I Don’t Want This Bad Ending


Evelyn heard footsteps from a far… it seems to be in a hurry that also made her heart beat through every sound that it made.

And when the guards tried to stop the one trespassing the underground cell of the temple, she heard screams and groans as well as a sharp tool cutting through the wind. It was apparent that there was a one man slaughter going on in the underground prison.

Evelyn anticipated the next scenarios that could happen especially right now that she is in the hands of her enemies.

And when the footsteps stopped, Evelyn who was sitting on the ground looked up.

Evelyn smiles when she sees the familiar face with blood splattered in his face and the sword that was still dripping of fresh blood.

"Wow~ are you here to rescue me?"

She tried hard to bypass the tense atmosphere with her carefree demeanor and Prince Adley smirk thinking that he never thought that there would come a day that he would rescue the former fiance of his half-brother.

And though right now Prince Adley was claiming that she is now his fiancee and looking at the lady that seems to have a relaxed countenance he thought that it was amusing.

"I'm your fiance, am I not?"

Evelyn can't help but snort at how ridiculous Prince Adley answered. He was still insisting on getting her to marry him even in this situation.

"You're crazy." Evelyn can't help but speak her mind out while Adley snorts just like what she did earlier.

"I also think that I'm going to go crazy…" said Pince Adley before he swings his sword to the lock of the prison door to open the door made of iron bars.


Evelyn watches him as she thinks about why Adley and the Temple of Light seems to try hard to get her.

'I need to tell the others that they should proceed to the plan...'

That was Evelyn's thoughts. The longer she observes the second Prince the harder it is to understand his process of thoughts and thought that it would be better to strike them while the iron is still hot.

Still, Evelyn can see that Adley seems to be irritated and pissed but still answers her like he was used to doing back when he visited her at the prison like room. 

"Give me your hand…"

Evelyn did as she was told after the chains in her hand were broken and plopped to the ground with a loud sound, the chains in her feet was what Adley cut next.



She massages her wrist that has markings embedded in her pale wrist that obviously came from the chains that scrape her.

Prince Adley looked at her red wrist and clicked his tongue. 


Evelyn heard it and looked at him as she saw an expression that looked like he was irritated.

Evelyn scanned the area with her eyes and saw the other prison cell that seems to have tools and weapons covered with blood. The walls of the other cell as she passed through each one of them have at least dry blood splashed through the cemed walls.

Evelyn immediately thought about what Cassandra said as well as her contracted spirits about the black liquid that she brought back from their sneaking inside the facility of the Temple of Light.

However she was brought back to her senses when Adley talked.

"Let's go!" 

Evelyn continued to observe Adley as he pulled her out of there. What she then saw was the guards' corpses lying in their own blood.

She looked at him who just kicked one of the guards like it was just a piece of trash that was scattered around the floor.

Their eyes met as Adley looked back and Evelyn was still looking at him, puzzled about how he could be so cruel. They're technically at the same side but it seems that a main character like him doesn't think like that.

'Well, his one of the villains after the wicked Evelyhn in the story…' she thought.

"What??" he asked, Adley's emerald eyes that seem to be saying that there is no problem with what he just did.

However, Evelyn ignored his question and instead asked him something that she noticed since earlier. 

"Don't tell me that you rush here without a back up?"

Prince Adley went into silence and only looked at her. And Evelyn was astounded.

"You really rushed here alone? What the hell are you thinking?!"

Evelyn at least thought that Prince Adley would bring his men or at least the man who was always with him whenever she saw or had a meeting with him.

"What about your right hand man? That man named Ishid?" she asked, still bewildered.

"I don't have time to answer those stupid question… I'm enough to get you out of here…"

Evelyn scoffed and shook her head. She knew that Adley would rescue her because there are still things that he needed from her and he was not a man who would let his prey go. 

But the thought of going alone without any guards seems like a suicide to her even though the place that she was held captive where the place that Adley considered to be allies.

"If they tried to stop me then I'll cut them down without mercy…"

The glint in Prince Adley's emerald eyes left Evelyn gulped down a lump in her throat.

"Stop talking and just move your feet!"

Prince Adley has the impression that Evelyn, the woman that he has been with for the past week, who was trembling, screaming, or crying, and pleading that she's not the one who he was looking for, thought that she would clung to him as she was afraid of what was happening to her life but it seems that his impressions are wrong especially when Prince Adley heard her next words.

"I never thought that the one who held me captive for the past five days will be the one to rescue me here in this prison… if I didn't know better I would think that you sincerely want me to be safe…"

Adley was getting irked at how talkative the woman that he rescued was. 

He was debating if it would be better to let Evelyn rot in this underground cell of the Temple of Light where a lot of the people that become prisoners and held captive became an additional nutrient and became like a stock for the black liquid that the Temple of Light was making.

"You really should shut up before I get irritated and leave you here in this hell hole!" Adley said as he was gritting his teeth.

From what he said, Evelyn immediately thought about the experiment of the Temple of Light and the stench of the place that sometimes made her gagged.

"Alright~ I'll zip my mouth… your highness..."

Evelyn smirk when she saw the corner of Adley's lips twitch.

When they arrive at the only door that leads to the outside Prince Adley stops and simply warns her.

"Don't you dare get in the way and stay at the back…"

Even before Evelyn got the chance to answer Prince Adley pulled her near and held her wrist a bit tighter that made Evelyn winch and on the Prince other hand he also gripped the hilt of his sword tighter.

Opening the door, a blinding light immediately welcomed them. Evelyn squinted her sunset eyes and brought her right hand to her head to become a momentary shelter against the light that exposed them.


But she was brought to her senses when she felt the familiar hostility lingering in the air.

When she adjusted to the blinding light accompanied by an all white walls, ceiling, and flooring, Evelyn saw at least a hundred uniformed knights of the Temple of Light surrounding her and Prince Adley.

All the swords were pointing at their necks and in the middle of it a smiling woman was looking at them.

"What's the meaning of this?" Adley asked. Still holding his sword.

The woman in front of them sweetly chuckled at the question that was thrown at her.

"What's this? Shouldn't I be the one to ask about your highness? What are you doing here uninvited?" she said as she questioned Prince Adley.

"I don't have any obligation to answer that.,, lower your sword! Do you know who you are pointing it to?" Prince Adley's voice was so low and seems to be giving warning as Evelyn knew the situation wasn't in Prince Adley's side's favor.

Though the knight of the Temple of Light flinched at what the Prince said but still they were pointing the sharp tip in their direction.

"And why should I follow what you said? You're not in the palace, your highness. Right now, you are in my territory and even the royalties don't have a say to what was happening inside the holy land.."

"Watch what you're saying, Saintess! You should know who gave that position to you!" 

Hearing those words, Elise burst out laughing.

Her pink cheeks and her glowing skin make her look so divine as it seems that her smile alone can solve the tension that was lingering in the air.

The white flowy dress that suited her so well was also making her look like an innocent lamb that made the flowers bloom whenever her presence befall upon them.

Evelyn thought that the power of the heroine of the novel makes her shine the most although her eyes that reflected the bright sky were without a doubt were looking at them like they were trapped in her clutches and a pest that needs to be eradicated.

"And I'm thankful for that however this is a different matter… I'll let you walk away without a scratch, your highness. However, you should leave her here..."

Elise pointed at Evelyn who was behind Prince Adley.

"I think you don't understand, Saintess! I never asked for a favor… I'm giving you an order…!"

Prince Adley's eyes glow dangerously as he looked at the woman in front of her.

"Move…! or I don't know where my sword could go "accidentally" if I get irritated and lose my mind…"

The tension in the air was heavy enough for the shoulders to hold their breath.

Meanwhile, Evelyn was silently watching the scene that Cassandra told her in one of the things she said will happen in her future.

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