I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 118: Anti-evil Sword Technique

Chapter 118: Evil-Repelling Sword Techniques

"very good,"

Hong Ying said calmly, "If you can't become a Grand Master, your life won't be of much use."

ˆ “”

Will you die if you don’t become a Grand Master?

Ye Qiu couldn’t laugh or cry.

 He remembered something else that the dead **** often said to the guards and children: The prince's palace does not support idlers.

 In the blink of an eye, the monster's figure disappeared.

 He then collapsed on the river bank, breathing heavily and vomiting a little blood from time to time.

 vomiting and vomiting. After getting used to vomiting, he couldn't help but think, if he became a great master, would he still be able to kill him?

 After thinking for a while, he quickly shook his head. You must not commit suicide!

Hong Ying was sitting alone in a chair with his eyes closed and concentrating. The door to the room was pushed open, making an unpleasant creaking sound, and he did not open his eyes.

 In Sanhe, besides Wen Zhaoyi, who else can avoid his own eyes and ears and easily walk in front of him?

Wen Zhaoyi walked to Hong Ying's right side and sat down, poured herself a cup of tea, sniffed at the mouth of the cup, then put it on the table and said with a smile, "You are a slave, you have so many masters." You don’t drink good tea, but you drink this messy stuff.”

“Being a servant naturally follows the rules of being a servant. If the master doesn’t give it to you, you can’t take it yourself.”

Hong Ying opened his eyes, took the glass of water into his hand, took a sip and said with a smile, "Wen Zhaoyi, do you have such leisure time to come here today?"

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid of raising tigers?

? "

Hong Ying glanced at Wen Zhaoyi, and then said with a smile, "The prince said that tigers have the intention to hurt people, and people also have the intention of hiding tigers."

Wen Zhaoyi said playfully, "Don't spend the whole day talking about your prince's words. Is there nothing you want to say?"

 “He doesn’t dare!”

Hong Ying said it categorically.

Wen Zhaoyi said, "Are you afraid of Jizhao'an?

 Otherwise, why are you so thinking about letting Ye Qiu become the Grand Master? "

 “I just don’t want the prince to get involved, that’s all.”

Hong Ying said slowly and leisurely, "In the real face of Jizhao'an, what should you do, Wen Zhaoyi?"

Wen Zhaoyi said bitterly, "The hatred of killing a son is naturally irreconcilable, so I will naturally kill my enemy with my own hands."

Hong Yingdao said, "Young man, I understand."

“Your skills have improved so quickly, I didn’t expect this.”

Wen Zhaoyi sighed and said, "I originally thought you were lucky, but now it seems it's more than that. Given time, I'm afraid I won't be your match.

However, since you are loyal to protect the Lord, you must step up.

I have been practicing in the deep palace for decades. I thought I could avenge my son, but I didn't expect that I would still be defeated at her hands.

Now you may not go ten moves in my sister's hands. "

Hong Ying was surprised at first, then lowered his head and said nothing.

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "You don't have to be like this. My junior sister is a top-notch person who is rare to meet in a thousand years. You can be proud of yourself if you can complete ten moves from him."

Hong Ying raised his head and said calmly, "Wen Zhaoyi, it's already night, so you'd better rest early."

Wen Zhaoyi got up and as soon as he left the house, the rooster began to crow.

 It’s late autumn, but the temperature in Sanhe still shows no sign of dropping.

Ye Qiu sat next to Sun Yi with a bucket. The two looked at each other and were both surprised. Why were their eyes swollen?

 “You didn’t sleep last night, okay?”

Sun Yi spoke first, and they understood each other tacitly.

 Ye Qiu whispered, "This **** **** is really not a good thing!"

 “Be bold!”

After Sun Yi spoke sternly, he winked at him and whispered quickly, "Don't take me with you if you want to die!"


 Ye Qiu stopped paying attention to him.

 However, he admitted in his heart that he was right to be cautious. He had experienced it himself last night!

That dead **** is simply not a human being!

 This is the closest I have ever been to the edge of death in my life!

On this day, everyone in the palace, from the commander, the guards, the gatekeepers to the grooms, was all bruised and bruised.

 Of course, except Mingyue and Zixia.

His nose is bruised and his face is swollen, and he cannot show up in front of the prince. Otherwise, if he cannot explain himself in front of the prince, he will be beaten, maybe even more severely.

 Hong Kong and the palace were all in danger for a while, and fell into a tense and solemn atmosphere.

 The elimination round of the Guards is about to begin again.

Those who fail to meet the assessment requirements of Manager Hong will have no choice but to leave.

  After leaving, many people are undecided whether to return to the capital or stay in Sanhe and join the garrison.

Ye Qiu was standing well in front of Hong Ying, but something didn't feel right. He couldn't help but knelt down and said in a trembling voice, "Please give me some advice from the manager."

"Well," Hong Ying sat on the chair and lightly closed the tea lid, "You are a swordsman, so our family will teach you a swordsmanship called evil-proofing swordsmanship."

 Evil-proof swordsmanship?

 Sounds so high-end and looks so powerful!

 Ye Qiu said happily, "Thank you, manager!"

 Your kneeling is not in vain!

“If you want to practice this skill, you must first leave the palace.”

After speaking, Hong Ying dropped the knife and said, "Go ahead. You are not bad at it. You won't die even if you bleed a little."


 Ye Qiu was stunned, his lower body felt cold, and he unconsciously tightened his grip.

Although he has no desire for men and women, it does not mean that he wants to be a eunuch!

Hong Ying glanced at him again and said, "How about our family helping you?"

 Just get used to it. "


 Ye Qiu burst into tears.

This was the first time in his life that he cried out, "I don't want to commit suicide. You are so kind and merciful. How about we change our time?"

I have thrown away my sword now, and I will never practice sword practice again in this life! "

Hong Ying said calmly, "Don't practice swordsmanship?

That's a pity, you are a good swordsman. "

"no no!

 Sir, you have misunderstood! "

 Ye Qiu said hurriedly, "Now I hate swordsmanship!"

 After saying this, he could feel the heart of his sword trembling and bleeding.

 In order to be a complete person, he had no choice but to violate his own sword!

“You don’t learn this, you don’t learn that, you are really embarrassing our family.”

 Hong Ying threw the tea cup on the table.

 Ye Qiu was stunned.

 This is the sword technique to ward off evil spirits.

what is that?

 You only gave one option!

 He wanted to bang his head against the wall and die immediately!

“General Manager, I can learn Yuan Gong!”

With a strong desire to survive, Ye Qiu ignored the tears on his face and said loudly, "Don't worry, manager, I will definitely study hard!"

Hong Ying frowned and looked at him for a long time.

 Ye Qiu was frightened.

Then he said, "Manager, if I really am not good enough to learn Yuan Gong, can we switch to the evil-repelling sword technique?"

At this moment, he was really frightened out of his mind.

Hong Ying said slowly and leisurely, "That's also very good."

Since then, Ye Qiu, like Yu Shih and others, has officially begun to practice Huiyuan Gong.

 He is more diligent than anyone else.

 After all, there is always a risk of being circumcised.

 He really doesn’t want to be a eunuch.

 (End of this chapter)

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