I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 268: Disappointing

Chapter 268 Not living up to expectations

After Shen Chu hesitated for a while, he nodded in desperation and began to arrange for people to count the casualties.

This time Sanhe fought a tough battle and suffered heavy losses.

After all, only half of the face of the setting sun was left. The pitiful light fell on Yang Changchun and Yuan Qing who were kneeling at the door of Qinzheng Hall, and even their shadows were half short.

He Jin looked at the two of them carefully, then entered the palace to face Emperor Delong, but hesitated to speak.

Emperor Delong seemed to have a premonition of something and waved his hand, "Let them come in."

He Jin trotted to the screen and shouted, "Xuan Yuan Qing and Yang Changchun are here to see you!"

He was a little regretful about his voice, which was not as full of energy as usual.

Yuan Qing and Yang Changchun entered the palace and knelt on the ground.

 “Chen, Yuan Qing!

Your Majesty, Yang Changchun, long live my emperor! "

Emperor Delong said nothing, looked at the two people, and then said calmly, "If you lose at the hands of that old guy He Jixiang, your loss is not unfair.

 When I was in the army when I was young, he taught me many skills. "

 “I am ashamed of your Majesty!

Death penalty! "

Yuan Qing’s head hit the ground with a thud, and his forehead was **** and bloody.

 “Please, Your Majesty, give me the death penalty!”

The blood on Yang Changchun's forehead had flowed to his neck, and he continued to kowtow in ignorance.

 “Okay, that’s it, it’s useless to say more.”

Emperor Delong sighed, "If I give you two more 200,000 troops, what will you two do?"

Yang Changchun glanced at Lin Yi, who had his legs crossed next to him, and said loudly, "I am willing to guarantee the lives of my whole family. With 200,000 soldiers and horses, no one can step into Ankang City!"

He knew that the emperor did not mean this, but he could only answer according to this meaning.

With 200,000 troops to attack the officers and soldiers of Prince He, the outcome is uncertain.

 But with 200,000 troops, he is confident to defend Ankang City!

 “I second the proposal!”

After all, Yuan Qing did not dare to say anything with the lives of his whole family guaranteed. He was different from Yang Changchun who was alone in his family. Behind him were a hundred members of the Yuan family!

 Only you know the bitterness in your heart.

 He was actually defeated at the hands of his nephew, whom he despised most in the past.

Emperor Delong's hands were trembling, and the tea cup in his hand collided with the tea lid, making a clanging sound.

He Jin stepped forward and quickly picked it up.

Emperor Delong's hand calmed down and he looked directly at his son Lin Yi.

He Jin stretched out his hands to the kneeling Yuan Qing and Yang Changchun. The two stood up, half-hunched their bodies, exited the screen area, and then tiptoed out of the Qinzheng Hall.

 “Hey, my son is actually a little thirsty again,”

Lin Yi stood up, minding his own business, found a tea cup from Emperor Delong's table, poured some tea, took a sip and said, "The tribute tea is indeed different, it is indeed delicious.

 When he can leave, please father, please don’t be too stingy and bring a few pounds for your son to try something new.

With the heat and dampness, I can’t survive the day without drinking more tea. "

 It’s just like his father said, if he doesn’t give it to him, he really can’t get it.

 After all, there are more than 200,000 soldiers and horses inside and outside the city of Ankang, all of whom are the best in the world!

If he really wants to fight to the death, he is really afraid that the other brothers will take advantage in the end.

 So, he had to take it as soon as possible. After all, his main purpose of going north was to bring his mother back.

Emperor Delong snorted coldly, "This is the tribute tea from Xiyi Mountain. I'm afraid it's not as good as the one in your house."

Lin Yi said with a sneer, "What my father said is unclear, and my son is puzzled."

The Xiyi faction gave him all the good tea. It would be a ghost if there was good tea in the palace.

Emperor Delong said in a deep voice, "Where is your aunt?"


Lin Yi was happy because he finally got to the point. He said with a playful smile, "Father, don't worry, my aunt is doing very well.

That is my aunt, so naturally I cannot treat her badly.

Unlike my mother and concubine, my aunt has grown up in the palace since childhood and does not understand the dangers of the world, so it is better to stay in the palace.

As for my mother-in-law, she comes from a family of military generals. She has a brilliant nature and loves freedom. She has always been clamoring to go to Sanhe.

My son just wanted to take her to Sanhe by taking this opportunity to come back and see the great rivers and mountains of our Daliang Kingdom again along the way.

Oh, by the way, I have to take that girl Lin Ning with me so that she can help take care of my mother-in-law along the way. "

Emperor Delong frowned and said, "No one can ever threaten me!"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Father, you misunderstood.

 Son, there is no other meaning in this statement.

I just missed my mother and concubine too much. I was alone in Sanhe and had no one to rely on. It was really miserable. "

Emperor Delong snorted coldly, "Do you think you can walk out of this Qinzheng Palace? Why do you still care about your mother and concubine?"

Lin Yi stretched his neck across the table to Emperor Delong, and said with a smile, "My son has won, you have no words for it."

 Emperor Delong was stunned for a moment, and then said bitterly, "You traitor!"

Lin Yi said with an aggrieved look, "Father, it was you who wanted to make a bet with your son. This was not his original intention."

Emperor Delong raised his head again and looked at Lin Yi, saying word by word, "Send your aunt back."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Follow your orders."

 “Get back.”

 Emperor Delong waved his hand feebly.

Lin Yi followed He Jin out of the Qinzheng Hall.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he said to Hong Ying next to him, "Follow Eunuch He and pick up the empress and princess. There will be no mistakes."

Hong Ying bowed and said, "Yes."

After Lin Yi and other Hong Ying followed He Jin, he walked in the huge square as if nothing had happened, passed through many palace gates, and headed towards the palace gate.

In front of the empty palace, there were only two carriages parked.

 “Your Majesty!”

Guo Zhao came over eagerly, knelt down and kowtowed three times.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you to go home? Why are you here again?"

Guo Zhao said, "The prince came back suddenly and was not prepared. The carriage had been out of use for many years. I was afraid that something might happen suddenly, so I hurriedly prepared another one so that we could have a replacement."

After speaking, he looked around, then took a step closer and whispered, "My lord, it's a good thing you came out, otherwise Song Cheng and Luohan would have set the explosives on fire."

Lin Yi sighed, "Fortunately, there is no need to go to that step. I am really not that old and confused."

This is the worst plan he has ever made, to have people plant explosives inside and outside Ankang City and the Imperial Palace. No matter what the effect is, at least it will create some excitement.

Guo Zhaodao, "Your Majesty, what should we do with those explosives now?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Let it go, why don't you go out of your way to dismantle it?"

 Besides, that thing is useless when it rains. "

Just as Guo Zhao was about to speak, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said with a smile, "Your Majesty, the steward has come out with a carriage."

Lin Yi turned around and looked at the slowly approaching carriage, smiling happily.

 The curtain on the carriage opened, revealing a bright face, it was Princess Huaiyang.

After she saw Lin Yi, she hurriedly got out of the car, stood on it and waved, "Brother Emperor, Concubine, Brother Emperor is here to pick us up."

If her mother-in-law hadn't been in the car, she would have jumped out of the car.

Lin Yi also waved his hand and said, "Oh, my little sister is getting more and more beautiful."

As soon as he finished speaking, a heavy coughing sound came from the car.

 “What a shame to yell and scream!”

 The voice that came from the car was Concubine Yuan.

Lin Ning shrank her neck in fear and stuck out her tongue at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi jumped directly onto the carriage, opened the curtain, and said to the beauty in palace attire inside, "You are really my mother, how long have you been, and you are still showing these etiquettes?"


 What's your expression? I didn't provoke you, did I?

 Why do you look so unhappy? "

Concubine Yuan Guifei said bitterly, "You really don't live up to expectations!"

Lin Yi smiled apologetically and said, "My son doesn't understand what my mother and concubine said."

Concubine Yuan Guifei said angrily, "Since you have defeated Yang Changchun and your uncle, you should naturally work hard. You actually have the nerve to return to Sanhe!"

 She was really sad.

 For the first time, she felt that the throne was so close to her son.

ˆ “.”

Lin Yi was stunned.

 I didn’t know how to speak for a while.

He remembered what his mother had told the blind man to tell him: There were only 30,000 officers and soldiers, so there were too few people, so don’t jump up and down.

 When he heard this, he thought that his mother had changed her temper and would no longer let him participate in the struggle for the throne.

 He was very pleased and moved at the time.

 (End of this chapter)

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