Chapter 277 Envy

 “Your Majesty, please!”

 Ji Zhuoyang Hands.

King Yong'an knew that no matter how much he said, it would be in vain, so he simply waved his riding whip and followed the Sanhe cavalry.

The army was divided into two wings, and there was an empty area with clear barriers between the two armies. As he ran, King Yong'an suddenly found that he had actually run to the nearest side, and he had become the leader. He was majestic, but also dangerous!

 When the news reached the ears of Emperor Father, King Yong, King Nanling and others, I didn’t know what they would think of me!

The civilians who were slowly strolling behind the cavalry heard that the army was going to attack Jinling, and they all accelerated their horses without hesitation, hoping that the cavalry would not attack the city so quickly.

Three and two thousand cavalry suddenly appeared under Jinling City and found that the gate of Jinling City was closed.

“It’s just as expected.”

 Shen Chu smiled and shook his head. As long as the Wuzhou general soldiers were not drinking wine and rice bags, they would always pay attention to the whereabouts of their Sanhe army. It was appropriate for the city gates to be closed at this moment.

He Jixiang squinted his eyes and looked at the countless rolling logs and stones piled up on the city wall, and snorted, "Bury the pots to make rice, and attack the city after sunset."

Since Jinling City is ready to fight stubbornly, there is no reason to argue.

 He respectfully invited King Yong'an.

 “Jinling City tried to punish the traitors but failed to punish them.

 Since the scholars are angry, the people's resentment is getting heavier;

 One man works hard, and the whole state speaks with one voice."

 King Yong'an held the proclamation written by He Jixiang in his hand and read it loudly. The gongs and drums were loud, and the flag commanders galloped their horses in the camp.

 In the evening, there were more than 10,000 officers and soldiers and more than 10,000 civilians at Jinling City.

 Amidst the anxiety of the officers and soldiers on and off the city, Sanhe's horn sounded.

The Sanhe people held up their shields and approached the moat about one foot away step by step. They kept swinging their swords to cut off the arrows that were flying all over the sky.

 Then two people put their long ladders across the moat in pairs and quickly crossed the river.

The defenders of Jinling City who were occupying the city wall looked at the Sanhe people who were getting closer and closer. They only waited for someone's order to push down the stones placed on the battlements and smash them into pulp!

However, before they had time to push down the stone, they suddenly heard continuous banging sounds, and their feet suddenly shook, as if the earth was shaking.

 While they didn't know anything, another piece of choking smoke rose in front of them.

Then they heard a flurry of shouts.

 “The city gate is broken!”

 “Escape for your life.”

 “The Nanbarbarians are coming.”

All kinds of screams could be heard endlessly.

Just when they turned around to look at the situation in the city, they suddenly felt a warmth on their necks. When they lowered their heads, they saw that red blood was already flowing down to their chests.

Lin Yi did not enter the city on the second day as planned.

 When he arrived at the Fengshui River, it was already the third day.

The Sanhe people set off their explosives too hard, causing fires in residential buildings. The first thing they did after entering the city was to put out the fires!

 It took nearly two days to put out the fire that spread throughout the North Gate.

Up to now, there are still many ruins and ruins smoking, and the Fengshui River is filled with smoke. Lin Yi's imagination of strong wine, music, light singing and dancing, and ethereal silk and bamboo has become a luxury!

 He felt that his life was too miserable.

It doesn’t matter what you think.

Lin Yi sighed to King Yong'an beside him and said, "Little brother, it's not that I don't invite you, but the situation is such that there isn't even a boat for business.

 You and I, brothers, this is what our destiny is. "

 At the same time, I am glad to have saved some money.

Happiness among many is not as good as happiness alone.

 “Brother, you’re welcome,”

  King Yong'an lowered his head, "It is my blessing to be able to serve my brother."

 I am secretly complaining, you have occupied the entire Jinling City, is it so difficult to let people draw boats and open the doors?

“It’s better to go to Ankang City,”

Lin Yi fell into memories of the past, "Your brother and I are also known as the Begonia in Nancheng. Unfortunately, fate has played a trick on me, and I have been living in Sanhe. Now I am alone. It is really difficult."

 King Yong'an lowered his head and said, "Brother, you're welcome. Brother, the sun is at its peak. How can you compare a pear blossom to a begonia?"

 “Why can’t we talk about it?”

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him and said, "Am I not worthy of your brother?"

After King Yongan heard this, he was choked up and said helplessly, "Brother Wang said it is true."

He Jixiang next to him almost couldn't help laughing. He really felt sorry for King Yong'an. He had no choice but to use "a pear blossom crushing a begonia" as a compliment!


Lin Yi snorted coldly and then continued, "Brother, I promised you that you would return to Yong'an and become a feudal lord. But there is one thing. You have to understand that brothers have to settle accounts. We have to pay for eating, drinking, and having sex, right?

Your brother, I lead so many people, and there is money everywhere. Can you understand, brother? "

 “What the emperor said is,”

 King Yong'an said with a depressed face, "Let the emperor know that my brother came out in a hurry."

 “Don’t be in a hurry to give money,”

Lin Yi waved his hand magnanimously and said, "When you arrive in Wulin City, my brother will find you a house to live in. You will be provided with firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea. You can use it first, and we will keep it in the books. Just don't cheat in the future."

Of course, the most important thing is that, as men, we must stand upright and be self-reliant. We cannot always rely on others, and we must learn to wash clothes and cook by ourselves. "

Although King Yong'an felt uncomfortable, he still smiled and said, "Brother Huang is wise."

 From childhood to adulthood, he has never touched the spring water with his fingers!

 Let him wash his own clothes and cook?

 He really wanted to yell: You might as well just kill me.

 But, he still didn’t have the courage.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves!

“We are brothers. Even if you fall down one day, I will still help you up after laughing.”

Lin Yi patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Sometimes I envy you. You have such a good brother like me at such a young age."

 “That’s what the emperor said.”

 Yongan wants to cry but has no tears.

 He only knew that his brother was shameless.

 But I never expected to be so shameless.

He Jixiang saw that his brothers were done talking, so he stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, Wuzhou Chief Secretary Peng Guishou and Commander-in-Chief Pang Geng would like to meet you."

Lin Yi said calmly, "It doesn't matter if you see them or not, the most important thing is their attitude. The assassination of King Yong'an is a conspiracy to commit rebellion. It cannot be forgiven just by pardon.

Now that I have not harmed their wives and children, they should just laugh secretly. "

He Jixiang said, "Your Majesty is kind."

 Lin Yi looked at Yong'an Wangdao, "Do you want to pardon them?"

Yong'an Wang said, "My younger brother is very dull, and the emperor's brother has the final say in everything."

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction and said, "Very good, then follow Mr. He and kill the majesty of these old gentlemen. Anyone who is disrespectful to you does not have to be polite."

 “I sincerely follow the teachings of my royal brother.”

 King Yong'an bowed and followed He Jixiang.

 (End of this chapter)

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