I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 297: Problem book

   The next day, a man walking alone came to the entrance of the manor, which attracted the attention of the people who had been heavily guarded.

   "I know this guy. He is a member of the local gangster's knife club." A guard saw the man approaching from a distance. He immediately smiled and ran to the housekeeper to say what he knew.

   "Local gangster?" The butler frowned, ran inside and reported to Ian.

   Ian was silent for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Knife will? Hey, courage enough! Butler, don't use the translucent powder for the time being. Give the spell book to that person first."

   "Master!" the butler yelled hesitantly. The Wind Shadow Splitting Art is one of the wealth of the Romeo family, and the value is still higher than the two extraordinary artifacts, so he is unwilling to hand it over.

"Don't worry, I moved my hands and feet on the spell book. I didn't use my hands or feet at the first level, and a key place was changed at the third level. As for the fourth level, there are many modifications that are useless at all. Hmph, extraordinary spells. , It’s not easy to learn, just want to identify in a few days? Dreaming."

   "Master, why don't you change it all?" The butler was a little confused.

"Huh, level one and level two is not too difficult after all. If there is a wind champion warlock behind him, he is likely to learn the first and second level of wind shadow splitting in a few days, and I will immediately see the problem. Level three is my main profit. The methods have to be changed, but they have to be changed very carefully. As for level 4 and above? That is the root of the family and must not be leaked." Ian said with a cold face.

   The butler then understood, ran out with the spell book, and handed it to the man. After getting the spell book, the man left immediately.


   Outside the city of Prolos, in a dark and strange underground cave with a complicated terrain, Leo took the spell book from the man.

   "Julian, come here and see if this is true?" Leo handed Julian the spell book.

   "Master, I don't understand. I have no talent. I don't pay attention to these things in the family, and I can't distinguish." Julian replied sluggishly. He has been bloodwormed by Leo.

   "This... Trouble." Leo retrieved the spell book, sighed, and used the breath of the wind to make sure that no one was coming, activated the learned talent, and began to stare at the wind and shadow splitting technique.

   He must learn the One to Three Wind Shadow Splitting Technique within a few days to determine the true and false.

   To be conservative, Leo must retain eleven mental power to cast the spell, which means that he can use up to 26 mental power every day. A little mental energy can sustain one minute of erudition, that is twenty-six minutes a day.

   Soon Leo discovered that intermittent use is more effective.

   He activates his erudition time whenever he gets stuck in his thoughts, cut off his inspiration, or fails to comprehend when he encounters difficulties. In the past, he would often get stuck with difficult knowledge for several days or even months, and he could fully comprehend it in a few minutes. Then he would take back his erudition time and rely on his own ability to learn. If you encounter difficulties again, then continue to activate.

   Just like that, Leo tried his best to learn the wind and shadow air splitting technique. This spell is indeed difficult and profound, with many difficulties, relying on the extraordinary comprehension of the learned time, the progress of learning is rapid.

   Five days later, he had already comprehended the first level of Wind Shadow Splitting Art. If you don't have the time to learn, maybe one difficulty can get him stuck for a few months, let alone more than dozens of difficult knowledge points?

   Of course, it is just to understand the principle, and it can also be used at a very slow and very slow speed, which is not a learning.

   Seven days later, because the principle was the same, but it was more complicated, Leo quickly understood the second-level Wind Shadow Splitting Art.

   On the ninth day, Leo looked at it and frowned suddenly.

   "No, there must be a problem here. He moved his hands and feet." Leo felt that he had fully understood the third-level wind and shadow splitting technique, but not only could not be used smoothly when using it, but the magical energy was turbulent, and there was a feeling of nausea and vomiting.

   "It's fake!" Leo reacted like this for the first time. But he quickly became puzzled. Because from beginning to end, he felt that the principle was smooth and there was nothing wrong.

   After pondering for a long time, Leo probably guessed what Ian did.

"It should be one or two key points!" Leo pondered, activating today's erudition time, holding a prickly mentality, and comparing it with the first or second level of wind and shadow splitting. After about ten minutes, he saw it. Deal with doubts.

   "This place is a bit weird for the flow of magical energy and energy channels. If you look at the first-level and second-level changes, it shouldn't be on another main line all at once!

   Leo, who was wise in his erudite time, quickly found the problem.

   I found the problem, then it's easy. Anyway, it’s not a meditation. Trying to make mistakes is just a little bit uncomfortable in the chest. After trying a few more energy channels, I quickly found the right path.

   "This is the correct third-level wind shadow splitting technique!" Leo slowly performed it in the underground cavern in ecstasy, and found that the speed was extremely fast, almost twice as fast as Windwing Wings.

   However, his ecstasy is less than half because he has comprehended the third-level wind shadow splitting technique. After a few months of practice, he can fully master it, and his self-protection ability has skyrocketed. But most of the reason ~www.readwn.com~ is because of the amazing effect of the erudite talent!

   "You can find a few more combat skills in the future to study!" Leo smiled in his heart, flipped through the content behind, and it was easy to see the problem. He threw the spell book to the gangster controlled by the bloodworm, wrote a note, and ordered him to take the book to the Romeo family.


   "Master, the other party is here again and brought back a spell book and a piece of paper." The butler held the spell book to report.

   Ian's face was hard to look at, took the note, and glanced at it.

   "Last chance, don't lie to me with a fake spell book. Since you don't want to exchange it for a spell book, then exchange it for that gem!"

   Damn, so mad! Ian was furious in his heart, but his face didn't show a trace of strange color. He took out the gem of the storm, and a hideous look flashed across his face.

   The third-level extraordinary magical device is already rare, but the Storm Gem is a rare and comprehensive auxiliary magical device, as long as it is held in the hand, it can enhance the power of all the third-level spells.

   Attention, it's all, not just an enhanced attack spell like the neighing wind staff. It's not like Roaring Wings, it just increases flight speed and so on.

"Storm gem, I can't bear it. It's the spell book, the original original, he won't doubt it? Huh, I see if he gets the book or not!" There was silence for a while, Ian gritted his teeth and put the gem away, then took it out An ancient vicissitudes of magic book, smeared some powder on it, and handed the book to the housekeeper.

   "Go to him! Even ordinary space treasures can't isolate the translucent powder. I don't believe there is any way to get rid of my pursuit!" Ian's face was full of undisguised cold killing intent.



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