I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 280: stay behind

Chapter 280 Stay behind

Xiao Xizi said, "Don't worry, my lord, I will make King Yong'an understand your painstaking efforts."

"That's good,"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Young people who do not accept social beatings are most likely to become overheated and not know what to do and what not to do."

Children of King Yongan's age are at their best in middle school and have the strongest rebellious mentality.

What’s more, he is still a prince!

 Always have more self-confidence than others.

Although he seems to be doing well now, there is no guarantee that one day he will feel that he can do it again, and he will have the idea of ​​"he can take his place."

 This is going to be very difficult!

 So, we must give him an iron fist education in advance so that he cannot even have the thought of coming up with ideas!

 Lest brothers and sisters kill each other in the future.

 He is a soft-hearted person.

Xiao Xizi continued, "What the prince said is that having a brother like the prince is a blessing to King Yong'an."

After He Jixiang came in and sat down, Lin Yi had already finished two buns.

Lin Yi finished his meal and after holding the tea cup, he said to He Jixiang, "Do you know about Xu Liegu's unification of Saibei?"

He Jixiang said, "I know something about it from Pan Duo."

Lin Yi said, "This Xu Liewu is a ruthless man. It only took eighteen years to unify the northern part of the country."

He Jixiang said, "Based on my guess, Wadan will move south again soon, and Yongzhou and Jinzhou are in danger."

“It is said that there is no grass growing anywhere where the Wadan people go?” Lin Yi asked next.

 “The Wadan people are cruel and cruel and never leave anyone alive,”

He Jixiang sighed and said, "Every time a place is conquered, the city will be slaughtered and blood will flow in the oars."

Lin Yi stood up, walked to the door, looked at the increasingly fierce sun in the sky and said, "I thought about it and won't go back to Sanhe for the time being.

 Letter to Mr. Chen Desheng and Mr. Xing Keshou. Mr. Chen Desheng is in charge of Nanzhou, and Mr. Xing Keshou came to Wuzhou. "

Even though my mother made a fuss yesterday, she was right about something: Wuzhou was also his foundation.

 He cannot favor one over another.

 Wuzhou has been a prosperous place since ancient times, with many wealthy people and talented people. If it really wants to develop seriously, it will definitely be faster than Sanhe!

 Even better than Sanhe!

He Jixiang said, "Please let me know how to deal with Wulin, the former chief envoy of Nanzhou, and Peng Guishou, the former chief envoy of Wuzhou."


Lin Yi snorted coldly, "Is this old guy trying to make me lose face again and again?

 Do you really think that this king is so easy to talk to?

 Let Mr. Chen Desheng work harder, he will have the final say in Nanzhou. "

 Otherwise, Nanzhou cannot rely solely on young men like Ji Zhuo, Jiang Zhen, and Wei Yishan. It needs an old fox like Chen Desheng to teach the wealthy families in Nanzhou a good lesson.

“But this Peng Guishou is willing to work hard for the prince, why doesn’t the prince give him a chance?”

Shen Chu next to him cupped his hands.

 “You’re naive, can you believe this kind of nonsense?”

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "This person is vicious, treacherous, and greedy, so he cannot be used.

Furthermore, the king has raided his house and his money has gone into the king’s pocket. How can he still be grateful to me?

Even if I don’t kill him, I won’t stay around to cause trouble.

 But this Shen Junru is pretty good, let him be a helper to Mr. Xing Keshou.

There is also Du Rong, the chief envoy of Yong'an, who cannot be fully trusted.

 Everyone needs to understand that sometimes it may not be your enemy who kills you, it may also be your pig teammates. "

Everyone burst into laughter.

He Jixiang said, "Since the prince will not return to Sanhe, what will happen now?"

Lin Yi said calmly, "Ten thousand officers and soldiers were left in Wuzhou, and I took over the whole territory of Wuzhou, and the rest were stationed in various places. As for the people, they can come and go as they please."

 “The prince is wise.”

 He Jixiang bowed his hands and exited the hall.

The news that he and the prince were going to stay in Jinling City caused an uproar among the people of Sanhe.

 Sanhe people each responded in the same way.

 Some people are happy because Jiangnan is prosperous and there are many opportunities to stay here and make good money.

 Some people are dissatisfied because Sanhe is their hometown. What will happen if they don’t go back?

Most of the people in Sanhe were camped outside the city, and they were making a lot of noise at the moment.

"Prince He is the king of Sanhe. If he doesn't return to Sanhe, wouldn't everything be in chaos?"

Liu Tiaozi jumped to his feet and said, "No, no, I have to go to the prince to petition!"

 The prince must return to Sanhe! "

 “That’s right, that’s right,”

Wang Xiaoshuan, who was next to him, also echoed, "Not many of these Yankees have good intentions. Don't be rude to the prince. It's better for the prince to return to Sanhe."


 “These Yankees eat bowls of noodles with the bottom of the bowl turned upside down. They are born to be rebels!”

 For a time, there was a lot of people talking and talking.

 Looking at the excited crowd, Zhu Zhurong rubbed his forehead helplessly, stood on a cart filled with grain and grass, raised his hands and said loudly, "Everyone, please listen to me!"

When everyone calmed down and looked at him, he suddenly yelled, "The prince has already said that you can come and go freely, but you guys are still making such a fuss!

If you want to stay here, stay here. If you love going home, go home!

 Such a simple thing. "

Li Sanniang took a step forward and snorted coldly, "Zhu Rong, you are not from Sanhe. You can stand and talk without pain in your back."

 “Why am I not from Sanhe?”

Pork Rong shouted loudly, "I told the prince that he is coming from Sanhe!"

And the slogans on the streets and alleys of Baiyun City are just for fun? "

Li Sanniang snorted coldly, "Then do you know what Sanhe was like before?

 Without clothing and food, thieves are rampant!

Pork Rong, I’m not afraid of your jokes!

I haven’t worn a new dress before I was thirty, not even on my wedding day! "

“Yeah, come on, pork, you don’t understand shit, so don’t make a joke,”

The butcher sighed and said, "Only if you know what Baiyun City was like before, can you be qualified to persuade me to be generous!"

Liang Qingshu then said with a gloomy face, "I'm afraid the consequences of not returning to Sanhe with the prince are beyond your imagination."

Pork Rong snorted coldly, "Then what do you want?"

Huang Daoji said loudly, "What else can we do?

 Drumming! Welcome back to Sanhe with your prince! "

 “Drumming! Welcome the prince back to Sanhe!”


More and more people followed, including the tribesmen who suffered heavy losses in the Northern Expedition.

The drums were beating loudly outside Jinling City, and the locals who didn't know what was going on were so frightened that they added layers of sacks filled with soil, sand and gravel behind the closed gate.

Bao Kui stood on the city wall, looking coldly at the dense crowd of Sanhe civilians standing below. When the drums stopped, he pointed at the open city gate and said slowly, "If you have anything to say, come into the city and tell me. I can't hear it outside."

He spoke not loudly, but with strong energy, ensuring that everyone below could hear clearly.

This is the "reverberating sound" of the Lion's Roar Kung Fu. He learned it from the monk.

 (End of this chapter)

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