Chapter 131 Navy

Wang Qingbang said with a smile, "As expected, the Holy Spirit will announce the decree soon. Your Majesty can just wait for the good news."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "That's the best. I'll just wait slowly. I hope you won't disappoint me too much."

 Unconsciously, I thought of my own mother.

She must be disappointed. She only married the daughter of a county king, and she is still on the way to escape. She has nothing to ask for, and it may become a drag.

 But, he is very happy!

 The entire day was filled with joy.

 He will soon end his single life and will no longer be alone.

 What if he is dissatisfied with his future wife?

 He can still marry a concubine!

At the end of the year, something happened in Baiyun City that everyone was talking about.

Since all young and old in Baiyun City started learning martial arts on the playground, some people have really discovered the benefits of practicing martial arts.

Especially for old men and old ladies, the physical benefits are endless.

And when young women learn martial arts, their men no longer dare to bully them at will.

That's why it happened that Mr. Cao from West Street beat up the man Wu Debang.

The beating doesn't count, just go to the government office and ask for a divorce.

The person who handed over the petition was Sun Xing, a Taoist fortune teller from Baiyun Grand View. He is now also a lawyer and his business is very prosperous.

 Shan Qi had a headache after receiving the imperial examination.

According to Liang law, any wife who beats her husband will be punished with a hundred sticks. Those who wish to leave should be left to their own devices.

 However, their prince has never respected the "Three Cardinal Guidelines and Five Constant Rules", and he even advocates that men and women should be treated the same!

Hence, he did not dare to judge directly according to Liang Law. He had to consult the prince to save himself trouble later.

 Arrived at Prince He's Mansion and walked straight in.

Fang Pi had a headache. He had to run to him every time to inform him, and he was almost exhausted from running.

 “Your Majesty!”

Shan Qi handed over the lawsuit directly.

Lin Yi took it and took a look at it. Although it was in classical Chinese, he could barely understand it.

Putting the lawsuit on the table, holding up the tea cup and saying with a smile, "Men can beat women, why can't women beat men?"

 “That’s what the prince said.”

Shan Qi really couldn’t refute.

Lin Yi continued, "As for how Heli divides the property, you can decide it yourself. Whoever earns it will get it, but the woman cannot be left penniless, at least enough to live out her life."

 The division of property was also a difficult problem in the previous life.

 Not to mention the current situation, so he can only give a general opinion.

"Yes," Shan Qi pondered for a while and said, "Your Majesty, this woman's initiative to reconcile is the first in Sanhe. I wonder if I should be rewarded?"

Their Prince He always likes to give rewards, and he also followed Prince He's temperament.

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "There is an old saying from ancient times: to encourage peace but not to leave, so there is no need to do so much."

If he dares to give a reward, he has every reason to believe that the next day, those who have reached Sanhe will dare to fake a divorce to defraud the reward!

 Still in high spirits.

This routine is common to everyone!

 The intelligence of ancient people cannot be underestimated at all.

 “The lower official knows.”

Shanqi continued, "Nanzhou Navy docked at Bird Island right in front of us.

 What does the prince have in mind? "

"You are the chief envoy and military admiral. Are you here to ask me?"

 “I understand, I understand.”

Shanqi left in despair.

This person never turns around when talking to the prince

On that day, Shanqi gritted his teeth and allocated 10,000 taels of silver, recruited four large ships, and personally led a thousand guards officers and soldiers to Fangniao Island.

Standing on the bow of the ship, looking at the more than 20 large ships flying the Liang Guolong flag on the sea of ​​Fangniao Island, his face was gloomy.

However, as we got closer and closer to the shore, I felt better again.

Although he is a civil official, he is also a martial arts practitioner!

The thousand guards behind him are basically using their strength, and none of the imperial guards in the palace have such combat power.

 So, he set foot on the Bird Island with confidence.

 “Good Lord.”

The navy promoted Zhang Mian and Qianhu Wenqian and Han Deqing to come out to greet them in person.

Shanqi cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Zhang Mian smiled and said, "Sir, you have been traveling all the way, so why not take a rest first."

Shan Qi said, "After I take a bath and change my clothes, I will go and meet Jiang Kan for a while."

 He was old and had been walking on the sea for several days, and his physical strength was indeed exhausted.

 After eating something casually in Shibosi, I took a bath and slept until the next morning.


Shan Qi sat on the main seat and sighed, "You don't even know how to call me old man. I'm really ashamed."

Zhang Mian said, "Looking at how soundly you are sleeping, I really can't bear to greet you, not to mention it's nothing important."

After Shanqi stroked his beard for a long time, he picked up the tea cup in front of him and asked in a deep voice, "The Nanzhou Navy has stayed at Fangniao Island for half a month. What does Jiang Kan mean by this?"

Zhang Mian shook his head and said, "Master Jiang has booked the inn and is still closed."

Shanqi asked again, "How many people are there in the Nanzhou Navy?"

Zhang Mian said, "More than 1,200 people were on the boat, and Jiang Kan landed alone."

Shan Qi snorted coldly, "Where does he think Sanhe is?

 He really thought it was his own home!

 When someone comes, pass me my film. Be polite first and then fight.

 If you don’t know what’s interesting, don’t blame me for being rude. "

Shan Yin came over and said, "Uncle, grandson, please take a trip."

Shan Qi nodded and said, "That's fine, there's no need to be more polite."

His great-nephew is a seventh-grade man, so he is not worried about what might happen. What’s more, this is a bird island, and there are nearly 3,000 navy troops and guardsmen!

Wen Qian suddenly said, "Sir, according to my observation, this Jiang Kan is not an easy person."

Zhang Mian said, "In the past, Nanzhou Navy relied on merchant ships to make a living. Now, merchant ships from all over the place are docking at our Sanhe. I'm afraid Jiang Kan is unhappy, and I have to take precautions."

"so what?"

Shanqi smiled and said, "This is Sanhe, what can he do?

 Unless he wants to rebel! "

Zhang Mian said, "If Jiang Kan intercepts our Sanhe ship regardless of his face, something might be wrong."

Shan Qi asked, "Are you just going to be a vegetarian?"

Zhang Mian said seriously, "Of course we are not afraid, but the Nanzhou Navy has been in force for a long time. The three of us and the Navy are just practicing for the first time. We have a head-on confrontation, and even the lower officials are not sure."

Shanqi knew he was telling the truth and just asked, "What if it's on land?"

 Zhang Mian said proudly, "Of course, let him go and never come back."

Wen Qian listened and finally couldn't help but said, "Master Shan, Master Zhang, this is Sanhe."

 On the surface of the South China Sea, it is their leader Du Sanhe who has the final say!

Zhang Mian said, "How can the naval affairs be left to human hands?"

 He really didn’t understand why Prince He would put a pirate leader in the navy.

Shan Qi closed his eyes to rest his mind and said no more words.

 After a while, the good causes will come back.

“Uncle, Jiang Kan still refused to see me and only handed in your film.”

 “The shelf is not small.”

  Shanqi was very angry.

 At any rate, he is a second-rank official in the imperial court!

 (End of this chapter)

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