I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 368: salt lesson

Chapter 368 Salt Lesson

Lin Yi has never operated on these people because his arms are not long enough and he also takes into account the stability of the place.

According to Lao Tzu's "genius" tax system, the Ministry of Household Affairs is responsible for all expenses of the empire, while the Internal Treasury is responsible for paying the salaries of military generals, thinking that this can win over the generals' hearts.

Although these tax supervisors are hateful, they are still paying normal salaries to various local camps, guards, and pacesetters, including Pan Geng, the commander-in-chief of Jinling City. Although they have surrendered to him, these salaries are still within the scope of Wuzhou and Yongan. The shipping warehouse is shipping.

Lin Yi was afraid that he would suddenly disable these tax supervisors. Then no one would be able to manage the account books, and the finances would be in a mess. Those local officers and soldiers would not be able to receive their pay, so why not rebel?

 He is not afraid of rebellion, he is simply afraid of trouble.

Moreover, the Liang Empire had become so rotten that it would be useless to patch things up on the original basis.

 What he needs to do is to restructure integrated finance and achieve connectivity between departments, the military and the government, and local and central governments.

 This is a complex systematic process that cannot be completed overnight.

 So, if it is not urgent, he will not be so anxious.

 As long as you don’t starve to death, that’s fine.

 “The salt class accounts for half of the world, and the profits and losses are high and low, affecting the national economy.”

Gan Mao said cautiously, "The old minister suggested canceling the Opening of the Central Law to replenish the national treasury."

 “Cancel the opening method?”

Lin Yi doesn't know much about this. After all, he has been a salty fish these years. He is indifferent to everything except money.

Unlike the Internet society, there are a lot of news feeds even if you don’t search deliberately, and some policies are difficult to understand.

“The method of Zhongsalt is that the army guards the border, the people provide payment, and the salt is used as the hub, so it is called Kaizhong.”

Seeing that the prince was still confused, Gan Mao said patiently, "When the country was founded, the frontier army was short of food. When Emperor Taizu was in power, grain and rice were exchanged for salt. As long as the merchant transported the grain to the frontier, he could exchange it for salt." , because of the huge profits, there are so many followers.

It has been implemented for more than 200 years now, and there are many disadvantages. The salt class is becoming less and less, and last year it was less than 2 million taels! "


Lin Yi smiled and said, "Nowadays, the supplier system is implemented. There is no shortage of food in the frontier fortress, so there is no harm in canceling this.

You can find He Jixiang, Gong Xiang and Qi Yong, and you can discuss it together.

In addition, it is time for these salt officials to move out of their homes, and those who are capable should be put to good use. Those who are corrupt and pervert the law should have their homes ransacked to use them as military supplies. "

 He directly thought of Han Wenhu, the maternal wife of the King of Jin. The salt transport envoy was rich!

 “Your Majesty.”

Gan Mao couldn’t believe it!

So simple?

  Why not discuss it in the court?

 Is it because He Wangye trusts me, or is it because He Wangye is wise and decisive?

 Really, he just mentioned it casually, and the princes and princes in the province complained that he was a vegetarian.

I never thought that Prince He would agree.

 And it seems to be very refreshing.

 After all, the salt profit is huge, and I don’t know how many people are involved. Emperors of all dynasties did not dare to touch it lightly, otherwise it would shake the country’s foundation and the consequences would be disastrous!

At this moment, he was a bit at a loss. If word spread that it was him who suggested canceling the Kaizhong method, would he be cast aside by the world?

He feels that he must bring more pacesetters when he goes out in the future, otherwise he may really be beaten to death in the street.

 To cut off a person's wealth is like killing one's parents.

 “Don’t be stunned, go quickly,”

Lin Yi couldn't wait, "It's the right thing to put money in other people's hands into your own pocket."

 “That’s what the prince said.”

Gan Mao said dumbfounded.

After that, he hurriedly left.

As soon as he got off the city wall, he saw Wei Yishan standing in the middle of the urn city with gold beads and red tassels on his head. Next to him was Liu Kan, the commander of the standard guard.

 “Master Gan.”

 Liu Kan bowed his hands politely.

 “It turns out to be General Liu,”

Gan Mao responded politely, glanced at Wei Yishan behind him and said, "This general is quite cool."

“This is General Wei Yishan, the newly appointed garrison of the Beijing camp,”

Liu Kan smiled and said, "General Wei, this is Mr. Gan, the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. I will have to rely on him for food and grass supplies in the future."

Wei Yishan cupped his hands and said, "Master Gan."

 “Don’t dare, don’t dare.”

Gan Mao exchanged a few pleasantries and then got into the sedan chair and left.

After Liu Kan waited for him to leave, he turned to Wei Yishan and said, "These old guys don't have many good things. It's just that we don't have enough manpower, so we need to keep them. We must be more cautious in the future to avoid suffering losses in their hands. "

Wei Yishan snorted coldly, "Don't worry, the prince said that if you have a big sword in your hand, I have it in the world.

All conspiracies and tricks are ultimately vulnerable in the face of absolute force.

These old pedants, let them do as they please, I don't believe they can escape from our grasp. "

“They are all masters of sowing discord. We are just afraid that they will let you take the blame. The situation at hand is complicated and we cannot afford anything that goes wrong.”

Liu Kan smiled and said, "It's better to be careful."

 “Thank you very much,”

Wei Yishan put his hand on the handle of the knife and said proudly, "But the prince is not a fool, and he will not trust these people gullibly. If he uses small tricks to frame others, they may be the ones who are unlucky in the end."

Liu Kan nodded and said, "That's true."

They all graduated with honors from Baiyun City No. 1 Middle School. When they were in elementary school, Prince He didn’t have many classes with them, but after middle school, Prince He often taught them.

 He Wangye’s class explains things in simple terms, is humorous, and is deeply rooted in people’s hearts. Many of the principles they understand now come from He Wangye.

He and Wang Ye were their mentors. How could a teacher distrust his own students?

“Third uncle, are you here too?”

While the two were talking, they heard a loud shout. When they turned around, they saw Deng Ke, the shopkeeper of the carpentry shop, coming in from outside the city.

There was a long team behind him. He gave a few instructions to the people behind him and asked them to move on. He ran up to Wei Yishan and nodded and bowed. Then he straightened up and faced towards Wei Yishan. Liu Kan cupped his hands and respectfully called General Liu.


Wei Yishan said helplessly, "There are so many people shouting no matter what. It makes me feel embarrassed."

He felt ashamed when an old man over fifty years old called him his third uncle.

“Third uncle, if I don’t shout like this, how should I shout?”

Deng Ke said with an aggrieved look, "You are the third uncle."

“You and your grandsons can chat slowly while I go and get busy first.”

 Liu Kan couldn't help but smile and said, "Farewell."

"Hey," Wei Yishan sighed to Deng Ke, "you'd better call me by my name. Uncle, it's better not to call me."

Although he is young, his mother Deng and Deng Ke’s grandfather are siblings from the same mother, so his generation is naturally higher!

The Deng family, his mother's contemporaries are basically dead. When many people from the Deng family see him, they have to call him uncle even if they don't call him uncle, regardless of age.

However, in the past, the Deng family would avoid him when they saw him, so as to avoid the embarrassment of meeting him.

Now, they keep coming closer and cannot be driven away.

 (End of this chapter)

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