I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 318: New war

   Maiev was thinking in front of the giant Yasen rain forest sand table. At this time, he raised his head and nodded faintly, not even interested in speaking.

   "Why are you relieved this time?" Bruce tilted Erlang's legs on one side and occupied Maiev's seat. He laughed when he saw this scene.

"What's not to worry about? A month ago, I didn't know that the awesome little guy took more than 200 soldiers to the Asen Rainforest. The result was a **** blow. The entire army of more than 200 soldiers was wiped out. Only he Relying on the strength of the third-level powerful warlock, he has escaped back, and has since been hiding in the camp obediently, training the reserve to pass the time, what is there to be concerned about?" Maiev replied, with a hint of ridicule from the corner of his mouth.

"...Well, although I don't think that kid is such a superficial person, but you guy is very stubborn, and probably won't listen to me, I don't bother to say it. By the way, the crocodile clan is dead. King Crocodile, did you get the news?" Bruce shrugged and changed the subject.

   Hearing that the crocodile king had died, Maiev nodded calmly and said, "It's just that he hasn't appeared for more than a month. It seems that he has a son with him. I watch the sand table every day. What do you think I am doing?"

   "Do you want to take the opportunity of the Red Crocodile Kingdom to lose the Crocodile King and attack it?" Speaking of war, Bruce also put away his lazy expression.

"...It's hard to say, I'm still thinking about it. The Red Crocodile Kingdom does not directly border us. I am thinking about **** the King Crocodile of the Blue Crocodile Kingdom, and then lay down his kingdom. The Blue Crocodile Kingdom is a kingdom directly bordering us. , Once it is defeated, our territory in the Yasen Rainforest will greatly expand."

   "You are not afraid to irritate that guy? After all, that guy was spawned by the crocodile god, and he is not afraid of death at all. If he takes the Blue Crocodile Kingdom, he will definitely run away." Bruce said a little worried.

"What are you afraid of? I asked the above. The lady said that the Grand Duke's sixth-level road has taken a huge turn. Recently, just wait for the news. There is no need to go deep into the wild adventure. With the lady sitting in the blood moon city, the sky will be pulled. Lord Zoggle will be able to free his hands, and may come and sit down for a while." Maiev said this, with a heartfelt smile on her mouth.

   The Duke and his wife have been adventuring in the depths of the wilderness all year round, and their direct descendants are also extremely worried, just in case. . . The current situation of the Blood Moon Principality will take a turn for the worse.

  Bruce froze for a moment, and he jumped up suddenly, who had been very calm, grabbed Maiev's shoulder, and exclaimed in ecstasy: "You, what you said is true?"

"Remove your stinky hand, it hurts me. Also, when did I tell a lie? You don't believe that you can contact the Grand Duke with the mirror or contact Palmer." Maiev patted Bruce's hands away. , Continue to frown and examine the sand table carefully.

   "Okay, great. When the Grand Duke is promoted to the sixth rank, our principality's status will be unbreakable, and the only thing left is how to entrust the kingdom." Bruce walked around the command post excitedly.

   "By the way, where's Benjamin? I'll tell him the good news!" Bruce took a few steps, suddenly remembered something, and said excitedly.

"You save the time, that madman, you don't need to specifically inform him, just mention a sentence when you meet. You run over excitedly, it is likely that after he listens, he will just say "Oh" and send you away. You are not uncomfortable. ?" Maiev smiled and discouraged.

"This... what you said makes sense." When Bruce thought of the dead face, he knew Maiev was right, so he stopped. After thinking about it, the topic suddenly turned back to Leo and asked: "If To start this war, do you want to inform that kid to join?"

Maiev pondered for a while, nodded and said, "After all, he is one of the seeds of the Grand Duke's preliminary election. Whether the principality can be promoted to the kingdom in the future depends on them. So, let him know to participate. But he has only a few hundred under him. A reserve, this time let them watch the battle in the back position. If you win a big victory, let them pick up some cheaper. If you lose, they can also escape first."

   "... If you know, let him follow my legion." Bruce took the sentence and decided the matter.


   Little River Valley Camp, Leo returned with 900 reserves and handed it over to Andrew for training.

  Leo appointed Andrew as the deputy commander of the Thousand Man Army, responsible for training these guys who had just transitioned from reserve to recruits. And he put the new bloodworm slaves into the army, ten worm generals, one as Andrew's deputy, and the other nine people each took their own ten worm soldiers, and became the captain of a hundred-man team.

   The intelligence of the new blood worm slaves is already sufficient for such a task.

   After placing them, Leo still immersed himself in practicing knightly. But not long after, an order came from Renekton Fortress, asking Leo to lead five hundred recruits to gather on the front line a month later.

   "My lord, my men are recruits who are not even familiar with weapons~www.readwn.com~Is it a bit early to join the battle now?" Leo frowned. If it is another army, the military order is like a mountain, he certainly can't have any objections. But Leo’s army is different. It does not belong to Renekton Fortress, but supplies are obtained from the Fortress.

   "...You don't need to go. The legionnaire said, it's up to you to go or not." The herald received Maiev's instructions and answered immediately.

   "Oh, then please report back to Lord Legion Commander, saying that my army has no combat power at all, so I won't cause him trouble."

   "Okay, I will report the truth." The messenger nodded and rode away.

"Assemble? It looks like there will be a big action in the Fortress of Renekton! But what does it matter to me? There are nearly 400 sacred essences in my hand, I will first raise my strength to level three before I say it!" Leo thought for a while. , Shook his head and returned to the camp.

   From this day on, Leo hardly went out of the house, practising the Bronze Armored Rhinoceros knightly, and resisted the temptation without using the essence of the earth.

   For him, the essence of the earth is used before the super, and the effect is not obvious. Only in the process of super-waiting to the extreme can it save him a lot of time, so it must be held back.

Time is like water. During the period, the Golden Spike Legion launched a battle against the Blue Crocodile Kingdom of the Huang Crocodile tribe, dispatched a hundred thousand army, and the Huang Crocodile tribe strangled each other in the Yasen Rainforest, and gradually gained the upper hand, and stepped closer to the blue crocodile kingdom. force.

   At a critical moment, the fifth-level chief priest of the Huang Crocodile Clan appeared in the army, seeming to want to kill the leader General Bruce. Then Razorgore, the fury of the sky, suddenly appeared and stopped the priest. After a terrifying fierce battle, the chief priest of the Huang Crocodile tribe that was quickly spawned was completely lost to the powerful Razogel.


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