I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 353: living sign

Chapter 353 Living Signboard

 “I understand.”

Jiao Zhong looked around and listened in all directions. After turning to another street, he hurriedly winked at the guards on the left and right. After understanding this, several plainclothes guards quietly disappeared into the bustling crowd. No different from ordinary people.

 “Lao Jin, put more green onions in the bean curd.”

Lin Yi walked to the overpass and immediately recognized the owner of the bean curd stall who often set up a stall at the entrance of Wangfu Street.


Lao Jin suddenly saw Lin Yi and was about to shout out when he saw Jiao Zhong's glare and was so frightened that he swallowed his words.

 I understood it immediately.

This prince is playing the trick of private visits on private servers again. In fact, he feels that it is completely unnecessary.

I think back then, he and the prince claimed to specialize in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction. Who among the old neighbors in Nancheng didn't know him?

  Although I have been traveling south with the prince for many years, my appearance and demeanor have not changed much. Many people can still recognize him directly when I meet him.

No one said hello in front of me, it was just because of the guards who were like wolves and tigers in front of and behind the prince.

 So, Prince He is deceiving himself and others.

With such words, he dared to whisper in his heart that people like Jiao Zhong were so vicious that they were afraid of getting beaten if they said a single word.

 “Okay, stop dawdling,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Come up quickly, I'm so hungry that I can't stand it anymore."

 Lao Jin smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll be here soon."

Under Jiao Zhong's unblinking gaze, he put the tofu pudding into a bowl. According to the rules, he first scooped out a small portion with a silver spoon handed over by a guard and put it into a small bowl. Regardless of burning his mouth, he gulped it all. He poured it into his stomach, waited for Jiao Zhong to nod, and then carefully brought it to Prince He.

Lin Yi was unaware of all this. When Douhua arrived, he blamed him, "There are not many people, so you are so slow."

 “It’s all the old man’s fault.”

Lao Jin kept apologizing. He was in his fifties and already had a bump. Now if he bent down again, his head would almost touch the ground.

He did not dare to offend Prince He, not because he was afraid of being beaten, but because he was afraid that Prince He would not come to his place to eat beans in the future!

 He Wang Ye is the living signature of his stall!

 Every individual wants to taste the bean curd that the regent likes to eat.

Although he does not have the power of a regent, it is not too much to spend a few pennies to enjoy the treatment of a regent, right?

Moreover, if anyone dares to say that his tofu pudding is not delicious, he can spit in his face.

Both the prince and the prince are full of praise. Who do you think you are?

No matter how much you hold your mouth, can it be better than that of Prince He?

  “Okay, go about your business.”

Jiao Zhong saw him making noise and pushed him aside.

 “Yes, little old man, please leave.”

 After Lao Jin shuddered, he turned around and left in a hurry.

Lin Yi said with a smile while eating tofu pudding, "Why bother to scare others."

Jiao Zhong said, "Your Majesty, if you give these unruly people a little kindness, they won't even know their surnames."

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly and smiled.

After finishing the meal, I walked to the edge of the North Canal, looked at the slowly flowing river water, and said with emotion, "I have been back for so long, but I haven't caught a fish once."

Jiao Zhong said, "Your Majesty, please go back and get the pole."

“No need, I have to fight against this river, and every time I have to fight with the air force,”

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "When we have the opportunity, let's go out of the city to go fishing."

Standing by the river, he looked up and saw the peeling paint sign of Fodor Inn. When he was hesitating whether to go in, he saw a woman carrying a wooden basin coming to the river, squeezed in among a group of women, and began to wash herself. Clothing.

Jiao Zhong hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, this is the Lord of Pingjiang County."

 “The maid is gone too?”

Lin Yi took a closer look and found that Hu Miaoyi's originally glittering head now lacked even a single accessory.

 It seems that the Hu family has indeed reached the point where they are running out of ammunition and food.

The dignified county lord showed up to starch clothes, but he didn't even have any decent accessories on his body.

Jiao Zhong said, "Your Majesty, according to your previous instructions, whether it is Yuezhou or Wuzhou, he is not allowed to send rice anymore. Now the court has stopped it for him, and he has no way out.

 As a rule, those who leave the fiefdom without authorization and enter the capital city without following the imperial edict will be demoted to common people. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "If he doesn't go to the Ministry of Rites and ask for clarification, there will be no difference between him as a prince and a commoner.

 Tell Ma Jin not to pay attention to this old guy for the time being. Don't let them live too comfortably.

Of course, we really can’t let him starve to death. The king’s unmarried daughter-in-law also needs to eat enough, and she can probably grow a little. "

Jiao Zhong wanted to slap himself a few times, but he heard something he shouldn't have heard again. At this moment, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "As ordered."

"in addition,"

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "How did the empress know that the Hu family had also come to the capital? She just happened to meet the Hu family's father and daughter. Check it out. It's all checked. It doesn't matter that some random people can make noise around the empress and disturb her. build."

 “I understand.”

After Jiao Zhong sent the prince back to the palace, he went to the palace without stopping and told Xiao Xizi the matter directly.

 Besides Xiao Xizi, who else can take care of the affairs in the palace?

After Xiao Xizi slowly took a sip of tea, she stood up from the chair and walked back and forth, "Well, maybe she is that **** Lai Ru. She almost forgot her identity because she is a fifth-grade person. Come on. people."


 A young **** pushed open the door and came in, bowing and not daring to raise his head.

“Keep a close eye on that **** Lairuna. If she leaves the palace privately, follow her to see who she sees and what she says, and then report back to our house.”

Xiao Xizi snorted coldly.


 After the little **** retreated, he quietly closed the door.

Jiao Zhong said, "If it were her, I don't know what to do."

 “What else can be done?”

Xiao Xizi gestured towards her neck with the palm knife, "This will save her from being naughty again in the future."

Jiao Zhong said worriedly, "Lai Ru is an old man next to the queen, so I'm afraid it won't be easy for the queen to explain."

Xiao Xizi smiled and said, "If you don't tell me, and I don't tell you, how could the prince still tell the empress in person?

In this palace, it is normal for dozens of people to die every year. "

Jiao Zhongdao said, "My father-in-law said yes."

 Xiao Xizi's sudden appearance of viciousness startled him.

Xiao Xizi said, "The little **** Bai En next to Concubine Tang was originally from the queen, but he is actually Liu Chaoyuan's apprentice. I can't believe it. I let him go on the road with this cheap maid."

“Father-in-law, if there is nothing else, I will leave first.”

Jiao Zhong always felt that he had changed, but he couldn't tell exactly where he had changed. Anyway, it was uncomfortable to stay together, and he really didn't want to stay any longer.

 “Watcher Jiao, please help yourself.”

Xiao Xizi watched Jiao Zhong leave the ceremonial prison.

 (End of this chapter)

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