I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 329: The role of the crystal crown

   "Suicide!" Leo didn't know the conditions for crossing here, and immediately screamed. The mental body didn't hesitate, with a whip on his head, his illusory body trembled, and suddenly disintegrated like a stream of water.

   "Huh! What is this?" After Leo disappeared, he found a transparent crystal in his original position. Time is running out, Leo picked up the crystal and rushed forward.

   The strange thing is that this time his mental power is left a lot, it seems that it is enough to activate the confusing royal talent again. After thinking about it, he understood that this mental body is at level three, the same level as Leo, and there is no need to leapfrog and work hard as before when using the eyes of the royal family, plus the substantial increase in mental power, naturally there is some room for it.

   After running for a kilometer, Leo once again encountered a stronger mental body. But for the talent of the Confusion Royal Family, as long as it is not at level 4, it makes no difference whether it is strong or weak. It is still ordered to commit suicide, leaving a transparent crystal one size larger. At the sixth kilometer, he finally saw Layla again, at this time she was fighting with a mental body.

   This time, Layla's several extraordinary combat skills alternated, but she was still unable to repel the mental body in front of her, and she was dragged in place.

   "Layla, do you know what this is?" Leo just saw Layla and immediately raised the clear crystal in his hand and asked loudly.

   Leila took a moment to glance, and exclaimed, "Pure crystal! You actually killed a spiritual body?"

   "Don't talk nonsense, tell me what's the use of this?" Leo scolded.

"Pure crystals are the source of the spiritual body and contain a huge amount of pure spiritual power. It can greatly purify the impurities in the spiritual power, and has a magical effect on the spiritual power raised after taking the medicine, but it cannot be completely cleaned up. If the main impurities are When it is cleared, its power will replenish the loss of mental power. It's just that the mental body is difficult to kill, so you..." As soon as the voice fell, Leo had already swallowed a piece of transparent crystal.

   He has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. After using the fascination royal talent twice, his mental power has almost bottomed out, and it is no longer possible to use it again. The problem is that the spiritual body of the sixth kilometer has rushed over.

   As soon as the pure crystal was swallowed, Leo immediately felt an incomparably pure power flowing into the spiritual space, and began to try to clean up the impurities in the spiritual space. However, what is strange is that Leo's mental space is extremely pure, and there is no medicine left at all. That pure power quickly turned into an endless stream of gentle power, quickly replenishing the nearly exhausted mental power.

  Leo’s mental power is almost instantly replenished!

   "Die!" Leo immediately used the confusing royal talent against his mental body, then picked up the pure crystals he left behind and quickly rushed over.

   The seventh kilometer is actually two spiritual bodies! Leo used his talent for the Royal Family of Confusing Mind twice in a row, ordering two spiritual bodies to commit suicide one after another, harvesting a piece of pure crystal. However, by this time, he already understood that the woman Layla would definitely not be able to make it through the last four kilometers.

The pure crystal that    took, still released a steady stream of mental power to replenish the mental power that Leo had lost.

"It seems that I have to help her, otherwise this woman is dead, and it is a trivial matter to be unable to open the lost dream, but I don't know the way out, and it will be troublesome to be chased by the foreign races behind. However, this woman is too mysterious. Cover it up, it is estimated that you will be recognized by the confusing royal talent at a glance.

   Leo groaned, thinking of the two fourth-level auras in the induction, his heart was slightly cold, and he thought about taking out the crystal crown used in the inheritance ceremony and putting it on, and then tried to inspire the talent of the confusing royal family several times.

   The crystal crown is like crystal, it seems to be transparent, and it does not hinder the talent of the confusing royal family. But from the outside world, there was another hazy feeling, unable to detect the eyes that appeared on Leo's forehead.

   "Very good, so I can save that woman." Leo nodded in satisfaction, and ran back to Layla.


   On the cliff, the Elk and Crimson Feathers finally arrived before the spiritual altar.

   "They passed, and they weren't dead, and they walked a long way." Gaglia looked at Layla who was fighting fiercely with the spirit and body six kilometers away with a gloomy face. The sight of Shitai was not good, but the sight of the spiritual altar was very clear.

"That's okay, I hope they can go through smoothly and survive. There are two keys in your hands. They still have to wait for us and can't open the time lost dream by themselves." Carlos smiled, and he loosened his words. Looks like a breath.

   Gloria flashed a gloomy eye, and said coldly: "This is not necessarily. Those two creatures are not stupid. They come all the way and go straight to the dreamland. Don't you think their purpose is very clear?"

   "... You mean, they can use a key to open the time lost dream?" Carlos' eyes showed shock, a little disbelief.

   "Regardless of whether it is or not, we will catch up as soon as possible. Carlos, do you have any way to quickly pass the spiritual altar?" Greglia's eyes flashed with a different color, and he asked Carlos.

"The strength of the spiritual altar changes with the strength of the entrants. We are not more advantageous than the two human races~www.readwn.com~ I have reached the sixth kilometer at most before, and the seventh kilometer is two. The strength is not lower than my mental body, I can't beat it at all, let alone there are three or five! However, for this operation, I prepared a magical item, which should be able to increase my confidence." Carlos pondered. Then, I finally decided to reveal a little bit.

   Gloria was silent for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

   "Greglia, remember our promise and don't use other brains. Otherwise, I will definitely let you go home empty-handed." Carlos's heart jumped and immediately issued a warning.

"Hey, Carlos, don't worry, I don't know those two human races, so naturally I won't go to cooperate with them. Besides, we are old friends who have cooperated several times, you should trust me!" Gaglia looked at me. It flickered, hesitated for a moment, and then smiled happily.

"We have worked together, and I hope that this time will not be an exception. Gloria, you also know the final fighting talent of our Scarlet Feathers. I hope we won't get there." Carlos stared at Grid with a gloomy look. Leah, it took a while to look away.

"Let's go! The subordinates I brought out are all the most talented juniors in the clan, and they have reached the third level limit, and can break through to the fourth level at any time. I believe your subordinates are the same. I hope that this time I can use the time lost dream. Some of them were promoted to level four by the magical power!" Gloria said unnaturally to Carlos, a pair of sheep's hooves strode forward, and his subordinates naturally followed. Carlos stared at his back with gloomy eyes for a while, and with a wave of his hand, he strode forward with his subordinates.

   suddenly targeted different people, different levels of mental spikes madly attacked!


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