I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 336: Layla got her wish

What's interesting is that the Thunder Armor seems to have the content of the subsequent seventh level. This is a guess after Leo thoroughly comprehended it, but Layla didn't write it out, or she didn't know it at all. But thinking of the meaning of level seven, Leo didn't even consider this matter.

"Finally I have an extraordinary combat skill of my own! This will be the secret combat skill of the Gresh family in the future. Even if the people of the Layla family see it, they should not recognize this specious new combat skill. Leo hissed in his heart. He spends a lot of time integrating combat skills, which is boring on the one hand, and on the other hand, he does not want to waste this endless opportunity for the knowledgeable family.

   Forty-seven years have passed in the dreamland of Lost Time, Layla has been practicing hard and has not touched the tail of the ultra-micro energy channel. After taking a break, Leo began to focus on the two boxing skills.

   It is relatively simple to change from the Thunder system to the Earth system, but it is much more difficult to integrate the two fist skills. Of course, it is much easier than actually creating a combat skill. Leo was indulged in dreams for thirty-three years. The revised version of Zidian Shaquan Earth System and the revised version of Shock Thunder Boxing Earth System are finally integrated. The power is much stronger than the original two extraordinary combat skills. It should have been sent to extraordinary combat skills. Level, Leo named the shock kill punch.

   However, Layla still did not wake up.

   Rio desperately remembered the extraordinary spell of Wings in the Sky. He has always wanted to incorporate Spirit Wind Surge into it, so that the Wings of Splitting Sky can integrate the characteristics of Spirit Wind Surge and change its direction randomly, and then integrate the silent and non-favorable characteristics of Wind Wings to become a brand-new extraordinary spell. Now that it’s okay, Leo begins to immerse himself in the fusion of Wings of the New Rift to revise Zheng

   After this ruin was out, it would take at least dozens of times longer to do this.

The difficulty of fusion of the new Wings of the Sky is far more difficult than Leo's estimates. After a full fifty-eight years, the wings of the Wings of the Sky finally merged with the turbulence of the Spirit Wind and the silence of the Wings of the Wind, and the flight speed increased by 100% Of ten. You must know that the wind and shadow splitting technique is originally known for its speed, and it can be known in the human world for its speed, and its speed can be imagined. It was extremely difficult to speed up twice in a row now, but it was finally forcibly completed in this weird time-lapse dream. Leo thought for a while, and it was still called Wings of Rift, and he did not change his name.

   At this time, Layla still did not move.

   "One hundred and forty years have passed in the dream. It seems that Layla's promotion to level 4 may be difficult for this time-lapse dream." Leo stared at Layla silently, and a thought flashed in his mind. However, she still persisted, and she did not completely cut off hope.

Leo rested for a while, using the mystery of the concussion killing fist as a skeleton, and began to incorporate the Wushuang sword technique, the chaotic sword technique taught by Edwin, and the various sword technique principles learned from the channel puppet. Transform boxing skills into a sword skill. Coincidentally, boxing skills are originally two-handed, and Wushuang sword skills are also two-handed. The difficulty of transformation is much lower than that of fusing two perfect boxing skills to extraordinary. In just three years, with the support of the infinite knowledgeable family, this step has been completed, and Leo named his new sword technique Shock Wushuang Sword.

   Seeing that Layla was still cultivating, Leo recalled that he had suffered from the lack of power of the Shadow Blade, and suddenly had another goal. Although he has now obtained several extraordinary combat skills from Layla, the knight's strength will definitely surpass that of the warlock in the near future, but before the fourth level, the wind warlock will perform long-range attacks after flying, and deal with most of them below the fourth level. The opponent who can fly is simply bullying, so it is still necessary.

   Besides, isn’t this boring?

Leo began to try to fuse the Dark Blade of Wind Shadow and the Dual Blade of Spirit Wind. It took 27 years to fuse two secret spells together, and he could play two pieces of unseen wind caries but this spell. Except for no shadow and no trace, his power can barely reach the perfect level, and Leo is not satisfied.

   He started to make a decision.

"Anyway, it's still a long time, so let's try the real self-created spells. Well, the previous ones can only be regarded as modifying the system on the original basis, or combining two doors into one, not creating out of thin air." Leo thought. Then, while looking at Layla, she shook her head slightly.

   Leila's perseverance made him admire, but after so many years, she still could not be promoted to the fourth level, it is likely that something is missing. However, Leo didn't bother to take care of this woman's affairs, and began to recall the spell knowledge that Galio had accumulated throughout his life, trying to enhance the power of the Dark Blade of New Wind Shadow.

   Within the realm of Lost Time Dream, more than one hundred and seventy years have passed in a hurry. It has been more than ten years since the Dark Blade of New Wind Shadow has been upgraded to the perfect level, but it is still far from the extraordinary level. This is not insufficient inspiration, but insufficient knowledge. Leo also felt that as long as there is a ready-made wind-based extraordinary attack spell for him to refer to, it may be successful in a few years. But now he has no clue, but he has never been able to upgrade the Dark Blade of New Wind Shadow to a transcendent level.

   Just recently, he suddenly felt that the erudite clan's Fu started to consume a small amount of mental energy, and the consumption was increasing rapidly. This made Leo muttered to himself, did some mysterious power in the dream be about to run out, causing this to happen?

   "I don't know what's going on with Layla?" Leo's mental power was gradually exhausted~www.readwn.com~ and had to put away his erudition, but he opened his eyes and saw a smiley face.

   "You... When did you wake up?" Leo was startled, and when he looked closely, he realized that it was Layla, and asked angrily.

"Wake up for more than ten years? I started to look at you by chance and consolidate my realm at other times. In recent years, there is no need to consolidate, so I decided to follow your method and just stare at you. A pig, when I stare at you like this, you have no response!" Layla smiled, and she could see that she was in a very good mood.

   "You, have you been promoted to level 4?" Leo asked unexpectedly.

"I'm not going to be promoted, I just sensed the superfine energy pulse. Hey, anything in this world, I'm afraid to persist." Layla showed pride on her face and thought for a while and said: "In the first ten years, I have never been able to break through. I also began to waver. In about thirty years, I was about to collapse, and a trace of despair came to my heart. At that time, I began to wonder if I could not get promoted? But fortunately, I remembered the words of the ancestors, hold on! I am desperate In persistence, numbness in persistence, at the end of the numbness, I slowly saw a ray of light. It has been more than ten years since I felt the first superfine energy pulse."

A dozen years ago? Leo's heart trembled secretly, and there was a trace of respect in his eyes as he watched Layla. Now it is more than two hundred and seventy years after entering the time lost dream. Layla was desperate almost thirty years later, but she abruptly persisted in despair and numbness for more than two hundred years, and the tenacity of her will is beyond imagination. Leo couldn't confirm whether he could persist.

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