly tear up the treaty of assisting in the hunt, but will attack me? Are you trying to provoke a war? "The knight who came with Hathaway shouted angrily, and the voice spread all over the street.


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