I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 205: Not Tiehanhan

Chapter 205: Not Tiehanhan

They now have a blind and strong self-confidence. No matter what kind of enemy they encounter, they can take off their underpants without the help of officers and soldiers.

Now we only talk about implementing the Law of Three Harmonies in the city, but not on the battlefield. We must find ways to make up for it on the battlefield.

 Normally, there will be scraps of silver or copper coins with the corpse. Even if there is not, taking the clothes and weapons is not in vain.

Just when Wei Yishan was about to speak, he heard the quarrel coming from the city. He stuck his head out of the battlements and looked down the city.

 Bao Kui was on horseback confronting a group of Ziqian people.

Bao Kui said loudly, "Kang Bao, translate it to them. They must abide by the rules of Sanhe. Anyone who dares to violate it will not be leniently spared."

After Kang Bao’s chirping, the Guizhou people also chirped, and then the elephants lying down and resting under the city wall also neighed.

Kangbao sighed and said, "Master Bao, they said that the Guizhou people are not cowards and they will not surrender to you."


With a wave of Bao Kui's hand, torches appeared on all the city walls and roofs. The lights were bright for a while, and the dark bows and arrows shone coldly in the light of the fire.

Thousands of Guizhou people quickly drew their swords and gathered tightly together. The leader shouted something at Bao Kui.

Bao Kui looked at Kang Bao, who smiled and said, "They are also Sanhe people. Sanhe people will not fight Sanhe people. This is what we promised the prince."

“Grandma is a bear, and the prince is right. These guys are not really stupid. This sentence does not need to be translated,”

Bao Kui smiled and said, "Just tell them to put down their weapons, and the prisoner will hit thirty big boards, then compensate the girl for her losses, and then go back to Sanhe to undergo labor reform, and forget about it, otherwise the law will not be merciful."

Kang Bao spoke to the Guizhou people again for a while, and the Guizhou people looked at each other in confusion. Finally, the leader of the Guizhou people looked at a thin man holding a knife. The thin man panicked for a while, and gradually began to hold the knife unsteadily.

 The leader yelled at him twice, and he slowly walked towards Baokui in desperation, trembling all over.

Bao Kui turned around and looked at a disheveled woman behind him and said, "Girl, is this person?

Don’t be afraid, just identify him and I will back you up. "

He was very lucky that the peasants found out early and rescued the girl in time, otherwise the Guizhou people would have been beheaded according to the law, and the conflict would have been completely intensified.

 Helping relatives but not managing affairs is the reason why tribal people can unite together. No tribal leader will give up this principle.

 The woman was thin and pale. She stared unblinkingly at the Guizhou man who frightened her to the core. After a while, she looked at Bao Kui again, and finally nodded through gritted teeth.

 Bao Kui said loudly, "Come here, execution!"

Immediately, two officers and soldiers came forward and pushed him to the ground regardless of the Guizhou man's struggle. Then someone took a board and slapped his **** hard!


 With a snap, someone started to count, "Two!"

Each board was accompanied by screams.

 After thirty boards, the counting ends.

People from Guizhou swarmed over and carried the thin man, who had less air in and more air out, aside to apply medicine.

The leader took out a silver coin from his pocket, threw it to Kang Bao, then snorted and left.

Wei Yishan stood on the city wall and could see clearly all the time. He said to Liu Kan, the son of Liu Duo, an officer and soldier who was standing on the side with his bow and arrow ready, "Brother, put your bow away. It's all over."

 He was a little regretful that he did not shoot these Ziqian people to death.

  When they go into the city to grab things, this group of Guizhou people fight with them at every turn. For the sake of the stability and harmony of Sanhe, they can only pretend to be grandsons at all times.

Liu Kan snorted coldly, "They know each other."

 A dispute was settled in this way.

What Wei Yishan wanted to say, Liu Kan had already joined the ranks of officers and soldiers, stood at attention, took a rest, turned left, started walking, and disappeared into the night.

He was vaguely envious, but then he thought that as an officer and soldier, he would no longer have the freedom he had now.

It was a bit cold, so he leaned on the battlement, tightened his clothes tighter, and fell asleep unconsciously.

  When the red sun like a fireball slowly rose from the horizon, the peasants had already set up their cauldrons.

 After yesterday, the residents of Tancheng slowly began to trust the Sanhe people. They were no longer timid and began to walk out of their homes slowly, holding bowls and waiting for porridge.

Zhou Jiuling, who sat in the Chief Secretary's lobby again, issued one announcement after another.

On the third day, four or five of the old departments slowly returned, and the Yuezhou Chief Secretary’s Yamen was finally no longer an empty shell.

He Jixiang turned a blind eye and did not interfere too much.

What pleased him the most was that Qin Anlu, deputy commander of the Yuezhou Capital Commander's Department, was still alive!

 Through the hands of Zhou Jiuling, he once again issued the Yuezhou recruitment announcement, recruiting only 3,000 people for the first time.

Qin Anlu naturally continued to be his commander, but it was Bao Kui who really commanded the troops, and the two thousand and three soldiers stationed here to maintain public order.

The day before He Jixiang left, Zhou Jiuling, who had already eaten the flesh out of his cheeks in just a few days, held a banquet to see him off.

“Brother Hongjian’s kindness will never be forgotten!”

 Zhou Jiuling got so excited that he drank three glasses of wine in a row.

 “Brother Renxi,”

He Jixiang smiled and said, "This is a favor with the prince."

 “I’m confused, brother Hongjian, don’t blame me,”

Zhou Jiuling knelt down towards the south and said, "Your Majesty, a thousand years old!"

 “Brother Renxi,”

He Jixiang’s eyes were originally small, but when he squinted now, he could no longer be found. “I suggest you go to Sanhe in person. Don’t worry, there will be someone to **** you along the way.”

Zhou Jiuling said without hesitation, "I have had this idea for a long time, but I was just afraid of disturbing the prince."

He Jixiang smiled and said, "The prince is benevolent and righteous. People will know when Brother Xi goes there."

Zhou Jiuling smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Hongjian, for your advice."

On the second day, Sanhe's army moved out again, divided into three groups, led by He Jixiang, Shen Chu, and Zhang Mian, and continued to the north and northwest of Tancheng to wipe out the remaining forces of Han Hui's tribe.

 The focus of the main attack is Huang Sifang who escaped from Daxicheng.

Three teams, the smallest of which was Shen Chu, with only 3,000 officers and soldiers and 5,000 civilians, headed west along the official road.

 The great rivers and mountains are as good as ever, but thousands of families have been displaced and the fields are deserted.

 “The city walls are covered with thorns, and the roads have nowhere to go.”

Shen Chu looked at the deserted Xiluo City in front of him and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Enter the city and find a place to live by yourself."

This place has become a dead city, a ghost town. There is no need to pay attention to not disturbing the residents. When you see an empty house, just live in it.

 In the evening, Zhu Zhurong came over and asked if he could take whatever he wanted.

Shen Chu hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded. After all, some things would get rusty if they were left alone.

 “What about us?”

 Finally some among the officers and soldiers couldn't bear it anymore.

Shen Chu closed his eyes and nodded.

 The officers, soldiers and civilians all burst into cheers.

Xiluo City was filled with the sound of explosives.

 They are already skilled workers when it comes to blasting.

 ps: Please vote, please subscribe! Although I write slowly, I write seriously!

 (End of this chapter)

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