I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 210: Hungry Mountain

Chapter 210 Let the tiger return to the mountain

 “Don’t dare, don’t dare,”

The old man hurriedly returned the broken silver in his hand, "The old man still has some millet at home, so I'm going to make some porridge for the officials."

Pork Rong slapped the money on the table and said loudly, "You have to take this money today, whether you want it or not. Why don't you listen to me if I talk to you nicely?"

Who the **** wants porridge? Take your money and go out to see if you can buy some food. "

Huang Sifang was tyrannical. Every time he conquered a place, he would slaughter the city and plunder the city, so that Baiyang and Daxi City and other places were bleeding like rivers, and not a single one of them was left alive.

Xunyang City is an exception. They are probably planning to stay there for a long time. Although many people were killed and a lot of things were looted, Xunyang City is still maintaining basic commercial operations.

The old man was too frightened to speak. He carefully picked up the silver on the table and retreated.

Zhu Rong looked at Yu Xiaochun who was silent next to him and said, "You have a gloomy face all day long, and you can't even smile?

Your wife is gone if she is gone. You, a living person, have to continue to live your life in the future, right?

 Come on, have a drink?

 Warm yourself. "

 Speaking, he handed over the wine gourd at his waist.

He sympathized with Yu Xiaochun from the bottom of his heart. On their wedding night, his wife was killed, and this would be a bad thing for anyone.

Yu Xiaochun did not take the wine gourd, but shook his head and said, "Thank you, I don't drink."

The butcher smiled and said, "Then drink tea. I have tea here. Although it is not as good as what you sell in the teahouse, it is not bad. This is the best Yunwu tea in Hongzhou. I picked it on the way and roasted it myself. Yes, it tastes okay.”


This time Yu Xiaochun finally nodded and took a cup of hot tea from the butcher.

The butcher continued, "You kid, don't be so polite. As a human being, you must be open-minded, so that you can be safe and sound for a long time."

 He felt more sorry for Yu Xiaochun.

This child is one person. He was in the morning. Before San Shui did not send his home, the two of them sold pork, a tea stall, and a daughter married.

  Even if it is not considered to be marrying low, it is not considered to be marrying high.

 However, Yu Xiaochun's sudden marriage caught him off guard.

At present, Yu Xiaochun lost his wife and became a bachelor again, but the butcher was not so enthusiastic. After all, what happened in the Yu family was a murder, and it would be a bit unlucky for his daughter to marry her.

 If it doesn't work out, he will take advantage of that little **** Liu Kan, who is also very good.

The only unattractive thing is that Liu Kan’s father, Liu Duo, is not a good guy, and it makes people angry just looking at him.

Of course, he also considered Wei Yishan, but it was a pity that there was only one old woman in the family, so she was too weak. She would not even have a helper if she was bullied in the future.

 “Now I am devoted to martial arts, and I am too lazy to worry about other things.”

Yu Xiaochun said expressionlessly.

Pan Duo came in shirtless. He first looked at the butcher who was wrapped in a quilt, and then at Yu Xiaochun who was wearing thin clothes. He smiled and said, "Why are you hiding here? It's easy to find him."

The butcher shrank his neck and said, "Aren't you **** cold? I'm so scared for you."

Pan Duo said proudly, "I am from Yongzhou. I have been rolling in the snow since I was a child. What does Hongzhou mean compared with Yongzhou?"

 “Why didn’t you say you were in the eighth grade?”

The butcher said angrily, "It's really amazing to have good martial arts skills!"

 It is said that after entering the eighth level, the whole body is full of true energy, and the cold and heat are not invaded.

"Hey, it's easy to find everything you can't hide. It sounds like it's true. Tell me, what's the matter?" Zhu Rong yawned after drinking a bottle of wine, and he felt a little sleepy.

Pan Duo said, "Take care of your own natives. They are all huddled there. I really want to freeze them to death."


 The butcher slapped his head and said, "I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me."

During this expedition, a lot of people came from the people, but most of them came to grab money. Few of them focused on doing work. The real people who did the work were the natives bought from various suppliers.

These natives can run faster than anyone else in battle, but they work hard and work very hard.

As the weather got colder and colder, everyone complained that the coats sold by Li Sanniang were too expensive, so they didn't pay much attention to the natives in their own families.

Pan Duo snorted coldly, "It froze people to death. You have so much stuff, are you prepared to carry it back by yourself?"

 Last night, some natives couldn't bear it and ran into other people's houses to grab things.

Master Zhang Mian said, take good care of your own people quickly and don't cause any trouble. "

"Yes Yes,"

As soon as they heard that it was Zhang Mian's order, everyone hurriedly responded. The butcher gritted his teeth and lifted the quilt off his body, rubbed his hands and said, "I'll go now."

 An old coat is worth dozens of copper coins, so buying them one is no big deal.

  A native can only get one tael of silver for his hard work, which is really not worth it.

Seeing that the butcher had left, Pork Rong hurriedly followed him.

Yu Xiaochun looked at the two figures and sighed, "They are all blinded by money, and they no longer take the lives of the natives as their own."

Pan Duo smiled and said, "You are still ignorant. These natives are the same as the monkeys in the mountains. If you treat them a little better, they will want to challenge your prestige.

 Don’t you know how the old lady on West Street died?

He was so good to the natives that he actually slept in the same house with them. The natives felt that the host's family was easy to bully, so they had second thoughts and put poison in the water, and the whole family died violently.

 There are some lessons that should be remembered. "

Yu Xiaochun admitted that what Pan Duo said was true. The natives of Baiyun City murdered the master's family and escaped. It was not just one thing or two.

 After a long time, he sighed and said, "It's better not to go too far anyway. I told the prince that he is coming from Sanhe."

Pan Duo said, "But they have never regarded themselves as Sanhe people. Now they have learned to gather people to form a team. Believe it or not, if they are a little more relaxed, they can bully you."

 Then he changed the subject and said with a smile, "Do you really want to kill the secret guards that much?"

Yu Xiaochun gritted his teeth and said, "I have a mortal enemy with the secret guard. I swore in front of Ying'er's grave that I would personally kill Jiang Zhong to avenge him!"

After Pan Duo threw a note over, he said calmly, "The people Jiang Zhong sent to Nanzhou this time are all good people. You should be careful, otherwise if something happens later, you and I will still find me."

Yu Xiaochun stared at the note, and finally handed it over and said, "Thank you very much."

Without waiting for Pan Duo to speak, he jumped on the roof and disappeared into the snow.

Pando shook his head helplessly.

 In the evening, the snow became heavier and heavier, and it became colder.

He Jixiang sat in the middle of the living room in the yamen, holding the heater, looking at Yuan Busheng who was covered with bruises in front of him, and said with emotion, "Master Yuan, you have really suffered."

 “Thank you, Mr. He,”

Yuan Busheng burst into tears and said, "If it weren't for Mr. He, I really don't know if I would have a chance to see the light of day again in my lifetime!"

"My subordinates are rude. It has been a while since Mr. Yuan came out. I don't know how to groom Mr. Yuan. It is really a sin!"

After He Jixiang finished speaking, he turned to look at Wang Dahai and yelled loudly, "You bastard, why are you still standing there? Why don't you quickly arrange for someone to help Mr. Yuan bathe and change clothes?"

 “Sir, why bother?”

Like a beggar, Yuan Busheng suddenly burst into tears.

He has been out of prison for more than a month, but he can only eat, drink and defecate in his room every day. Not to mention taking a bath, he doesn’t even have a basin of water to wash his face!

Even if you want to drink a glass of water, you have to carefully ask the officers and soldiers guarding the door.

Zhang Mian waited for Wang Dahai to take Yuan Bu to the hospital and said with a smile, "Master He, is this eagle surviving well?"

He Jixiang smiled and said, "This person is just like Zhou Jiuling. He has already been scared out of his wits. He still needs to endure it, but there is nothing wrong with being careful.

 After all, Yuan Busheng was originally a prince and should not be fully trusted. "

Zhang Mian said, "Sir, if we leave Hongzhou, who should we stay behind?"

He Jixiang said, "This old man has already thought about it. Let Jin Bo, who is beside Shen Chu, stay here with three thousand people."

 “Jin Bo?”

Zhang Mian frowned and said, "This guy is not bad at all, but his shortcoming is his strength."

 “But he is still a decisive person,”

He Jixiang stroked his beard and said, "With him here, Yuan Busheng should have some scruples."

 Speaking, he looked at Pando again.

Pan Duo cupped his hands and said, "The imperial court has issued a decree. Zhou Jiuling has done meritorious service in defending the land, and he will be granted the title of Marquis of Wu Ding."

 “Marquis Wu Ding?”

Zhang Mian couldn't help but laugh, "You haven't had a bad nine years this week, have you?"

  “As people grow old and mature, how can they have the courage to do so?”

Pan Duo smiled and said, "I was so scared a few days ago that I was out of my mind, but Master Shan was able to calm me down in the end."

He Jixiang stood up, put the heater on the table, and walked back and forth in the hall, "Who is going to Raocheng?

The cold weather is really worrying. "

Zhang Mian smiled and said, "Don't worry, sir. It is Ji Zhuo who is going to Raocheng. This person has been with me for more than ten years. I know his abilities well.

 A few days ago, I arranged for Wang Tuozi to lead people to deliver supplies.

 Zhao Lichun, who was guarding Rao City, was really a man with nothing to fear.

 Furthermore, I have respected your Lordship’s order and only asked him to drive the rebels into Nanzhou. "

He Jixiang walked to the door, looked at the increasingly dark sky, and said with a smile, "Since he is a wine bag and rice bag, it is not enough to drive him into Nanzhou. Let's go and let Huang Sifang and his men go."

"grown ups!"

 Zhang Mian and Shen Chu were both shocked.

He Jixiang said calmly, "Tell Huang Sifang that if he wants to survive, he can only go to Nanzhou, Chuzhou and other places. No matter Sanhe, Yuezhou or Hongzhou, there is no room for him."

Shen Chu couldn't help but said, "Sir, I really don't understand. Huang Sifang is an extremely vicious person. Letting the tiger return to the mountain will cause endless troubles."

 The key is that he has no way to explain to Prince He.

He Jixiang smiled and said, "Only when Nanzhou, Chuzhou, and Jingzhou are in chaos, the prince will have a chance."

 Zhang Mian wanted to say, how innocent the people are!

 (End of this chapter)

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