I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 176: Three-year plan {two-in-one}

Chapter 176 Three-Year Plan {two in one}

How many suns and moons have passed, how many years have passed, but the water of the Xijiang River still flows day and night.

Different from previous years, there are particularly many migratory birds this year, probably because it is much colder in the north than in previous years. Both sides of the river are densely covered with wild geese, herons, and wild cormorants, calling incessantly.

 Many birds can dive and catch big and small fish.

 “It’s unscientific, why is it so cold this year?”

Lin Yi unconsciously tightened his robe as the river breeze blew.

Hong Ying came over and said, "Your Majesty, would you like to put on another one?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's not that exaggerated. There's no need. Let's talk about it when we get home."

 After slowly crossing the Xijiang Bridge, there was no need for him to urge the donkey this time. The donkey, which was always lazy and stubborn, ran extremely fast.

 The first people to greet us were the children drying rice on the river bank road.

All the strong laborers in Baiyun City went to fight, and most of the people left behind were women and children, who were the main force in this autumn harvest.

 “He and the prince are back!”

 “The battle is won!”

ˆ “.”

A group of children were running around the army and shouting like crazy.

Those with sharp eyes had already spotted their father, uncle, and grandfather, and pounced on them without waiting for them to react.

Those who haven't found their relatives will run behind the army, shouting at the top of their lungs as they run.

The entire Baiyun City became a sea of ​​joy, inadvertently covering up the grief of the families of the deceased.

 “The family of the deceased is comforted,”

Lin Yi said to Shan Qi who was coming towards him, "In addition, there will be a banquet for ten thousand people. I will treat everyone to dinner and drinks tonight."

 “The prince is wise.”

Shanqi couldn’t laugh.

you please?

 It’s not the Chief Secretary’s money!

"Ha ha."

 Blue sky, white clouds, flowing river, and lively crowds.

Lin Yi suddenly calmed down.

Unconsciously, his original resistance to Baiyun City slowly turned into a sense of belonging.

"who I am?"

 He suddenly turned around and asked.

 “With the prince?”

Shan Qi, Xie Zan and others looked confused.

This question makes people don’t know how to answer it!

 You are with the prince!

 The ninth prince of the current dynasty!

Who else could you be?

 Aren’t you awake yet?

 Or are you confused in the war?

"Your Majesty is the King of Sanhe and the Lord of Baiyun City!"

Mingyue and Zixia said in unison.

This voice seemed so abrupt in the silent crowd.

Everyone looked at Lin Yi and understood immediately when they saw the smile on his face.

 “The King of Three Harmonies, the Lord of Baiyun City!”

 Xie Zan and Chen Desheng knelt down first, followed closely by Shanqi, Bian Jing and others, followed by tens of thousands of civilians, officers and soldiers, and natives.

 “The King of Three Harmonies, the Lord of Baiyun City!”

 One sound is higher than the other.

Infected by this atmosphere, the Qian and Li people who followed also got off their elephants and horses and knelt down like the crowd.

 “I am the King of Sanhe and the Lord of Baiyun City!”

Lin Yi suddenly said in high spirits, "What if someone comes to rob me?"



ˆ “.”

The body shakes the sky.

  It frightened the migratory birds on both sides of the bank, and when they flew up, they covered the sky and the sun.

 “I’ve thought about it,”

Lin Yi looked at Xie Zan and the others and said, "I don't want to give up this world to those nasty people."


  King Yong!



 This time, he will not retreat no matter what.

 Let alone retreat, they will not let him go.

 It’s the same result regardless.

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

 All the old men were so excited that their eyes filled with tears.

 Why did the prince suddenly become enlightened?


“They want to fight, so come on.”

Lin Yi sometimes really wants to be a fool.

 When you do something wrong, you can be comforted by the thought that you are a fool.

But when I think of what Jizhao'an did, I feel very angry.

You really think you are a bun, take a bite if you want.



ˆ “.”

 This time, everyone, regardless of gender, old or young, shouted together!

 “Sanhe people will never be slaves!”

Yu Shi suddenly raised his hammer and shouted in the crowd that had just calmed down.

 “Sanhe people will never be slaves!”

ˆ “.”

 One wave is higher than the other.

This time it was the tribesmen who shouted the loudest.

"Ha ha."

Lin Yi laughed and left.

After returning to the mansion, Lin Yi didn't eat anything. He lay on the recliner that he had missed for a long time, holding a tea cup, looking at the people kneeling in a row below and saying, "I have been away for a few months, nothing major happened, right? "

 “Your Majesty!”

Qi Peng pushed the wheelchair, passed the crowd, and said with cupped hands, "The Holy One declared: Inner Zen, the throne will be passed to the crown prince, and he will return to power and retire from leisure."


Lin Yi snorted coldly, "I am not such a generous person.

 When did this happen and you told me today? "

Qi Peng said, "Your Majesty, I only received the news tonight."

 “The prince is still too anxious,”

Lin Yi shook his head and took a sip of tea, "He didn't even think about it. Can he control the world if he controls Ankang City?

Which of my brothers is easy to get along with? "

Shan Qi said, "Everything is decided by the prince."

"Build the wall high, store up the grain, wait and see what happens, and first watch the king's other brothers use their methods,"

Lin Yi said with a smile, "I am a wise man, but I never thought that I would let my son be put under house arrest when I am old. I guess I will regret it now and slap myself in the mouth.

However, there is nothing else to do except slap your own mouth. "

 The people below were silent.

 How to answer the question?

 Do you want to join him in scolding the emperor?

 “I remember the bull you boasted about, you can turn your strength into an army with three grades, how can you do that?”

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "I hope you will take responsibility for what you have boasted about. Can it become a reality?"

He Jixiang hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will do my best!"

 In fact, in this battle with the Ayu people, the performance of the Sanhe army exceeded his imagination.

 After all, the legendary and ferocious Ayuguo army only lasted for one day.

This is already the case, what else is there to do?

I think back then, Mei Jingzhi’s army of 100,000 people fought with the Ayu people in hundreds of battles before they were pacified.

 “Then let’s do it,”

Lin Yi yawned and said, "I will lie down for a while.

Keep a close eye on those Guizhou and Li people and don't let them cause trouble everywhere. "

 After everyone retreated, he lay down on a chair and slept until the next night.

 When I wake up, I habitually reach out and touch the tea cup on the table. It’s warm.

He drank it in one gulp, closed his eyes for a while, then opened them, stood up and said, "I need to take a shower, it stinks too much."

Mingyue smiled and said, "My lord, I have already prepared it."

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "If you don't want to wash at home, go to the mountain to soak in the hot springs."

There was only a little water in the wooden bucket. I washed myself from time to time, always drinking the water from which I washed my feet.

 After leaving the mansion, I got into the prepared carriage and went directly to the mountain.

With hundreds of guards at the front, left, and right, he was really shadowed by Jizhao'an.

Whether the guards are useful or not, having more people will give you a sense of security.

"From now on, I will no longer be able to walk freely in Baiyun City."

Lin Yi sighed, "You don't have the emperor's life, but you get the emperor's disease. What's this?"

 “Little guilty!”

Hong Ying said with shame, "They are all young people who are not good at learning."

 “This is my king’s destiny,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "What kind of master have you really become?"

 Until now, he still doesn’t believe it.


Hong Ying suddenly became happy. He was pitiful. His skill once again attracted the prince's attention. "The little Hui Yuan Gong is almost perfect."

 “How did you learn?”

Lin Yi is really curious. In his eyes, Hong Ying has always been just a book fan who had delusions after listening to his novels.

“The prince’s books contain excellent practice skills.”

Hong Yingping smiled and said, “When I was young, I always followed books to learn.”

 “You’re a **** talent.”

Lin Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He really didn't know what to say.

 Believe it or not, reading novels to learn exercises is a bit nonsense.

 Say you don’t believe it, the facts are right in front of you.

 If I can’t figure it out, I simply don’t think about it anymore.

 After all, such unreliable things as time travel have happened to him.

At the foot of the mountain, the carriage stopped. The mountain road was rugged and wet, making it difficult to walk.

Lin Yi, supported by Hong Ying, said as he walked, "Go back and tell Bian Jing that the road to the top of the mountain needs to be repaired."

Hong Ying smiled and said, "My lord, don't worry, I'll let Bian Jing fix it later."

The spring of the hot spring is not big, so Lin Yi can just lie down, with his hands lying on the rocks on the shore, head tilted up, occasionally sipping tea and eating a pastry.

 Keep washing until it gets dark.

On the way back, we met a funeral procession. The old man and the child were crying.

Lin Yi couldn't bear to watch and asked Hong Ying to drive around in a carriage.

 At night, I ate something weakly and slept until I woke up naturally the next day.

 This is the most comfortable season of the year to sleep under a quilt.

Shanqi and others were waiting outside early in the morning.

After Lin Yi finished washing, he walked out and said, "What do you want? Come here early in the morning?"

Shanqi smiled and said, "Your Majesty, it's already noon."

 “Is it noon?”

Lin Yi glanced at the high sun and said, "I don't feel anything at all."

Shanqi said, "Tian Shiyou sent a message from a flying pigeon. The ship was besieged by the Qizhou navy on its way to send King Yong's army back to Yongzhou. Fortunately, he escaped from danger and is expected to return the day after tomorrow."


Lin Yi frowned and said, "Who is this naval engineer? Has he gone crazy, or has he taken refuge in the prince?"

Shanqi said, "The navy commander is Mei Jingzhi's old general Zhao Chaoliu."

Lin Yi said with a smile, "It turns out it was Lao Qi who did it. If a dog bites a dog, it will take a hair out of its mouth. Let them do whatever they want."

Let’s just watch the excitement from the sidelines.

 At present, we should take care of ourselves first. Sanhe is most in need of people, and talents are the primary productive force. "

 The thing that has always troubled Sanhe’s development is the labor force!

Thousands of miles of fertile wilderness, it would be a pity to leave it uncultivated.

In front of me, more than 20,000 people have come here, including the wealthy and honest people, bringing their families with them.

However, they are not considered a labor force. First, they cannot farm, and second, they are wild and unrestrained by nature, and they will certainly not enter a workshop.

There is no chance to enjoy the blessings of 996.

These can only be used on the battlefield and count as combat power.

Bian Jing hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, the road to Ayu Kingdom can be postponed for a while. I suggest building the road to Hongzhou first.

 At that time, it will be easier for Hongzhou porcelain to come to Sanhe. "

Hongzhou’s porcelain was brought to Nanyang on large ships, and the goods returned were ship after ship of gold, silver and jewelry.


Lin Yi pondered for a while and said, "Where have the gangsters like Han Hui gone?

 And where is my good uncle? "

Wang Qingbang said, "Han Hui is still confronting General Yuan's army, but the DPRK has issued an order requiring General Yuan and Mei Jingzhi to return to the DPRK with their troops to participate in the inner Zen ceremony."

“My uncle, an honest man, probably won’t resist the order,”

Lin Yi sighed, "I can't say for sure about Mei Jingzhi."


Wang Qingbang nodded and said, "General Yuan is preparing to call for gold and withdraw his troops, while Mei Jingzhi led his army to pursue the rebels all the way. They have already left Nanzhou. According to my opinion, the direction is probably Nanling."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Lao Qi is so lucky to have such a grandpa who protects him."

Wang Qingbang continued, "Before leaving, Mei Jingzhi convicted Jiang Kan of Nanzhou Navy on eighteen counts. Jiang Kan took his family on the navy ship and is still missing."

“Well, Mei Jingzhi is indeed a decisive and ruthless person,”

 Lin Yili was delighted, "Inform Zhang Mian and Du Sanhe that you don't have to be polite next time you see Jiang Kan, that bastard. There are only two ways in front of him, either surrender to me or be killed by me."

"Yes," Wang Qingbang cleared his throat and said, "Prince Heshun and his family went to the south of the Yangtze River."

"Old man, just run away by yourself, why bother taking my king's unmarried concubine with you."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi gritted his teeth!

It is easy for him to find a wife!

 Let him suffer so many twists and turns!

 Everyone below suppressed their laughter.

Seeing that Lin Yi didn't explain anything anymore, they all bowed and left.

Since Lin Yi decided not to let those **** go anymore, he spent some of his energy and began to think about the development of Sanhe.

 In the stunned eyes of everyone, a "three-year plan" was taken out:

  Within three years, Sanhe will have a population of one million;

 Everyone has enough to eat;

 Implement three years of compulsory education, and school-age children must attend school compulsorily;

 All the people are soldiers, and the standing army is maintained at more than 20,000;

 After that, the first order he gave was to reset the elephant guards.

He has seen the power of the elephant soldiers. Even the masters of energy cannot withstand the kick of the thick elephant hooves. If it is used on the battlefield, the effect can be imagined!

 The happiest people are the Qian people.

 In these days of Lai Sanhe, they have discovered the infinite uses of gold and silver. As long as they have this thing in their hands, the fair and fairy-like girls in Chenxiang Tower can open their eyes to them.

 You can live a life like a fairy.

They have gained a new perspective. Their wives and daughters are just like that, black and white. This makes them give up their fantasies and at the same time change their aesthetics.

The only pity is that the gold and silver they accumulated have long been defrauded by those nasty Sanhe people.

 They were good brothers in the past, but now they are extremely jealous when they meet.

 In Sanhe, everything costs money, and it is difficult to move without money.

They were used to hunting in the past, but what’s terrible is that on the mountains near Baiyun City, besides monkeys and otters, it’s not easy to find a wild boar.

Living in Baiyun City is not easy.

 (End of this chapter)

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