I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 384: Visit relatives

Chapter 384: Provincial Prospect

With tears in my eyes, I felt pity for him.

Lin Yi was unmoved and did not mean to comfort him at all. He just said calmly, "Whatever you want to say, just say it in one breath. Don't hesitate."

There was even a hint of impatience in his tone.

 He had already guessed what she wanted to say, but he didn't reveal it.

 There are some things that she still needs to say herself. She is destined not to be that "intimate" lover.

The time we got together was too short, and he didn't know where her lower limit was. If he was arrogant and indulged in favor, he would end up harming her.

 After all, she is not her own mother.

 He ​​can tolerate his mother doing all kinds of wrong things, but he may not tolerate her doing wrong things. If she does something wrong, he will be very embarrassed about how to deal with it. .

 So, in order not to embarrass yourself, it is best not to spoil her so easily, otherwise you will be flattered.

He doesn't care whether she is satisfied or not, happy or unhappy.

 The moment he came to Ankang City and stood in the court to confront his father, he understood a truth.

As long as his force is strong enough and his status is high enough, even if his emotional intelligence is zero and his temper is terrible, others will adapt to him instead of him adapting to others.

 He cannot thank Er Er, but it does not prevent him from being a domineering president.

 Every word he says now is the truth.

 “Your Majesty,”

Hu Miaoyi sobbed and said, "I want to go home to visit my family, and I hope that the prince will give me permission."

Through these days of contact, the man in front of her was sometimes childish and sometimes arrogant. She could not understand him more and more. She always felt that it was all white and she was at a loss what to do.

 “Go home,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's such a simple thing. The door is open and no one is stopping you. Just go home. It's such a simple thing. Do you need to tell me specifically?"

 “Your Majesty,”

Hu Miaoyi glanced at Lin Yi and said resentfully, "I understand, I understand."

  Although she was unwilling to marry into Prince He's palace, she was already a princess in terms of status.

Now it’s no longer like being a girl. It’s wild outside and you can go back whenever you want.

The door to the prince's house is also open, but it cannot be entered and exited casually. She must have her own ceremonial guard.

Without speaking to the prince, who would dare to prepare it for her easily?

If she rode back alone like she did when she was a girl, her face-loving father would definitely be embarrassed!

It would be better not to go back than to make his face dull.

Since you want to go back, you have to do it in a glorious way!

 “What do you understand again?”

Lin Yi asked knowingly.

"It's windy and cold outside, so I won't go back for the time being. I'll go back after a while, when the weather gets warmer."

Hu Miaoyi lowered her head and said.

 She couldn't help but feel uncomfortable in her heart. She was really afraid that her father would be hungry at home.

Lin Yi said magnanimously, "Since you want to go back, go back, and I didn't say not to let you go back, so why bother making such a fuss.

 Xiao Yingzi. "

 “Your Majesty,”

Hong Ying hurried forward and said with a smile, "The little one is here."

Lin Yi said, "Show the gift list to the princess later to see what she will prepare for the prince tomorrow. You can't go back empty-handed."

 He is really unhappy when he uses money to support his father-in-law!

 But there is nothing I can do. My father-in-law is really starved to death, and I don’t look good at all!

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Hu Miaoyi couldn’t help but cry again.

 “Don’t cry,”

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "If you cry again, I will regret it."


Hu Miaoyi cried with joy.

Lin Yi looked a little crazy for a while.

 I hope this **** can show some conscience and repay the favor.

  The second day.

 The wind and snow stopped.

 “It’s colder than snow.”

 Hu Zhen was lying on the bed with his head like a chicken coop exposed, and he really didn't want to get up.

But there is no other way. He got the news yesterday. Today his daughter is going home to visit her relatives. A large group of people will come over later. It will be embarrassing to see that he is still lying in bed.

She got down from the squeaking bed, shivering and put on her coat. While tying the waist rope, she poked her head towards the stove and muttered, "I don't know when the stove was turned off. No wonder it's so cold." ”

 Putting a lint-free hat on his head, he clasped his hands and stepped on the thick snow to go straight to the kitchen. He poured the leftover cold rice into the pot one by one, started to light the fire and started to cook porridge.

 “The county prince?”

Jiao Zhong came in and said with a smile, "You haven't eaten yet? I couldn't find it, so I thought it had gone somewhere."

Jiao Zhong watched Heshun County Prince lighting the fire and adding firewood. His movements were so skillful that it made people feel heartbroken.

This old guy has been extremely wealthy since he was born. He has always had clothes to put out his hands and food to open his mouth. He never expected that he would become like this.

 “Hey, bad hospitality, bad hospitality,”

The Prince of Heshun County stuffed the firewood into the stove hole, and then said with a smile, "Thank you a lot."

To put it nicely, he is the father-in-law of the Prince Regent!

 Indescribably expensive!

But how come you’ve gotten to this point?

Who can take him seriously?

 He is self-aware!

 Therefore, he did not dare to offend a small guard like Jiao Zhong.

“Prince, you have offended me and failed to kowtow to you. I deserve death.”

Jiao Zhong said this, but he still stood upright with a smile on his face, "You'd better hurry up, the princess will be home soon.

   Aren't you in a hurry to pack it up? "


Prince Heshun was startled and said quickly, "Then Prince He."

 It was really unseemly for the Regent to see him in such a mess!

 At that time, it will not look good if your daughter is embarrassed.

 “He and the prince did not come,”

Jiao Zhong smiled and said, "But with your status as a princess, you can't neglect her, right?"

"Yes Yes,"

Prince Heshun said while scooping porridge into the bowl, "Let me eat something first. I'm really hungry and have no energy to do anything else."

The porridge was too hot, so he kept stirring it with chopsticks and occasionally took a few sips.


Jiao Zhong knew it and asked, "I have arranged several handymen for you before. Where is that person?"

These slaves are so shameless that they dare to be lazy. Don't worry, the king will break their legs if he turns around. "

 He really didn’t understand how the dignified prince went from having no worries about food and clothing to having no worries about food and clothing.

Although their prince was stingy, he still paid three hundred taels of silver back and forth!

Three hundred taels of silver is enough for a family of more than ten people to live a well-off life for three to five years.

 It is more than enough to support two or three handymen!

I didn't expect this old thing to be so defeated. How long will this be unable to afford the monthly money?

 “I have hands and feet, and I am self-sufficient, so why do I need others?”

The Prince of Heshun County said with a sneer, "Don't worry, Mr. Jiao."


Jiao Zhong sighed and said, "I just discovered that there is someone else in your front yard?"

Your Majesty, there is nothing wrong with renting out an empty house, but the princess will be back soon. What should we do if there is a collision? "

This house was originally owned by Qin Tong. After Qin Tong's house was confiscated, the house was given to the prince of Heshun County.

Unexpectedly, after the princess entered the palace of Prince Heshun, the Prince of Heshun County, who was "smart in making money", actually rented her out, leaving only a wing and a kitchen for himself.

There are now more than 30 tenants in it, and a good county and prince's residence has now turned into a large courtyard!

Of course, this is the county prince’s own business and he has nothing to do with it. However, their prince’s face is so shameless!

 Isn’t this a slap in the prince’s face?


Hu Zhen slapped his thigh with the hand holding the chopsticks, and said angrily, "Why did I forget this!"

Jiao Zhong said helplessly, "Just take a rest and I'll drive people away for you."

He thought that if these tenants were kicked out in the cold weather, they would definitely make a fuss with the county prince, which would waste too much time.

 “I won’t bother you anymore, I’ll go by myself,”

Hu Zhen quickly put down his bowls and chopsticks, grabbed Jiao Zhong, and said with a smile, "I'll talk to them and let them go out and take shelter first."

He found these tenants through Yaren, and he will be able to collect the first rent in a few days!

Jiao Zhong and others are very vicious. If they are scared away and never come back, who will he ask to collect money from?

 There will be no place to cry then!

 Hence, he must discuss it with his tenants in person to appease them.

 “Then the prince should hurry up,”

Jiao Zhong urged, "The princess will be here soon."

This old man is good at everything else, but he just doesn't know how to live.

 Anyone with a little bit of brains would never end up in this situation.


Hu Zhen ran away in a hurry.

Jiao Zhong only heard a burst of noise, followed by a lot of roosters crowing and dogs barking.

 For those who don’t know, I thought it was a farm here.

“He has such a nice house and actually lets people raise chickens. Prince Heshun is really easy to talk to.”

Jiang Qiu next to him said with an incredulous look, "Is this rent enough to repair the house?"

 He was originally sent to work as a gardener in the back garden.

How pitiful God is, thank Ho Hong for thinking that he is a ninth grader!

 Let him be a bodyguard!

 Otherwise, he would even want to die if he saw that the old man Guo Zhao was doing his bidding.

Jiao Zhong snorted coldly, "Poor people must be hateful. Hey, we can't worry about the left and right."

While they were talking, a group of people came out of the front yard with their children and the elderly. Hu Zhen trotted over, opened the side door of the backyard, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work. I, Hu, am true to my word, and I will definitely waive everyone's rent for three days." "

 “Hey, it’s settled”

 “No defaulting on debt.”

“Prince, don’t worry, I won’t cause any trouble for you.”

A group of people were talking all over the place and exited the small door one after another.

Jiao Zhong frowned and said, "Damn it."

Jiang Chou said angrily, "What's the problem?"

Jiao Zhong smiled and said, "I just said they looked familiar. I know two of them. The bachelors in Ankang City all have a place to live in Nancheng. Although they are not rich and powerful, they are not old enough to rent a house."

Jiang Qiu, who has traveled all over the world and is experienced, understood it all at once and said with a smile, "I am afraid that I live here because I want to use the name of the county king to swindle everywhere. This county king is too careless and dares to let anyone do it." Take it into the house."

 “Hey, there’s really no way to say,”

Jiao Zhong touched his chin and said, "Go to Fuyin Yamen and give a message. Everyone here has to check their details. Cao Xiaohuan knows how to do it.

 Otherwise, some kind of joke will be made and it will harm the reputation of the princess. "

 The most important thing is that if something happens, they are the ones who bear the responsibility.

Jiang Chou nodded and said, "I'll go right away."

 Open your body and float away.

Jiang Qiu's figure disappeared immediately, and Jiao Zhong murmured to himself, "Damn, your kung fu is really high."

Ninth grade!

 He hasn’t even broken through the seventh level yet!

 “Brother Zhong, it’s been a long time.”


Jiao Zhong turned around and saw a tall man with an unshaven beard holding a tiger-spotted dog unique to Sanhe.

It looked familiar to him no matter how he looked at it, but he couldn't remember the name for a while.

 “I am Liu San,”

 The big man raised his hands and said, "You don't recognize me?"

 “Liu San?”

Jiao Zhong suddenly realized, "It turns out to be you. You have grown a beard and gained weight. I didn't even dare to recognize you."

This man is a **** of the great salt owl Tian Shiyou. I think back then, when he met such a person, he would not take a serious look at him.

It’s just that now that Tian Shiyou has become more prosperous, his lack of integrity has naturally become more prosperous.

“It’s hard for Brother Zhong to remember a little guy like me,”

Liu San smiled and said, "I'm grateful."

Jiao Zhong asked in confusion, "Could it be that you also rented a house here?"

Liu San nodded and said, "I came back from Saibei with Sanhe's army this time. I had all the food and grass in hand and didn't have much to do. I originally wanted to go back to Sanhe, but the road was blocked by heavy snow, so I stayed here for two days. Yue, wait until spring begins before leaving.

 The rent in Ankang City is not cheap. It is hard to find a place that is so spacious and so cheap. "

Jiao Zhong smiled and said, "You and your boss have already become rich, so why do you still care about such a small amount of money?"

 “Brother Zhong was joking,”

Liu San cupped his hands and said, "Money doesn't come easily. It's all earned through hard work, so naturally you should cherish it."

Besides, if you have bad luck in the next two years and don’t save money, you will have eight children and three wives to feed, and you won’t have to eat dirt?

 So, you still have to save when you need to. "

Jiao Zhong said, "Oh, it's time for you **** to get rich."


Liu San smiled and said, "It's no longer a matter of getting rich. I don't have to worry about food and drink anymore."

Jiao Zhong waved his hand and said, "I won't talk to you anymore when the princess returns home today. Go quickly and I will come to you for a drink next time."

 “That’s just right.”

After Liu San finished speaking, he led the two boys and left directly.

Hu Miaoyi's carriage stopped at the gate of the palace, and Jiao Zhong hurriedly lowered his head with the guards.


He heard the princess's voice and felt choked up.

That's for sure, but I don't know whether it's because I feel sorry for the prince, or because I'm crying because of the smell of the prince.

 The clothes worn by Prince Heshun probably haven’t been changed in a month.

He just wanted Prince Heshun to change his clothes, but Prince Heshun hesitated for a long time and said he had no clothes to change.

Everything of value in this county prince's mansion was pawned by the prince.

 Clothes, furniture, vases, to name a few.

 All that’s missing is a bed to sleep on and pots and pans to cook with!

No one could have imagined that Prince Heshun would be in such a miserable state!

Jiao Zhong waited at the door with a group of guards until noon. Mingyue came out and threw him a handful of broken silver and asked him to go to the restaurant to serve food and drinks. He happily agreed.

 It seems that we can’t go back until nightfall.

To be on the safe side, he went directly to the nearby Jinfu Restaurant, which was owned by Pan Duo and others. From the cook to the waiters, they were all his own people.

 (End of this chapter)

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