I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 190: PLAN A. NOW IN MOTION: PART 2

Cabel and the rest of the contracted spirits of Evelyn were having quite a heated discussion about when and how Evelyn should be rescued.

"I told you, we should stick to the plan…" Gil shouted.

"It's been a week already and Evelyn is still there! How much longer should we sit still and wait like this?!" Cabel shouted as he bang the table as he grew irritated at the situation.

"You should chill a bit, kid!" Bern said to Cabel as he sat across from him with his arms cross in his chest.

"What?! You're saying that I should relax when Evelyn was there with that bastard Adley and who knows what that bastard is doing… tsk!"

Cabel cannot continue his words. He doesn't have the guts to tell what dark thoughts are swirling in his mind, especially that Adley is a cunning man that would do anything to get what he wants.

As Alisha saw through Cabels worries she tried to reassure him by telling Evelyn's capabilities.

"We know how much Evelyn means to you… the rest of us knew how much Evelyn also meant to us, but you should know that Evelyn wouldn't sit still if she knew that her life would be in danger. You should trust Evelyn's judgement and abilities."

Gil nodded as well as Bern and Chrisfold as to what Alisha just said.

"You should know that Evelyn is strong if she can get a contract with higher spirits…" Chrisfold said.

Cabel pondered as to what they said. And he thought that they were right. 

"...but i have a question… you can communicate with Evelyn, right?"

Gil looked at the others and was contemplating if he should let Cabel know one of the things that contractors and contractors advantage when they are in the contract.

He sighs first before he explains as he intertwined both his hands together and placed it on the wooden table.

"Well… we can but considering the distance from Evelyn and us it would drain a lot of mana so we only do it if there's an emergency and if not we could communicate with Cathy who is with Evelyn and is also a higher spirit like us."

As Gil looked at Cabel who seemed to be confused at what he said he continued to explain.

"Because we are higher spirits, we have ways to communicate and it is easier for us because we are in the same race but because Evelyn is a human she would need to use her mana to supply her thoughts to us. It's only convenient if we are near our contractor or we can sense where she is or she knows where we are…"

Cabel still continued to listen as he only looked at the direction where Gil was seated.

"Don't worry… Evelyn already contacted us earlier and she said that she still needed to see things before she would try to cause damage there…"

When Cabel heard what Gil said, that's when his doubts and anxiety lifted.

'At the least she looks safe if she can contact them… she must have seen something in that bastard Adley's place if she postponed her escape.' It's what Cabel thought.

And he was right. Right now, Evelyn was looking at prince Adley who visited earlier after Ishid left and said some dangerous things.

"What did the pope tell you?! And what did you talk about with Ishid? Huh?!""

Adley is gripping her shoulders so tight that Evelyn winch in response. Adley's veins were vividly visible in his neck as if he was trying to suppress his anger.

"I don't know…! Let me go! It hurts!"

"Then tell me what they tell you!"

Evelyn winch again.

'Why is this bastard so strong?!" Evelyn thought as she felt how much strength Adley was putting in his fingers that was gripping her shoulders.

If she could she would immediately tossed Adley like a sack of flour and made him kiss the concrete floor but right now she was sensing that there is something amiss with Adley that was why she was trying hard to tolerate the man.

"Tell me already!"

"I told you… they just asked me how I feel about being your prisoner and fiance… that was all!"

For now, Evelyn thought that she needed to at least give some reason to make Adley calm down.

"Besides, why are you asking me when you can question your subordinate or the Pope about it?! Aren't you people on the same side?!"

Evelyn looked at him in the eye as she intensely stared at his emerald eyes that seemed to be hiding anxiety.

'What is this man thinking?' She thought.

At that moment, the grip loosened and both his arms slowly went down. Evelyn crossed her arms and touched the sore shoulders and looked at him as he slowly walked away and slammed the door.

"What the hell is the problem of that guy?!"

As she thinks about it there really is something wrong with how Adley acted. 

"He can just ask his right hand man or that greedy pope about the question they asked. Why does he need to go here and angrily ask me about it?"

If she actually thinks about it, the moment that Adley heard that Pope Nelson was here and was talking with her he immediately ran and killed the guards that obeyed the pope and rushly sent her away.

"There's something that he's hiding… he's hiding something that he doesn't want the Pope or Ishid to know… but what is it?"


Cassandra slowly wakes up. Her mind still seems to be fuzzy and her purple eyes haven't adjusted to her surroundings. 

She let out a groan and slowly felt the pain in her back, shoulders, waist, and thighs. It's basically her whole body.

"What happened?"

Her mind still can't process what she just experienced. As she was still getting used to the darkness in the room she heard a woman's voice yelling "She's awake!".


When her senses seemed to come back to her  she checked where she was and saw the familiar ceiling that she once saw whenever she took medicinal herbs in one of the rooms, specifically the designated patient room.

"What am I doing here?" 

Smelling the room, Cassandra immediately thought about what happened before she passed out and why is her body hurting so much.

"Right… It's because of the grimoire and that inhumane black liquid. But what happened to the kid-"

She panicked for a moment but when she saw the man in question sleeping in the other patient bed she felt a sense of relief.

"Thank goodness…"

It felt like it was her fault that Sir Edrich, a kid who had a long life ahead of him, would die because of her carelessness.


A few moments later, she heard steps in front of the door before it opened and saw the handsome men and a beautiful woman that she's been staying with.

"Seriously… what the hell are you thinking?!"

It was Gil's voice that rangs inside the room.

"Will you keep it down? I'm a patient right now and your voice is making my head spin…"

Gil immediately went and stood beside the bed where Cassandra lay still. His face was evidence of worries as his brows crumpled and his grey eyes were full of anxiety.

"Wait… are you alright? Want to drink some head ache medicine?" He asked as he looked for a doctor but before he could call Cassandra made the running doctor stop with her gesture.

"Just stop nagging…"

"But… haaa… Alright…"

Bern and Chrisfold were amused at how Cassandra could tame Gil. They smiled and thought that they knew where to go to when Gil starts to get annoying and nag them.

"Anyway… you're here?"

Cassandra asked as she saw Chrisfold. Well, she knew that he's here but what she was asking was if they completed their task.

"Don't worry, it's here. The kid has it."

"Hey… I'm not a kid!" Duke Cabel said as he entered the room rather late.

"You're a kid if you compare how long we lived."

"That's not something to brag about, old man!"

Cassandra chuckled when she heard them teasing each other.

"Well, now that i'm awake we should discuss some things…"

Before she thought about telling them what she found out she turned her head to the right and saw that Sir Edrich, a black mana user like her is sleeping soundly and has no sign of waking up… well at least for this moment.

"Shouldn't the doctor check up on you first and let you have some rest before you talk?" Gil said as he was worried about Cassandra's well being.

"I'm fine, I don't have that much of an injury anyway and besides this is more important."

As she said that the atmosphere suddenly turned a hundred and eighty degrees. The doctor and the maids have a tact and left them on their own.

"I believe that it's more serious than we originally thought."

"What do you mean? Is this about that black liquid that came from the temple of Light?" Alisha asked and Cassandra nodded.

"What did you find out?"

"The black liquid is something more than an explosive bomb it's also…"

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