I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 260: Stay on top of being a human being

Chapter 260: Keep a line in life

 The fighting between the civilians and the Yongzhou officers and soldiers was in full swing, and no exchanges were allowed.

 The officers and soldiers of Sanhe not far away could only swallow their saliva and stare blankly.

 Some people even feel a little uneasy. Among the civilian husbands are their fathers, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends. No matter who gets into trouble, they will not feel good.

They are not civilians and can act lawlessly. They are officers and soldiers. They are not allowed to act without military orders.

 Otherwise, no matter whether they win or lose, not only will their salary for the year be gone, but they will also have to be beaten.

 They are waiting.

Just waiting for an order, he held the big knife tightly and slashed directly.

 While waiting anxiously, the horn finally sounded.

 The Sanhe cavalry were in front and the light pawns were behind, and they merged into the ranks of the civilians like a flood.

Lin Yi, who was standing on the top of the mountain, yawned, glanced at the fighting at the foot of the mountain, then looked up at the increasingly bleak sky, and sighed, "Damn it, you've already done this, and you still can't let people stop." "

 After many battles with Ayugu, Nanzhou, and Hongzhou rebels, he gradually gained some confidence in Sanhe's combat effectiveness, so he seemed very calm at the moment.

Shen Chu said with a smile, "This time I am going north, wages are tight, and the suppliers have not yet paid enough.

These people came from afar and naturally wanted to make a living. The subordinates did not restrain them, which led to such a disaster. Your Majesty, forgive me! "

 “For money, they are willing to risk their lives,”

Lin Yi didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "I feel a little like Sanhe."

  Sanhe spirit: everything depends on money.

 After Shen Chu kowtowed again, he rode down the mountain and fought side by side with Sanhe officers and soldiers.

The setting sun finally hid behind the mountains.

 The night has come to an end.

 He could only see the torches coming and going at the foot of the mountain.

 How the battle is going, he doesn’t know yet.

 So, even though there were a lot of mosquitoes, he still couldn't bear to go down the mountain to stay.

Suddenly, Ye Qiu floated out in front of him. Just when he was wondering what was going on, he heard the sound of a fight.

 Could it be that the officers and soldiers of Sanhe were so incompetent that the officers and soldiers of King Yong were attacked?

With the light of the fire next to him, he saw a white figure standing on the dense forest. He looked very familiar. Then there was another black figure standing on the dense forest, fighting fiercely with the white figure.

 “Protect the prince!”

The officers and soldiers shouted at each other, and then groups of officers and soldiers ran over and surrounded Lin Yi.

 “Don’t be arrogant in front of the prince!”

Lin Yi heard Ye Qiu's voice.

Ye Qiu shot at the white figure and the black figure at the same time, and then another figure suddenly appeared in the air and joined forces with Ye Qiu.

The sound of swordsmen clashing was also heard from under the dense forest.

After a while, Wang Dahai emerged from the forest, followed by a group of tied people, escorted by Sanhe officers and soldiers, and knelt directly in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi recognized them at a glance. They were the clothes of the palace guards.

Wang Dahai said, "Your Majesty!"

 “Take it down first and talk about it later.”

Lin Yi's eyes looked at the dense forest again. The fighting above was getting more and more intense. They were so entangled that it was impossible to tell who was who.

However, squinting his eyes, he finally recognized another person, who turned out to be a blind man.

 He and Ye Qiu forced two people, one black and one white, to the ground.


When Lin Yi saw the woman in the white dress clearly, he was shocked.

As for the other person’s appearance, it gradually became clear, and he was enshrined in the palace—Liu Chaoyuan!

There is a difference between superiority and inferiority. How could the eldest princess and Liu Chaoyuan fight?

 Ye Qiu and the blind man, one holding a long sword and the other holding a bamboo joint, landed on the ground immediately, guarding Lin Yi.

 “Greetings to the prince!”

 Liu Chaoyuan leaned towards Lin Yi.

 “It turned out to be Liu Chongfeng,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "No need to be too polite. Remember, when I was a child, I called you grandpa."

 In order to learn the immortal magic from Liu Chaoyuan, he was very respectful to Liu Chaoyuan.

Liu Chaoyuan bowed and said, "Your Majesty is so proud of me, but I cannot bear this title."

Lin Yi’s eyes directly met the smiling eldest princess, Lin Yuner.

“My nephew has grown up after all,”

The eldest princess covered her mouth with her sleeves and smiled softly, "I didn't expect that as a prince, I would have such momentum now. I may have made a mistake."

“It’s really a joy to see my aunt here.”

Lin Yi looked at that charming little face and bright cherry red lips. He suppressed the urge to swallow and kept chanting the Buddha's name in his heart!

 Amitabha + Niang Xipi!

This is my own aunt!

 Don’t think too much, otherwise you will be admitted to orthopedics!

 Till million, don’t be impulsive.

Lin Yuner glanced at the growing fire dragon at the foot of the mountain, and said with a smile, "You are indeed very powerful if you compete with King Yong and don't fall behind."

Lin Yi said, "We are from the same roots, so why rush it? My nephew is also helpless. Naturally, he cannot be as close as his father and his aunt as brothers and sisters."

The eldest princess spoke in a strange manner, so Lin Yi was naturally no longer polite when he spoke, and secretly stabbed her in the heart.

As expected, the eldest princess's complexion suddenly changed, and she snorted coldly, "You are indeed my good nephew. What are you going to do today? Are you going to be a good son to your father, or are you not helping me?"

“The Holy Emperor has just recovered from a serious illness and misses the eldest princess very much. He ordered his servant Xuan eldest princess to enter the Qinzheng Hall.”

 Liu Chaoyuan took a step forward towards the eldest princess and said, "Elder Princess, it's better not to live up to the holy will."

 “Hey, father’s illness is cured?”

Lin Yi was startled and said, "It's really gratifying, but I don't know how my brother, the prince, is doing?"

 Was he killed or imprisoned?

At present he knew nothing.

Liu Chaoyuan said expressionlessly, "Everything is in the Sacred Heart."

Lin Yi glanced at the eldest princess, then at Liu Chaoyuan, and said with a smile, "Liu Gongfeng, I haven't seen my aunt for a long time, and I miss you very much. I made the decision without permission, so I left my aunt here with me. Talking by candlelight at night.

As for you, go ahead as you should, don't waste your time here and make me feel embarrassed. "

Liu Chaoyuan said coldly, "Your Majesty, this is the Holy Will. Are you going to violate the Holy Will?"

“I am not a traitor, I am very filial, so please don’t talk nonsense,”

Lin Yi said carelessly, "It's just that the eldest princess has lived in the palace for a long time. It's natural for her to come out to relax now. Why is Liu Gongfeng so unreasonable and forcing others to do something difficult?"

Why don't you reply to me like this and say that the eldest princess is missing and you don't know what to do? "

 “Your Majesty, be careful what you say!”

 Liu Chaoyuan said loudly, "This is the crime of deceiving the emperor!"

 “You’re making it difficult for me,”

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Liu Chongfeng, you have watched me grow up, so you should know my temper."

Lin Yuner looked at Lin Yi playfully.

Lin Yi pretended not to see it.

Liu Chaoyuan sighed and said, "Is the prince determined to do this?"

 If he could take action, he would have done it long ago.

 But the prince has two great masters by his side!

One of the blind men is beyond his ability to deal with!

If the eldest princess and the three of them join forces, they will definitely not be able to leave.

“That’s not what I mean. I just think about you completely. It’s good for you and me.”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Everyone should be consistent, and as a person, you must not be too rigid. Otherwise, you will have no friends, and you may even turn against your master and your disciples."

 Liu Gongfeng doesn’t understand the principle of keeping a thin line in life so that we can meet each other easily in the future, right? "

 Old thing!

 Don’t forget that your master is still raised by me!

 If you offend me, ask your master to wear small shoes for you from now on.

 Let’s see if your master listens to you or mine!

If it weren't for the fact that the other party took care of his mother and sister, he really wanted Ye Qiu and the blind man to keep him, so that he wouldn't have to talk in front of the emperor.

  I cannot live in peace.

 “I hope the prince will take care of himself, and I will retire.”

After Liu Chaoyuan finished speaking, he jumped to the ground and disappeared.

“How do you practice flying around?

Damn, my kung fu is always so good. "

Every time Lin Yi saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel envious and jealous.

 “Are you not afraid at all?”

 The eldest princess who had been standing next to him suddenly spoke out.

“Everyone, please step aside. This is my aunt. She can still harm me. You are so nervous.”

Lin Yi waved his hand towards the guards surrounding him, and when the guards dispersed, he walked towards the enchanting woman and asked curiously, "Why should I be afraid?

 So that my aunt will know that I have never been afraid of anything. "

Lin Yuner smiled and said, "Your father must take me back. If your father knows that you are the one who kept me, have you ever thought about the consequences of your father's anger?"

 Are you not afraid at all?

Jizhou and Qizhou have fifteen armies, and there are still one hundred thousand troops in Ankang City. You are really not enough. "

"Hey, your nephew and I have successively occupied Yuezhou, Hongzhou, Nanzhou, Jingzhou, Yong'an, plus Sanhe, seven states, and now I am leading troops north. Do you think he will be happy?"

Lin Yi didn’t ask why your brother wanted to take you back. He just sighed, “Doing ten things right is not worth doing one thing wrong. No matter what, you can’t please him. The relationship between father and son is gone after all.

 Instead of doing this, it is better to make more mistakes after mistakes. Is this considered a failure? "

In the past, when he was in the capital, he dared to scold anyone he caught and acted unscrupulously, earning a reputation as "greedy for money" and "uneducated and unskilled".

 The impression given to people is that they are mean and fierce at best, with the intention of hurting others but not the ability to do so.

 Everyone treats him as a joke, and no one really cares about him.

 Now, he is different!

 It covers the land of seven states and holds heavy troops.

Even if he kneels down to people, sticks out his butt, looks pleasant, or even lies down and takes a nap, people will still think of him as a tiger.

 Can eat people.

“I finally made a mistake. It turns out that you are the one who is most like your father.”

Lin Yuner sighed.

"no no,"

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "I definitely don't look like him. He is him and I am me."


Lin Yuner said calmly, "In this way, you are very similar to your father. I grew up with him since childhood and know him very well."

"Aunt, you are wrong again. My nephew never keeps a grudge overnight. If he has any grudge, he usually ends it on the spot."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't you know what I did when I was in the capital?"


Lin Yuner smiled and said, "Those are all your illusions."

 “Hey, I can’t explain clearly,”

The battle at the foot of the mountain still had no results. Lin Yi became impatient and ordered, "Come down the mountain, serve tea, dishes, and wine, and entertain your aunt well."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he slapped his palm directly on his bare thigh and raised his hand. There were mosquito corpses and blood on it.

Lin Yuner laughed dumbly.

Nearly 50,000 Sanhe officers, soldiers and civilians pressed forward step by step, and King Yong's army retreated step by step.

 However, Yongzhou officers and soldiers were also well-trained, and they threw stones and kerosene from a high position.

 Even the retreat was orderly.

 What makes Miwa Minfu even more distressed is that every time he sees a person squatting with his head in his arms, he is actually their regular customer!

They couldn't bear to drop the knife.

  Sometimes you just have to put in some effort and tie them up with a rope.

 “Lao Dao, you didn’t **** shoot an arrow at me, did you?”

Pork Rong tied a rope to a Yongzhou soldier who was carrying his back, and muttered, "Last time you sold me a knife, it was still open. I gave you ten kilograms of grain. Isn't that interesting?"

You can't be so f*cking conscientious and shoot cold arrows at me! "

  ps: Thanks for the compliment, I was originally planning to update it, but the more I wrote, the more chaotic it became.

 When the old hat comes up with the outline again, it will be very exciting!

 (End of this chapter)

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