I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 171: stalactites

Chapter 171 Stalactites

 At this moment they only have one feeling.

 Sanhe people are so rich!

These barrels of kerosene and rounds of arrows are all free of charge?

 Wouldn’t it be good to light a kerosene lamp at home?

What a waste!

 A large barrel of oil is estimated to be enough for a family to use for ten to eight years.

 Besides, many Ayuguo veterans have fought against Liangguo officers and soldiers. They all know what level the Liangguo people are!

Where could it be as difficult as it is now?

  They lost half of their men and horses when they met suddenly today.

Moreover, the lord who was invincible in their eyes died.

 It made them even more uneasy at the moment.

 The Sanhe people had more and more stones, and the fire in front of them became more and more intense.

 Finally, they heard roars one after another.

The enemy attacked, and they had to abandon their baggage and livestock and flee.

  A Yuguo soldiers and civilians ran together. More than 10,000 people were squeezed into the narrow catwalk. Those who couldn't run were all trampled under the feet of their companions.

The Sanhe people, this time not only the officers and soldiers, tribesmen, but also the civilians of Sanhe participated in the battle. There was only one reason for them to participate in the battle. The first to get the moon near the water tower, to reach the battlefield earlier, and to get the capture earlier!

In any case, they are no longer willing to cheapen Lian and the Qian and Li tribes.

 But they miscalculated again.

 The discipline of the civilians is the same as that of the officers and soldiers. They cannot seize the captured items before the battlefield is over. They are chasing the enemy hard, but the tribesmen have ignored them and stopped to **** the captured items!

 The Sanhe people were angry and became more courageous in killing the enemy. They quickly killed the enemy and went back to seize it!

Chased the enemy for five miles along the rugged valley.

For the rest of the hour, I was squeezed on the mountain road by my own people, unable to advance or retreat. I saw many Ayu people climbing up the hills on both sides, so I simply jumped and caught up with the lone Ayu people on the mountain.

Ah-Dai followed closely behind. He is not stupid. He Jixiang said, one person’s head has three copper coins!

Others were also sharp-eyed and followed them immediately.

After the two caught up, they found that there were twenty or thirty people. Unfortunately, the so-called "brave" Ayu people immediately put down their weapons when they saw them and squatted down with their heads in their hands.

Just when they were wondering what was going on, a hundred civilians passed by them and **** the Ayu people directly.

If he and the prince had not issued an order in advance not to kill and surrender, the heads of these Ayu people would have fallen to the ground long ago.

 The heads of captives are not counted as money.

 So there were many captives alive this time, and there were more than 4,000 prisoners in a large area of ​​Wuyangyang.

Lin Yi did not expect that winning the battle would be so easy.

It took nearly two months to prepare for the war, more than a month to travel, and only one day to fight.

“The prince is far-sighted and strategizing,”

He Jixiang knelt in the middle of the tent and shouted, "Behead ten thousand people and take five thousand prisoners!"

 As for the enemy's grain, grass, baggage, and livestock, all of them were robbed by the tribesmen.

 Let alone the officers and soldiers, even the civilians have not fallen much.

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

As soon as Chen Desheng knelt down, everyone in the tent also knelt down.

 Including leaders of the Lian, Qian, and Li tribes are no exception.

  They said in unison, "Your Majesty, a thousand years old!"


Lin Yi was not embarrassed at all, and felt that he won this battle because he was well-organized and knew how to use people well. “You guys keep up the good work.

 Everyone, get up. "

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Everyone stood up one after another.

Lin Yi looked at He Jixiang and said, "Master He, what should we do next?"

He Jixiang said, "Your Majesty, you should rest first and be ready."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Then just stay the same to cope with all changes and wait for the Ayu people to come over."

In this way, Sanhe officers and soldiers rested in the gentle area again.

There is a plateau lake nearby, which is spotlessly green and so deep that no one can see the bottom. Every day, Lin Yi goes fishing after having a good meal in the morning.

 One sitting makes up a whole day.

There are stalactite caves nearby, which are beautiful.

Lin Yi couldn't bear to destroy it, and strictly prohibited anyone from urinating or defecating inside, or even resting and lighting a fire.

These are different from forest trees. If they are destroyed, they will not grow back in ten lifetimes.

Although the order was issued, there were always people who didn't know what was going on. They thought the stone lotuses, stone beads, and stone Buddhas inside were some kind of rare treasures, and they insisted on knocking them out with a chisel.

For this reason, Lin Yi had to arrange for someone to guard the entrance of the cave all day long.

  Unfortunately, the most indispensable thing in karst landform areas is this kind of cave.

The more restricted Lin Yi was, the more curious his men became, so they went to other caves.

Lin Yi had no choice but to resort to hard labor: Those who enter the cave without permission will be sent to a labor camp.

While there were limestone everywhere in front of them, Sanhe's craftsmen and civilians began to build roads together. Their purpose was to penetrate Baiyun City.

On the battlefield, without freedom, it will be difficult to make a fortune!

 This trip is for nothing.

In order to completely put an end to this phenomenon, Lin Yi showed others the damaged stalactites, stalagmites, and stone pillars. These things are just stones!

 You can’t sell it for money if you knock it off!

 Stop causing trouble!

 I will not let you destroy it, just because I like it.

Everyone was doubtful, but they still stopped their evil attempts, and the nearby stalactite cave was finally saved.

Because too many people gathered, the forest fire burned from morning to night, stretching for dozens of miles with no end in sight. There was smoke and scorch everywhere.

Lin Yi was on tenterhooks every day, fearing that he would be cooked by the fire.

 This is the main reason why he stays by the lake every day.

If you are really surrounded by fire, the worst thing you can do is jump into the water!

The fish float made of reed rods had been silent. He was lying on a big stone in boredom. He only heard Xiao Xizi say, "Your Majesty, Doctor Hu is here."

 “Thank you for your hard work these days,”

With the help of Xiao Xizi, Lin Yi stood up and sat cross-legged on the stone. He looked at Hu Shilu, who had lost weight and had dark eyes, and said with a smile, "I asked you to recruit apprentices, but you didn't recruit them either."

 “Your Majesty,”

Hu Shilu sat down next to Lin Yi without hesitation, "The younger one has recruited more than a dozen children from the school, but only three were left in the end. This time we brought them all out."

Lin Yi said, "Then recruit a hundred people at once, and maybe ten will be left in the end."

 No matter what age you are, being a doctor is a very popular profession.

As long as there are people to teach, there is no need to worry about no one learning.

 “Your Majesty, that’s the one who takes care of the food.”

Hu Shilu wanted to roll his eyes at this prince. How much money does his family have?

 Educate more than 100 apprentices at once!

Moreover, according to Sanhe’s regulations, apprentices must also be paid wages.

Lin Yi patted him on the shoulder and said, "Build a medical school when we get back and let the Chief Secretary get the money!

 You become the dean. "

 “Medical school?”

 Hu Shilu didn’t understand the meaning.

 “It’s a place that specializes in teaching people to learn medicine,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "At that time, everyone who achieved success in their studies was your apprentice."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Hu Shilu always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell specifically.

 (End of this chapter)

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