I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 304: The choice of crystal

   Ten days later, Leo deformed and entered the Grand Duchy's mansion. With the fruit of the crown, he obtained ten eternal treasure bottles with a capacity of 30 jin as he wished. Well, this is after the Blood Moon Tower failed to coagulate the bottle, it found the error, and later refined the magic power props successfully, the item level was level five. Every eternal treasure bottle is of great value, far better than the jar of the moon tree. Although the preservation effect is not permanent, it has reached a long year!

  Each eternal treasure bottle is worth at least 500,000 gold coins, and the materials are scarce, and it is difficult to refine. The blood moon tower is refined for its own use. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to shoot.

   But the Crown Fruit is not an ordinary item. It can even be said that this item is of the same level as the heaven-defying opportunity that the Duke of Blood Moon has been adventuring for decades in the wilds. It is an invaluable treasure! Leo only exchanged ten eternal treasure bottles, and then entered the treasury of the Grand Ducal Mansion to select some items, which was almost considered to be a contribution to the country.

   Palmer didn't hide it. He told Leo that although the Grand Duke was not a plant knight, he would find a way to exchange it with this crown fruit. There are more than one hundred countries in the human world, with a long history, and there will eventually be treasures suitable for the Duke. Once a similar treasure is obtained, the Grand Duke raises his talent to the extreme, and it is just around the corner to break through the sixth level.

   "This time I went to the warehouse, the Grand Duke did not give you a limit, as long as you can get it, you can take it." Palmer hinted to Leo.

   "I see." Leo blinked and went straight to the second crystal marrow. Grand Duke this is tacitly allowing Leo to take it as much as he wants, as long as he takes it. In this case, he has to consider whether to expose the space belt.

Compared with the hundreds of common crystal marrows in the crystal marrow shop, the collections of the Grand Duke’s are all rare and rare crystal marrows, and there are tens of thousands of single-level secondary crystal marrows, many of which are the process of pioneering the territory over the past century The unique strange beast encountered in, now extinct.

   "Teacher Palmer, are you sure that the Grand Duke said there is no limit?" Leo turned around and asked Palmer again.

"Stop talking nonsense, this is not the treasure house of the Grand Duke himself. If you move a few rooms, he won't care. Besides, how much can you take away with two arms alone?" Palmer rolled his eyes and looked calm. .

   Leo gave a wry smile, and finally did not choose to expose the precious space belt. After reading the list and introduction, he took all of the second-level crystal marrows that made him feel abnormal, and the number of the same kind of crystal marrow was more than 300, and he took three hundred of each.

   "No, there are too many, how do I get the third and fourth levels? I have to choose." Leo frowned as he looked at the hundreds of packets on the ground.

   It is impossible to take away all the three-level crystal marrow. There are more than 8,000 kinds of rare three-level crystal marrows here. Even if you only take three hundred of each, each one is 100 gold coins without counting the rareness, that is, hundreds of millions of gold coins. Even if the space belt is exposed, Palmer will not allow it, let alone the fourth-level crystal marrow.

   "The problem is, I only have the second level, and I can't sense which third-level crystals are useful!" Leo got a little headache, had to sit down, and began to slowly select hundreds of second-level crystals.

   Time slowly passed, and Leo's thoughts began to become clear.

   Of the hundreds of sensational secondary crystals, the shadow system crystals occupies more than half, including almost all the secondary shadow system crystals in all warehouses. But among Leo's talents, only one of the talents of the Void Shadow Snake is tied to the shadow. In other words, although the talent of the Void Shadow Snake is Void, it can actually be upgraded with any shadow system secondary crystal marrow.

"Then choose the one that looks the strongest, um, just this kind of shadow embrace, which can transform everything you embrace into shadow power, and I don't know what it will look like when combined with the Void Shadow Snake talent. "

  Leo made a decision, and put back all the crystal marrows of the shadow system except for the embrace of the shadow.

After   , Leo's thinking became clearer and clearer, comparing all the remaining two levels of crystal marrow, and found the only kind of blood crystal marrow. This should correspond to the heterogeneous blood worm, plus the uniqueness, there is no choice.

   Next, Leo once again selected two types of defensive special monster crystals and rage-related monster crystals, and then put all these crystals back.

   Hundreds of inductive secondary crystals, all of a sudden disappeared.

"Something is not right. Among the ten talents in the mental space, there is no corresponding crystal marrow for the confused mind, the learned tribe, and the mysterious little tree. Even if the talents of the confused mind and the learned tribe change with their own strength, what about the little tree? What about the transformational ape talent integrated into the body?" Leo frowned, thinking.

   Pensively for a while, he had an uncertain guess in his mind. Regardless of the transformational ape talent, or the talent of the puzzled race or the learned race, it seems that it is related to its own strength. As long as the strength is improved, even if the talent is not improved, it seems that it can still exert its full power. In other words, there is no need for improvement.

  Only the mysterious little tree, he really can't understand this.

"Forget it, just these types for the time being." Leo put away the four second-level crystals, then looked at the third-level crystals, and said to Palmer: "Teacher Palmer, can I do it next time? Let's pick the crystal marrow again?"

   Today ~www.readwn.com~ Leo likes the strange things of rare crystals. Palmer probably knows a little bit, and he can't tell what he has in his heart. But as long as Leo is still the seed of the Grand Duke's plan, this shouldn't be a big problem.

   "...Yes, next time you come in, you are allowed to choose the quintessence of one million gold coins." Palmer replied angrily. This time, Leo's contribution was subversive, and the Grand Duke gave Palmer great flexibility when he hinted at Palmer.

   "This way, it will be easier!" Leo breathed a sigh of relief, and planned to leave with the four crystal marrows.

"Leo, don't you go over there? Mrs. Adela prepared three things specially for you." Palmer got up and pointed to the place where Roaring Wings were stored last time, pointing to Leo. Said.

   Leo moved in his heart, with some excitement and some doubts, and walked to the deepest part of the warehouse.

   On the original shelf, there was a peculiar crown. The crown is covered with intricate and mysterious runes, and it is shining with golden light, which is very extraordinary at first glance. In addition, there is a black tin box and a rolled paper.

   "Teacher Palmer, this is..." Although Leo knew that Mrs. Adela's shot would certainly not be easy, he was still a little bit uncertain.

   "After you came back and handed in the Crown Fruit, did you wait for a full five days?" Palmer asked with a smile.

   Leo nodded, indeed a little puzzled at first. It only took him less than five days to return to Blood Moon City from Xiangye Town, but the Grand Duke asked him to wait another five days before sending Palmer to bring ten eternal treasure bottles and taking him into the warehouse. At that time, Leo thought the things were too precious, and the Grand Duke was planning to fall back on it!


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