I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 219: Capture Jiang Kan

Chapter 219: Capturing Jiang Kan

 “Your Majesty,”

Qi Peng pushed the wheelchair over and said, "We have found Wu Lin, the chief envoy of Nanzhou."

Lin Yi asked, "Where?"

 “I was captured by the navy commander Jiang Kan,”

Qi Peng spit out the tea leaves in his mouth and continued, "Jiang Kan occupies the island as the king. He can come and go freely, which is quite cool."

Lin Yi said, "These two people are quite interesting, one is from King Yong and the other is from the Prince.

Tell Du Sanhe and Zhang Mian that I want to meet Wu Lin and Jiang Kan. I want to see them alive and see their corpses when they die. "


Qi Peng cupped his hands and said, "I will give you orders."

 “In addition, let Ye Qiu be a helper,”

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "Don't let them escape."

Qi Peng said, "Your Majesty is wise, so everything will be safe."

Lin Yi waved his hand, and Qi Peng pushed the wheelchair down.

Lin Yi looked at the four foreign women who were pruning trees in the yard. They wanted to have a good figure and a good face, which made people feel itchy.

As a highly educated student who has passed CET-4 or CET-6 in English and is proficient in the usage of "Yazhidie" and "Sawadika", he is of no use to these four women.

 Whether it was "hola" or "areyouok", these four women didn't react at all. Instead, they said a bunch of gibberish that was incomprehensible.

  Can't communicate in language at all, so I can only try to learn foreign languages ​​again.

  Study on 1357 and rest on 246. It was originally well arranged.

Mingyue and Zixia are two girls who are not up to par. Every time they have some ideas, these two girls are watching directly from the side!

                                   erator by the word 'I'm here to serve you'.

Once they got angry, the two of them knelt down and burst into tears.

 He can't really kill them.

  It is very helpless.

 “Send them to an orphanage,”

Lin Yi pointed at the four women and sighed, "Help take care of the orphans."

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

 Zixia smiled and blossomed.

 “Grandma is a bear.”

Lin Yi really wanted to scold her.

  Repeatedly ruining your own good deeds!

 Actually, he also understood their thoughts. They were not jealous people, but felt that the foreign woman was not worthy of them, and instead was "tainted"!

 After all, in their eyes, neither natives nor foreign women are considered human beings.

The idea of ​​​​the Kingdom of Heaven is deeply ingrained, who knows the benefits of Western food!

 “The Tao cannot extinguish the extravagant love in this mortal world,

  Can't tell all the grudges in the world,

 Each generation is destined.”

With emotion, he couldn't help but sing a song.

 “A good boy, a good boy, full of courage.”

 “Life is only a few autumns, and you won’t give up until you get drunk.”

Lin Yi sang this and suddenly said, "Bring me some wine, a drink will relieve a thousand worries!"

 Why does he deserve to remain single!

Ming Yue handed over the wine and looked at their prince with blurred eyes.

Lin Yi took a sip of wine and continued singing loudly.

“My beauty is to the east, and the water is flowing to the west”

 Ming Yue’s cheeks felt hot.

After finishing the song, Lin Yi did not give up and continued to sing, "The road is long and long with you, with courage and enthusiasm."

Mingyue and Zixia both listened.

 Then the children in school will know how to do it.

 In less than a day, everyone in Baiyun City knew how to do it.

As the Huang Sifang rebels became more powerful in Nanzhou, hordes of refugees began to pour into Sanhe.

 There seems to be not enough food.

 Sanhe had to import grain from its former rival Ayu State.

 These businesses include both large merchants and ordinary fishermen. The coastline of Ayu State is not too far from Sanhe, and the income from transporting a small boat of grain is more than fishing.

Monks from the Sanhe Temple and people from the Chief Secretary worked together to give porridge at the junction of Sanhe and Nanzhou, and Jihai was among them.


Jihai held a skinny little girl in his arms and put spoonfuls of porridge into her mouth. "Like the young monk, he is a poor person."

Hu Shilu came over with a box on his back, rolled the little girl's eyelids, and sighed, "I can't save this eye, but it's a blessing in misfortune. At least the other eye can see."

 “Xie Hu, the miraculous doctor,”

Ji Hai wiped the little girl’s mouth, then clasped his hands together and said, “The merits of the miracle doctor are immeasurable.”

 “You kid is becoming more and more like a monk,”

Hu Shilu shook his head and said, "I have watched you grow up, why are you so polite to me?

I haven’t seen you and the blind man being so close to each other. To put it bluntly, you still treat me as an outsider. "

Ji Hai lowered his head in shame and said with a smile, "It's the monk's fault."

Hu Shilu shook his head again and sighed.

Shen Chu's tent was pitched on the top of a mountain. He looked at the ant-like crowd at the foot of the mountain and said with a smile, "Now the good man has a headache."

 These people all have mouths and need to eat.

 If you don’t have enough to eat, you will definitely get into trouble.

Wang Tuozi said, "Sir, the letter has been sent to Huang Sifang. If he dares to be ignorant of current affairs, if we arrest him once and let him go, we can arrest him again."

Shen Chudao said, "pass the order and enter Nanzhou tomorrow."

"grown ups."

Wang Tuozi was startled, "What does the prince mean?"

 After all, I still didn’t dare to finish.

“Enter Nanzhou is what the prince wants,”

Shen Chu smiled and said, "Go east from Nanzhou and cooperate with Zhang Mian's navy to find Wulin and capture Jiang Kan."

 The most important thing is to control Nanzhou's shipping company and dockyard!

 Sanhe is carrying out the work of attracting investment, but these shipyards in Nanzhou are greedy and greedy, and oil and salt are not allowed to enter!

 It’s time to let these profiteers know what it means to steal the chicken but lose the rice!


Wang Tuozi said loudly.

In the evening, as the sun set, an army of three and ten thousand entered Nanzhou under the gaze of the refugees walking in the opposite direction, followed by five thousand civilians.

 Having learned from previous lessons, they will not let the civilians run ahead again.

 “I knew I wouldn’t come,”

Wang Xiaoshuan complained to Wei Yishan, who was holding the mule next to him, "This Nanzhou is not as good as Yuezhou."

Wei Yishan said calmly, "If you regret it, it's still too late for you to go back now."

 “Then I came here in vain?”

Wang Xiaoshuan said angrily, "I can't go back empty-handed!"

Wei Yishan spread his hands and said, "Then why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Wang Xiaoshuan angrily turned his head and whipped the mule and stopped paying attention to Wei Yishan.

 Wei Yishan also turned his head.

 It is quiet in the dead of night.

Ji Hai stood in front of a newly dug pit, chanting scriptures about salvation. At his feet was a baby wrapped in rags.

  Tears fell down from the corners of his eyes as he thought about it.

 “Little monk, why are you crying?”

 A woman's voice suddenly appeared behind Ji Hai.

 “It turns out to be a girl.”

Ji Hai didn’t look back. He knew it was Xie Jiuyun just by the voice.

 “Are you not happy that I’m coming?”

 “The little monk didn’t mean that,”

Ji Hai picked up the baby in front of him, carefully put it into the pit, and began to bury the soil **** by spade. "All enemies are creditors, and we will go through three paths and five hardships, that is, the realm of super-yin, and we will reach the fairyland together."

“Monk, don’t you understand that everyone in the world suffers?”

 “She is still a child.”

 “Doesn’t Buddhism say that all living beings are equal?”

Xie Jiuyun smiled and said, "What's the difference between children and adults?"

 “A young monk is not only a monk, but also a human being.”

After Ji Hai finished speaking, he clasped his hands towards Xie Jiuyun, turned around and left.

 “Hey, monk!


 Stinky bastard! "

No matter how Xie Jiuyun shouted, Ji Hai never looked back.

Sanhe's army marched all the way east. Although Nanzhou was mountainous, the official roads were smooth. In less than a month, they arrived at Nanzhou Shipping Department. Shen Chu looked at the large ship slowly approaching in the vast sea in front of him. He smiled and said, "Zhang Mian is quite punctual."

 The big ship docked, and the officers and soldiers on the ship directly put up the gangplank. Zhang Mian got off the ship and held his hands to Shen Chu from a distance.

Shen Chu smiled and said, "Master Zhang, are you the only one?"

Zhang Mian snorted coldly, "I've never seen Du Sanhe's shadow so far."

Wen Qian said, "Mr. Zhang, why do you need to interfere with the affairs of the great master?"

Zhang Mian said, "This is the prince's order!"

Wen Qian said, "What do you think, Mr. Zhang?"

“Let me make it clear to Du Sanhe, it’s better not to disobey the prince’s orders,”

Ye Qiu next to him said calmly, "Otherwise, the prince would ask me to find Du Sanhe, and I would be in a difficult position."


 Wen Qian could not say a harsh word after all.

 Their leader was also defeated by Ye Qiu.

 Ye Qiu has the confidence to say this!

 It was useless no matter how angry Wen Qian was or how much he jumped.

 The weather in Sanhe is already extremely hot, but what is even hotter is Sanhe’s campaign against “underground casinos”.

In just two months, the police led by Chen Xinluo have raided more than 20 hidden underground casinos.

 Many of them are located on inaccessible mountain tops.

Box after box of silver was carried into the Chief Secretary's Yamen. Shan Qi couldn't help but smile happily. It could just be used to resettle the natives and refugees.

At the same time, gamblers and their families are also very happy because they no longer need to pay back the money they owe to the gambling house!

 It’s like pie in the sky.

 Hippi finally did a good deed!

 The previous resentment for releasing the natives suddenly disappeared.

 All the people working in the gambling house were sent to a labor camp, including Wang Xing's younger brother Wang Xun.

 “Brother, I can’t survive this life,”

Wang Xun was gnawing on the pig's trotters and wiping his tears with his sleeves, "That old guy Bian Jing is so cruel, he even beat me with a whip!"

He had no intention of letting his brother Wang indulge in favoritism and bending the law, so he let him go without having to re-educate through labor.

His own brother doesn’t have this ability either.

Bian Jing, an old guy, doesn't know how to sell anyone's face at all.

 Even if his brother had this ability, his father would not agree.

As we all know, Sanhe's laws are very strict. If his brother dares to do this, it will definitely bring disaster to the family.

“Hey, now you know you’re afraid, right?”

Wang Xing smiled and said, "Who asked you to do these dirty things without telling your family?

  Hey, there is no shortage of food and drink for you at home, so why do you have to do these things? "

It makes him so embarrassed that he can’t see anyone now!

 His Wang family is the richest man in Sanhe!

As a result, the family's children opened an underground casino just for a hundred and ten taels of silver a month!

ps: Recommend a good book "We Will Not Get Lost for the Rest of My Life", a book with 3 stars from the female channel. The writing is full of gangsterism, unlike the female channel, it is more explosive, and it is worth a try.

 (End of this chapter)

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