Chapter 169 Confrontation

“Is the Heavenly Lord above the Earthly Lord?”

Lin Yi took it for granted that this should be the case.

“No, above the Earthly Lord is the Supreme Being,”

Wen Zhaoyi said calmly, "Li Fo, the emperor of Asoka, is the supreme emperor."

Lin Yi then asked, "How many supreme beings are there in Ayu Kingdom?"

Wen Zhaoyi rolled her eyes at him and said, "How do I know about these barbarian lands?"

 “You really don’t know?”

Lin Yi could feel Wen Zhaoyi's disdain.

 “Should I know?”

 “Then this old man is very dangerous,”

Lin Yi shouted without hesitation, "Ye Qiu!"

 “Your Majesty!”

 Behind Ye Qiu were Ah-Dai and Yu Shih-hour who came in together.

Lin Yi said, "The three of you should catch up with Mr. He and protect his safety."

 Ye Qiudao, "Yes."

Yu Shi and Dui followed reluctantly, they shouldn't have entered the camp to join in the fun.

However, they did not dare to say "no" to the prince's order, otherwise the manager would kill them if he turned around.

After the three of them went out, Lin Yi looked at Wen Zhaoyi again and said with a smile, "Sister, if you are free, you can also take care of me. You also know that if this master attacks the camp, with the help of Old Man He and the others, he probably won't survive. "

 “I want to eat roast leg of lamb,”

Wen Zhaoyi sighed, "I haven't eaten for three months."

Lin Yi patted his chest and said, "What a big deal, let's bake it right away."

 Immediately ask for mutton to be brought over and roast the mutton outside the tent.

 Unfortunately, after Lin Yi finished baking, Wen Zhaoyi only took two bites and then left.

 Five days later.

Lin Yi received news that Ayu's 10,000-strong army had left the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

 “Why did you go so fast this time?”

Lin Yiteng stood up from the chair.

The reason why He Jixiang only brought so many people there was because he considered that Ayuguo's army would not arrive so quickly. With his own army of more than 10,000 people, it would be easy to eliminate more than 3,000 vanguard troops!

Pan Duo handed over his hand and said, "Ayugu's vanguard troops came all the way to repair the road, and the army behind them was able to move forward unimpeded."

Lin Yi looked at Chen Desheng beside him and said, "Master Chen, what do you think we should do?"

Chen Desheng cupped his hands and said, "My lord, you also said that only by clenching your fists together can you have strength. We should not disperse our troops. We should catch up with Lord He as soon as possible and join forces with him."

 “Then let’s do it.”

Lin Yi felt that fighting was meaningless.

 The planned ambush at Jinji Mountain finally changed.

  It means to keep on going, to keep on going.

 The army breaks out of camp.

Lin Yi was riding on the donkey, and Shen Chu was chasing after him on horseback and said, "Your Majesty, I have sent a scouting horse. At the same time, I asked Pan Duo to fly a pigeon to deliver a letter to Mr. He, asking him to wait for us."


Lin Yi nodded and said, "Let's do it.

 Don’t ask me about anything, you make your own decisions. "

 He is really just here to make soy sauce!

 He won, he was wise and mighty.

 If you lose, you will go to sea and become the island owner.

  Thanks to the road construction by the civilians in advance, the speed was very fast this time. It only took ten days to catch up with He Jixiang and others who set off half a month in advance.

Lin Yi found that there were a lot more elephant soldiers, and basically all the nearby Guizhou people had gathered here.

 “Your Majesty,”

He Jixiang said, "The Ayu people are only five miles away from here. They occupy a dangerous place and confront us."

 “If you want to fight, then fight.”

Lin Yi rubbed his brows and said.


He Jixiang said loudly.

 The morning of the second day.

 The officers and soldiers of Sanhe and the Ayu people seemed to have a clear understanding of each other, and they blew the horns at the same time.

  The Ayu elephant soldiers who rushed down from the mountain, there were only a few of five or six hundred elephants, and the ground was shaking under their feet.

  The Sanhe officers and soldiers squatting on the ground holding bows and arrows looked at the elephant getting closer and closer, their palms were sweating!

 “Fire the arrow!”

When the elephant herd was less than a thousand meters away, Bao Kui gave an order, and thousands of arrows were fired. The arrowheads flying in the sky were shot at the elephant herd and the Ayu people behind them.

The hard arrowhead hurt the elephant. Although the elephant soldiers on top were gone and there was no one to command them, they still rushed over like crazy amidst the roaring sound.

The pits and snagging ropes dug by He Jixiang in advance were of no use at all.


 After two rounds of bows and arrows, Bao Kui gave another order, and the officers and soldiers retreated, revealing the Guizhou elephant herd behind them.

There was another unique horn sound.

The Qian elephant soldiers made a strange noise and then directly faced the Ayu elephant soldiers.

 For a time, people looked up and down.

 There was blood everywhere.

 The Ayu people’s cavalry moved.

Shen Chu shouted and charged forward, followed by more than two thousand cavalry.

The Ayu people's ponies have been living with elephants for a long time. They are not afraid of the elephants and are not timid at all. Their hooves are tumbling and their long manes are flying.

The horses of the Sanhe cavalry, after seeing the elephant, instinctively wanted to retreat, and screamed at each other. No matter how the cavalry yelled and cursed, and patted the horse's belly, they did not dare to take a step forward.

Many officers and soldiers had to jump off their horses and fight with the thin Ayu sitting on the horse using their kung fu.

 Even a master of energy transformation cannot withstand the impact of a war horse.

 Our side is gradually losing ground.

 The morale of Ayush people is getting higher and higher!


He Jixiang, who was already too old and speechless, suddenly roared, and 20,000 guards and militiamen moved around on both sides, forming an encirclement.

 More and more Ayu people rushed down from the mountain.

Lin Yi stood on the top of a high mountain. Whether he was an elephant or a human, he looked like an ant.

 However, he could imagine the **** scene and did not dare to look at it with his eyes closed.

 If an elephant soldier falls off an elephant and is stepped on by an elephant, can he still survive?

 The war was different from what he had imagined. There was no covert plot, no attacks in the east or the west, and no tricks or tricks at all.

  It is a direct, simple and rough physical fight.

The sun is getting higher and higher.

In the end, the Ayu people were outnumbered, and most of them were annihilated and captured. The remaining ones slowly and orderly retreated back to the mountain amidst the sound of horns.

Just when Lin Yi was about to issue an order not to kill prisoners, Ayu people had already been beheaded by the local Qian people and Li people with one knife after another.

 Everyone held up their **** heads and roared loudly.

Even though he didn’t understand the language, Lin Yi could understand that they were comforting their deceased relatives.

 The Ayu people have invaded the Sanhe border people for several generations.

 Otherwise, why would they charge forward risklessly?

Now, how can they not be excited to avenge a **** sea of ​​​​blood?

He Jixiang fell off his horse and was lying in the tent coughing up blood. Hu Shilu personally checked his pulse and gave him some medicine, and he gradually calmed down.

Lin Yi came in and he was about to get up. Lin Yi pushed him down and said with a smile, "Have a good rest and don't have to do these false etiquette."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty”

 He Jixiang had a very difficult time speaking.

Lin Yi left the camp.

 Looking at the wounded soldiers covered in blood and their dead bodies in front of me, and listening to the painful wails, I felt very uncomfortable.

 They all became like this for themselves.

 They are all responsibilities that fall on themselves.

Do you still want to escape?

 ps: Please subscribe! Please vote! Your support is my biggest motivation!

 (End of this chapter)

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