I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 238: get married

Chapter 238 Getting a Wife

 The most regrettable thing is the gold, silver and jewelry that I put on the big ship.

That is the wealth that I have saved my whole life!

 Before leaving Nanzhou, we specially arranged for people to be put on the big ship.

 After being imprisoned by Sanhe, not only was the ship gone, but the gold, silver and jewelry no longer existed. Needless to say, they all must have fallen into the hands of the legendary "money-greedy" Prince He.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel grief-stricken.

  I wish I could just throw away the piece of silver in my hand.

But I really can’t part with it. If it’s true as Sun Chongde said, my whole family will live on this piece of silver from now on, and it will be troublesome if we throw it away.

 “Here please,”

Sun Chongde opened the door, pointed to the furnishings in the room and said, "Master Jiang, see if you are satisfied. If there is anything else you need, Master Jiang doesn't need to say more. Anyway, I won't buy anything else for you."

Jiang Kan's mouth twitched unconsciously twice, and then he walked around the house and found that the furniture here was all from his official ship and had been moved here.

With a hopeful mood, he looked around every corner, but in the end he was disappointed. His box containing gold, silver and jewelry did not follow him.

 I am destined to start over again.

Ah-Dai came in carrying a large dressing table and said loudly, "Where to put it!"

Jiang Kan cupped his hands and said, "You can put it wherever you like. I'll sort it out on my own."

With a pop, Ah-Dai smashed the dressing table to the ground and said while wiping his sweat, "It's so hot to death."

Jiang Kan met him at the Prince He's Mansion and knew that he was close to the Prince, so he smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work. How about a drink when my brother is hosting another day?"

 “Another day?”

Ah-Dai’s eyes lit up, “What day is it?

Tomorrow will be the day after tomorrow. I will be on duty tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. It will definitely not work, so why not do it today? "


Jiang Kan didn’t react for a while.

Did you do it on purpose or do you really not understand human language?

Ah-Dai continued to think about himself, "Let me tell you first, I don't eat Sichuan food, it's too spicy. You are from Nanzhou, and I am also from Nanzhou, so let's go eat Nanzhou food."

Jiang Kan looked at Sun Chongde with a blank expression.

Sun Chongde cupped his hands and said, "Then it will be a waste of time for Mr. Chiang."

Jiang Kan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he forced the two of them to go to dinner.

 This is the first time he has been out on the street in such a long time since he came to Sanhe.

 Everything about Sanhe is both familiar and strange to him.

For example, a good preserved fruit shop is no different from Nanzhou or Daliang, but the oil paper painting hanging at the door is a bit weird. A "mouse" is holding preserved fruit in his hand, and next to it is written "Jockey Club designated preserved fruit" .

Even the salt shop next to it is like this. The two banners "Chuazhou Well Salt, No. 1 in the World" are quite normal, but there is also a "rat" statue hanging next to it, which reads "I bring salt to Sichuan Province."

Just now, he saw a conflict between two groups of people. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that someone was doing something good. No matter how much the onlookers made noises, no one was willing to take action. They just kept spitting and swearing at each other. .

 “You will be the first to be Banban!”

 “The immortal rice cake is not delicious.”

Jiang Kan is not normal no matter how you look at it.

 Isn’t it said that Sanhe is barbaric?

  Why do you all act like a scholar?

 He didn't understand very much.

Has the world changed so much during these days of imprisonment?

Entering a restaurant, Ah-Dai sat directly in the lobby. When he saw that no waiter greeted him, he loudly said, "I have money today, and I have someone to treat me!"

As he spoke, he pointed at Jiang Kan.

Sun Chongde regretted a little, he shouldn't have come.

It's so embarrassing to follow this guy out!

Jiang Kan also had a bitter look on his face.

Duan Rong, the guy with a towel on his shoulders, ignored Duan Rong. After all, he couldn't believe what he said. He looked directly at Sun Chongde.

Sun Chongde smiled and said, "Look at how coward you are. Isn't it normal to occasionally borrow money on credit? Isn't it all paid back to you?"

Duan Rong smiled and said, "Cui Gengsheng still owes one tael of wine money."


Sun Chongde sighed.

Jiang Kan said bravely, "You can just serve food and wine, and we'll get married together later."

Duan Rong said, "Okay, that's easy to say, let's order."

Ah-Dai excitedly announced more than a dozen dishes in a row. Jiang Kan covered his pocket with money and was frightened.

Sun Chongde waited for Duan Rong to go down, looked at Duan and said, "Where does your monthly money go?

No matter how much you can eat, you won’t be in debt, right? "

As everyone knows, the monthly salary of Zhou and the palace guards is very high!

Whether it is the officers and soldiers of the guard station or the police officers of the yamen, it is difficult to compare with him!

Even the monthly salary of an ordinary guard is equal to what Shen Chu, the commander of the guard station, earns in a year.

 After he, Shen Chu, Bao Kui and others came out of Prince He's Mansion, they felt regretful.

 Getting a promotion is good, but living standards plummet.

 Shen Chu married a concubine based on his past savings.

 Hence, the richest people in front of us are people like Duan, Yu Shishi, and Ma Gui. With tens of liang of money a month, they are fully qualified to be popular and drink spicy food.

I just don’t understand, how could this money just disappear?

 Even falling into debt to survive!

 A'Dai said, "It's just gone."

 “His money is not spent on us,”

Duan Rong said with a smile while serving dishes, "I gave them all to the ladies in Chunxianglou."

 “You actually went to Chunxiang Tower”

This was something Sun Chongde didn't expect. He said sadly, "You **** thing didn't take me with you. I was so kind to you in vain!"

 “No money!”

Ah-Dai held the pig's hand while chewing it.

Duan Rong chuckled and said, "Fool, the money you spent in Chunxiang Building is enough to marry several wives."

 “Marry a mother-in-law”

Ah-Dai patted his head with a greasy hand, "Why didn't I think of that!

 Duan Rong, you are still smart. "

 Jiang Kan is finally confirmed.

 This guy is a fool!

Sun Chongde said, "Then do you have anyone you like?"

Ah-Dai said without hesitation, "I like Hong An."

Sun Chongde sighed and said, "I guess Hong An won't like you anymore."


 A'Dai said in confusion.

Sun Chongde knew that he couldn't explain it clearly to him, so he confused him and said, "You can also like others, so why does it have to be Hong An?"

 Ah-Dai said, "Then I like Sister Mingyue."


The wine in Sun Chongde's mouth sprayed directly on Ah-Dai's face.

 “Why are you spraying me?”

Ah-Dai wiped his face with his sleeve.

"I did not do it on purpose,"

Sun Chongde whispered, "You can't like her either."

 “Why is this?”

Ah-Dai then asked.

Sun Chongde said seriously, "Because the prince will be unhappy. If the prince is unhappy, the consequences will be serious."


Ah-Dai nodded as if he understood something, and said, "Then I like Sun Xia, okay?"


Sun Chongde gritted his teeth and said, "From now on, you are not allowed to go to my house again."

 He is not worried that his sister will fall in love with Dumb.

 He was only worried about whether Ah-Dai would cause trouble in his house.

After all, he is a seventh-grade person, and his whole family is no match for him.

 (End of this chapter)

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