I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 255: Northern Expedition

Chapter 255 Northern Expedition

Wei Yishan said loudly, "Your Majesty has entered the capital to serve the king. Our Sanhe army is an army of benevolence and righteousness. They have come from a long distance and are tired of traveling by boat. Naturally, they should go out to greet you.

However, they dared not open the door, kept me, Sanhe officers and soldiers out of the city gate, and even shot arrows at us. This was unbearable, so my subordinates attacked the city without permission.

I hope your Majesty will forgive me! "

 After speaking, he also knelt down.

 “This is unreasonable, this is because you don’t take this king seriously,”

Lin Yi said to Yong'an Chief Minister, "Are you Du Rong?"

 “The lower official Du Rong comes to see the prince!”

 Du Rong bowed again and again.

 The officials behind him shouted, "Your Majesty, a thousand years, a thousand years, a thousand years!"


Lin Yi snorted coldly, "Amitabha is the only one who can live to be seventy years old. I'm afraid that sooner or later you will be angry to death, so none of you can worry.

  Mr. He. "


He Jixiang behind him hurriedly stepped out to respond.

Lin Yi said, "You and Mr. Du should be old acquaintances. Give him a lesson and educate him well so that they all can understand the current situation and don't do anything stupid.

 Otherwise, I will be very angry and the consequences will be very serious. "

Without waiting for He Jixiang's reply, Du Rong said loudly, "It's a blessing for us to serve the prince. There must be no second thoughts!"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't talk so much. Everything still depends on actual actions. What's the use of just talking about it?"

 After saying that, he patted the donkey's belly with his legs and continued towards the city.

Wulin City is a thousand-year-old city that has been a land of gold since ancient times. It has a dense population, close-knit houses, and criss-crossed bluestone roads.

Except for the houses near the city gate that were affected by the Sanhe Army's attack on the city, no other places were damaged. There were dense crowds of people standing on both sides of the street, and the streets were cleared unwillingly by officers and soldiers with swords and guns.

 Looking at the officers and soldiers carrying the "Rat" flag in the street, I was very puzzled!

Barbarians are indeed barbarians, and they actually treat rats as good things!

 However, after they saw the officers and soldiers on both sides kneeling on one knee, they all also knelt down one after another.

 Otherwise, if everyone else falls on their knees and only one of them is left to "stand out from the crowd", wouldn't he be courting death?

 Some children cried in confusion after being forcibly pressed down. They also tried their best to cover their children's mouths to prevent them from crying.

 “What an evil feudal society.”

As an exploiter, Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh.

He really wants to run into capitalism at all costs and let these people become workers!

 You may not necessarily be able to make others better, but improving production relations can indeed improve people's living standards.

Pork Rong, who was kneeling at the entrance of an alley, said to the butcher next to him, "Let me tell you, the prince will definitely come."

After waiting for the butcher and the prince's bodyguard to pass by, he raised his head and said with indignation, "The prince is too merciful. It would be better to kill all these northerners according to my wishes. How can he be so disrespectful to the prince?" !”

 This time the Sanhe army went out for an expedition, which was different from the past.

In the past, they captured abandoned cities with very few people left. They could do whatever they wanted with such a big city.

 However, coming to Yongan this time is different.

This is a prosperous place, everything is in order, and every house has its owner.

 Those Sanhe people couldn’t even find a place to stay at night.

Moreover, the inns here are a bit too expensive. One upper room actually costs a hundred or ten copper coins!

 So, now they are the same as the officers and soldiers, sleeping in the streets, hiding in city gates or in corners outside the walls of wealthy families.

The most frustrating thing is that these locals actually call them "Nanmanzi" directly.

According to Sanhe’s laws, they can’t beat anyone casually!

Zhu Rong said angrily, "I am also from the north. Do you want to kill me?"

 The butcher sneered and said, "That can't be done."

Zhu Rong snorted coldly, "When we get to Ankang City, you, a country bumpkin, can get acquainted with the world. Don't act like you have never seen the world every day. Do you think this Wulin City is good enough?"

To tell you the truth, this place is miles away from the capital city! "

The butcher Jiang was surprised and said, "Is it better than Wulin City?"

 He was really shocked.

He has been to Xunyang and Tancheng successively. He thought they were the biggest cities in the world. However, after coming to Wulin City, he realized that none of these places can be compared with Wulin City!

 In his heart, the Wulin City in front of him was already the most prosperous place in the world.

The capital city is better than Wulin City, what should it be like?

Pork Rong chuckled and said, "Only a place like that can be worthy of our prince!"

The butcher gritted his teeth and said, "Then I must go and have a look. I won't go back this time. Let's go directly to Wulin City to collect pigs and restock. I still have 50,000 jins left, which is enough."

Zhu Zhurong smiled and said, "You have to think clearly, the pigs in Wulin City are more expensive than those in Sanhe, costing three copper coins per pound!

Moreover, you have to find someone to kill and a place to dry out, which costs a lot of money. "

The butcher frowned and said, "What can we do?

 You still have to run all the way back?

 Not to mention the time wasted, the freight has also gone up, making it even more uneconomical.

If you are willing, we can work together this time, and you will only have 30,000 jins left.

Sir Shanqi said last time that butcher shops do not necessarily require pork. "

Pork Rong said, "Are you stupid?


The butcher shook his head and said, "There are no fewer hunters in Yong'an than in Sanhe and Nanzhou. Many times the hunters cannot be sold for a price, so we just collect wild boars and wild deer, even if the pheasants and ducks are used for firewood." A little bit is all right.

 As long as the portion is sufficient, the officers and soldiers won’t say anything.

Maybe they prefer to eat wild animals. They only eat pork for the oil and water, and there is no shortage of oil and water in their dishes. "

Pork Rong thought about it for a while and then said, "This is **** good."

 He also discovered that not only officers and soldiers, but also high-ranking officials like Shanqi preferred wild animals!

  The most worthless things are wild goods!

 After the two people thought about it for a while, they hit it off immediately.

Wulin City is controlled by Sanhe officers and soldiers, most of whom are acquaintances. There is no need to say hello to anyone. They directly arrange for the guys to set up stalls at various gates of Wulin City and start buying wild goods and pigs.

Lin Yi stayed at the Chief Secretary's Office in Wulin City for three days. Every day he went to the flower boats to observe the people's sentiments. Unfortunately, these flower boats thought that the Sanhe soldiers entering the city were a military disaster and were too scared to open their doors for business.

 He was very melancholy.

“Your Majesty, Shen Chu has entered Wuzhou,”

He Jixiang said loudly, "We will march to Qizhou soon."

Lin Yidao, "Is there any news from King Yong?

Have they arrived at Ankang City? "

He Jixiang said, "King Yong and King Jin sent 200,000 troops to Shuozhou. According to my estimate, they will arrive at Ankang City in ten days."

 (End of this chapter)

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