I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 306: Shane's new talent

"My lord, when I killed it, it looked like a **** insect that was ten meters long. It is funny to say that it has a strong ability to control beasts, but it has almost no combat effectiveness. It can only struggle and squirm easily. He was killed." Shane recalled the incident, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It seemed that the alien appearance had left a deep impression on him.

  Fat bug? A cabbage worm in the garden could not help appearing in Leo's mind, and his heart felt a little hairy. Although he is not afraid, he always feels a little sick.

   "Okay, I understand." Leo sighed and accepted the fact. Fortunately, it was just swallowing the crystal marrow instead of swallowing the Zerg directly, otherwise he doubted whether he could hold it back.

   "My lord, you already have a second-level talent? Can you take back my existing talent and give me a new talent?" Shane's eyes flashed and solemnly made a request.

   "What talent do you want?" Leo asked curiously, seeing that he had a choice.

"Of course it is... only one level of erudite talent. As you know, my lord, I am very curious about human culture. After hearing your introduction to the erudite talent, I have long wanted to ask you to grant me this ability. My life span is also Just a few years ago, the idea of ​​rebuilding the Bloodclaw tribe was also crushed by those who took refuge in other tribes, and I no longer think about it. Now the only fun is to wander in the ocean of books and read more about the history of mankind. Look at the interesting things recorded by humans, then I'm very satisfied." Shane showed a lonely smile, like a frustrated person indulging in a book, leaving his troubles behind.

   "...Alright!" Leo sighed. There was no reason to refuse his achievements. He stretched out his hand to withdraw Shane's original talent, and then waited a few days for the dying Shan to regain his vitality before giving him the talent of the learned race.

   "Thank you, sir!" Shane, who had obtained the new talent, gave Leo a surprise, then found out a thick book and read it. However, in less than a minute, he closed the book dizzyly.

   "My lord, what you said is right, this kind of talent requires too much mental power." Shane chuckled, not seeing a trace of frustration.

   "This talent is useless to you, right? You don't care?" Leo asked curiously.

"My lord, I'm dying, so do I still have to account for these? Besides, I just tried it and didn't use the power of courage. The power of courage of our lizard people can improve our overall attributes, including spirit. Power. I will try again tomorrow, and I will try again. It should take four to five minutes." Shane explained with a smile, looking very satisfied.

   Four or five minutes? Leo shook his head. Since Shane likes it, please do as he pleases. Anyway, the exhaustion of mental power and his melee strength did not have much impact, and he was not a warlock.

"There are still more than two months before the deadline for me to report to Renekton Fortress, so in these two months, I will practice with peace of mind here. As for you, please go back to the family for me and discuss with Frey. Hundreds of snake girls find a place to take care of them and let them make wine for the tavern. Note that they must be taken care of. Next, I will abolish the bloodworms in their bodies and rebuild the army here. In other words, they are no longer under control. "Leo also had some helplessness on his face. The task of the Grand Duke is to form a legion. If you want to quickly form an army, the core force must naturally be quickly formed with bloodworms. Otherwise, he will attack the knight with all his strength during this period and try his best to upgrade his talent. What is the point?

Shane pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "My lord, I have heard you say that your mental power has recently jumped sharply? Could this be related to the upper limit of bloodworm control? I remember that big one. The worm’s mental power may not be as strong as you are now!"

  Leo was taken aback for a moment, and he immediately reacted. I'm sure, I broke through to the great knight during this period of time, learned spells and combat skills, my head was a little dizzy, I actually forgot such an important thing.

   "... Shane, do you think it's better for me to use which kind of slave to build an army?" Leo pondered for a while and asked Shane's opinion. He reads books every day and has a deep understanding of the human world, coupled with a wealth of experience, and his opinions are very good.

"If you are purely pursuing combat power, you can bring the group of snake girls directly. But in order to prevent your enemy from detecting your location, you must use humans, and you must change your name. My lord, if you don’t want to go from the black market Buy slaves to add blood, you can ask Palmer to help see if he can find some executed prisoners in the Principality of Blood Moon. I remember that the laws of the Principality of Blood Moon are strict, and there are more than tens of thousands of criminals executed every year, and basically All human beings." Shane made a suggestion.

  Leo groaned. He knew about death row prisoners. No country would lack such things as criminals. Naturally, there would be no shortage of blood moon principalities with strict laws. And using the death penalty inmates ~www.readwn.com~ some unbearable heart can also be avoided. In terms of combat power alone, alien races are undoubtedly much stronger than humans. But Shane was right. Once an army formed by a group of foreign races became famous, would Luke be blind and deaf? You will definitely get news, and you will immediately doubt that using humans seems to be the only option.

"You are right, then proceed with both ends together. You go to Blood Moon City, bring 20,000 gold coins, ask some preparation warlocks to help, build a huge dungeon under the Redpine Manor within half a month, prepare to imprison those Snake girl. After the dungeon is completed, you will rush back right away, and I will try to contact Teacher Palmer right now, half a month should be enough to get here." Leo ordered, and took out two level 5 stars. Crystal Marrow was handed over to Shane.

   "Understood." Shane took Crystal Marrow, nodded, and left in a hurry.

   Leo waited for him to walk away, and then took out the face mirror that was in contact with Palmer and connected it.


   After half a month, Leo hesitated and transformed into Hader's appearance. Shane, wearing a black cloak, walked into the prison in Xiangye Town. In the small town prison that was originally very idle, at this time, a large group of sleeping human prisoners were densely enclosed.

   "Mayor, how many death row prisoners have been transported this time?" Leo asked the mayor who followed. His identity has been explained on Palmer's side. He is the new army commander of the Golden Spike Corps, and he is also the army commander of the Independent Thousand Corps.

   The so-called Qianjun commander is the military commander with a maximum of 1,000 troops under his command. There is also the commander of the army. Above the commander of the army is the commander and deputy head of the army. The corps of the Golden Spurs has an establishment of 300,000 people, the commander of the corps is directly under 180,000, and the two deputy commanders are both 60,000.


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