Chapter 283 Shadow

Xie Xiaoqing smiled and said feebly, "As long as I can see you, I'll be satisfied. Monk, please stop hiding from me, okay?"

After hearing this, the monk closed his eyes and shook his head.

After a long time, the monk opened his eyes, looked at the blind man and said, "Blind man, please heal her injury."

The blind man took away the bamboo knot against her neck and was about to speak when he heard Xie Xiaoqing say decisively, "No, even if I die, I don't want other stinky men to touch me with a finger!"

 The blind man, who had always been calm and undisturbed by external things, couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth after hearing these words.

Even if he is smelly, he is still a smelly Taoist priest, not a smelly man!

“Girl, don’t worry, I won’t heal your injuries.”


 He also wants to save face.


The monk smiled bitterly and said, "I'll take her to my place for treatment first, and leave her to the prince tomorrow. I wonder if that's possible?"

The blind man nodded and said, "The prince has already gone to bed, so let's do it tomorrow."

After saying this, the monk walked up to Xie Xiaoqing and said calmly, "Young lady is offended."

 Speaking, he stretched out his hands and held her in his arms.

Xie Xiaoqing not only did not resist, but also hooked his neck with both hands, put her head into his arms, and said happily, "Little monk, I know you have me in your heart."

The monk shuddered, glanced at the blind man, and then bravely carried Xie Xiaoqing to his room.

 The guards who passed by on patrol at night were all surprised when they saw such a scene.

 The monk lowered his head and wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

After turning left and right at the Chief Secretary's Yamen, I finally arrived at the door of my wing. After opening the door, I hurriedly closed the door with my foot before putting Xie Xiaoqing down.

But as soon as he closed the door, he felt something was wrong. When he was about to open the door again, he heard Xie Xiaoqing, who was lying on the couch, saying, "Monk, don't open the door. I don't want others to see me like this."

The monk then gave up and got some water. As soon as he washed the towel and handed it over, Xie Xiaoqing stretched his head over and faced the monk with his pale, blood-stained face.

The monk had no choice but to wipe her gently, not daring to meet her eyes.

After wiping it clean, he brought a bowl of water to her, put the pills he took out from his pocket on the table, and said calmly, "Take it, it will help you quickly recover your skills."

Xie Xiaoqing smiled and said, "Monk, if I die, will you cry?"

“Although the blind man was very skilled, he didn’t use all his strength.”

 The monk spoke very sincerely.

“But I feel that my whole body is in pain and I won’t be able to survive at any time.”

Xie Xiaoqing pouted.

 “You are the ninth grade,”

The monk said very seriously, "You can't die. After taking the medicine, you should quickly exercise your energy to heal your injuries. It will not be good if you leave hidden wounds."

Xie Xiaoqing sighed and said, "It turns out that having good kung fu is not a good thing."

 Then he sat cross-legged on the couch and began to perform exercises to heal his injuries.

  The second day.

When she opened her eyes, she found that the monk was still sitting on the chair opposite, his eyes closed and his body motionless.

 “Girl, are you hungry?”

 The monk suddenly opened his eyes.

 “Well, I want to eat soy milk and steamed buns!”

 Xie Xiaoqing said coquettishly.

 “Girl, wait a moment.”

After the monk turned around and went out, a bowl of porridge and a plate of steamed buns were brought in.

Xie Xiaoqing happily picked up the bun and took a bite, then suddenly stopped, looked at the monk in surprise and said, "Meat?"

 The monk said, "Eating more meat will help your injuries."

 Xie Xiaoqing smiled and said, "You are a monk."

The monk said, "The young monk is a monk, so naturally he won't eat it, but the girl is not, and the young monk has no reason to stop the girl from eating it."

 He often heard their prince talk about supplementing nutrition.

 The so-called nutritional supplement is to eat more meat.

As if eating meat can solve all the sufferings in the world.


Xie Xiaoqing smiled and said, "You little monk suddenly became so reasonable. I'm still a little used to it."

The monk said, "Girl, please eat quickly and go to see the prince later.

The prince is merciful, but when the girl sees the prince, she still has to restrain herself. "

Xie Xiaoqing was holding porridge in one hand and steamed buns in the other. While eating, he said, "Don't worry, for your sake, I won't embarrass him!"

The monk said seriously, "I hope the girl knows that Prince He and I are kind. If the girl is disrespectful to him, the young monk will not be polite to the girl."

  "Okay, okay, you little melon, it's not fun to say that!"

 Xie Xiaoqing waved his hand and said.

The sun has peeked out.

Lin Yi was sitting on a chair that he was not used to. He just hoped that his recliner would be ready soon.

After taking a sip of tea, he kept patting his belly and sighed, "Hey, how can you be so cruel and make me pregnant? How will I meet people in the future? How will I find a partner? How can I live my life?" It’s just so dark.”

 “Your Majesty.”

Fatty Su Yin standing opposite Lin Yi was about to cry.

 What does it mean to be pregnant?

 Can’t you say something reliable?

 He is just a cook!

 Why put him under so much pressure?

He said cautiously, "Your Majesty, would you like to do less in the future?"

 “How can that be done?”

Lin Yi said loudly, "Did you remember what I told you about steaming preserved meat?"

 Don't be afraid of failure, experiment a lot, if you really don't understand, just ask the officers, soldiers or people from Yuezhou for advice. I must eat this dish. "

 “Don’t worry, Your Majesty,”

Su Yin patted his round belly and said, "The little one even risked his life to make this dish."

 “Don’t worry,”

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "If you can't do it, I will kill you."

Niang Xipi!

 Just make a dish and show off your skills in front of him!

Hong Ying came in, but Su Yin didn't dare to stay any longer and hurried out.

“Your Majesty, Xie Xiaoqing from Spring Mountain City is waiting outside.”

 “Let her in.”

Lin Yi yawned.

At this time, just as I was about to close my eyes, suddenly there was a touch of color in front of my eyes.

 This is Xie Xiaoqing?

With a graceful figure, people will never want to take their eyes away after looking at her.

 After sighing, he glanced jealously at the fair-skinned monk behind Xie Xiaoqing.

 In terms of looks, he can really crush the monk.

 Why aren’t there any girls chasing him?

 Finally fell in love with Yan Shiqi, but the result has not yet come to fruition.

Yan Shiqi, who has been adopted as a foster daughter by the old lady of the Shan family, made it clear to Shan Qi that she would never be anyone else’s concubine, even if she were to marry the prince!

So strong!

 This is all because of her father, Yan Kui.

Yan Kuisheng married nineteen concubines in her life!

 Eight of them died for no reason, which cast a great shadow on Yan Shiqi.

Lin Yi is not willing to force anything.

 But every time I think about this, I want to skin this old thing Yan Kuisheng.

 (End of this chapter)

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