I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 516: negotiation

Chapter 516 Negotiation


Lin Yi suspected that he heard wrongly and frowned, "What did you say?"

 He had to admit that he was the best refuge for the other party.

 However, happiness came so suddenly, and he was still a little caught off guard.

 “Your Majesty.”

Du Yinniang was very confident in her appearance, but she didn't expect the prince's expression and reaction. She took a deep breath and said, "The little girl dare not pray for anything else, but I just hope that I can serve the prince day and night."

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "That's it!"

 Now, he has experienced many battles, and has lost the innocence and innocence he once had.

  The extravagant hope of pursuing “love” is completely gone!

 At his position, even "family affection" is almost gone. How can there be any love?

The really good-looking skins are all chosen by chance!

 Interesting souls are everywhere!

 “Your Majesty.”

Du Yinniang was even more confused about whether to laugh or cry.

This and the prince’s reaction are always unpredictable.

"You must commit yourself to this king, and I will not object,"

In this life, besides Mingyue and Zixia, this is the third woman who wants to take the initiative to sleep with him. He is still a little excited, "But, can you and I agree?"

Although I don’t care whether I agree or not, I don’t want to force others to do anything. "

Du Yinniang said with a shy look, "Your Majesty is wise and mighty. If my father knew about it, he would not be happy in time."

 “Then I understand,”

Lin Yi saw her expression and immediately understood, "You two, father and daughter, just need to discuss it."

 Let Du Yinniang commit herself to him, which is most likely what Du Sanhe, an old fox, meant!

In the Daliang Kingdom in front of me, I am undoubtedly the best "son-in-law" candidate!

And with Du Yinniang's temperament, appearance, and family background, even if she takes it home to make a vase, she has no reason to disagree.


Du Yinniang looked like she was about to speak but hesitated.

Lin Yi picked up the teacup with one hand and fiddled with Chagai with the other, and said casually, "If you have anything to do, just say it directly. You also know my temperament. Only those who are easy to talk and hesitant will annoy me."

 “Yes, the little girl boldly said it,”

Du Yinniang raised her head and said fearlessly, "If the prince and I have an heir in the future, I would like to ask the prince to allow the child to be raised by my father."


Lin Yi frowned, and with a bang, the tea bowl fell on the table and broke into pieces. Tea fell all over the table. He couldn't help but snorted, "Who gave me the courage to do this!"

He actually wanted to adopt his child to Du Sanhe to become a pirate!

This is the birthday man who eats arsenic to live longer!

 “Your Majesty, please calm down.”

Du Yinniang said without changing her expression, "This is entirely the young woman's intention and has nothing to do with my father."

Lin Yi laughed angrily and said, "Then you are so brave, you actually dare to ask this king for this condition!


 “Your Majesty!

Aren’t the current Yong’an kings, Jin kings and princes the royal heirs? "

Du Yinniang blurted out.

 I regretted it after saying it!

 She shouldn't have said these things.

Seeing Lin Yi's expressionless face, he continued to force himself and said, "Inheriting my father's mantle, how can I be a pirate?

The prince once praised my father for his enterprising spirit and that he could expand the living space for our Daliang Kingdom. He might be the next Columbus! "

 Although she doesn’t know who Columbus is!

 But from the words of Prince He, she knew that Prince He admired this Xiyi who was thousands of miles away!

 The person who can be admired by Prince He is definitely not an ordinary person!

Suddenly, there was a cry!

Panduo raised his sword and shouted sternly at Du Yinniang, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, you will be killed without mercy!"


He only knows that this woman is very powerful in martial arts, and he is waiting here to prevent her from suddenly acting violently and startling the prince.

 But I didn’t expect that this woman would be so courageous and talk such nonsense.

 He regretted it!

 You shouldn’t stay here and listen to so many things you shouldn’t hear!

 Now it’s a dilemma to stay here!


Lin Yi glanced at Pan Duo and said, "Step back."

 “Your Majesty.”

Pando put away the knife, hesitated for a moment, but still did not dare to exit the room.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, she doesn't dare. If she doesn't cherish her own life, she should also cherish the lives of her father and the lives of thousands of people on her Heixiazi Island."


Pan Duo glared at Du Yinniang fiercely and left the room.

 She is not afraid of offending Du Yinniang.

 Including the bright moon and purple clouds!

Qi Peng had long told him that there were countless facts in history that were forged with blood and tears, which showed that the emperor and the emperor's harem could only please one side.

Those who try to occupy both ends will die miserably in the end.

Lin Yi waited for Pan Duo to go out, looked at Du Yinniang again, and sighed, "In the royal family, there are too many cases of father and son turning against each other, and brothers fighting against each other. I really cannot guarantee that my future children will have a loving father and a filial son, and brothers and sisters. Christine.”

This has nothing to do with education or the system!

 Those who are blinded by greed and interests will no longer have any "morality".

Du Yinniang continued to speak boldly, "Please, Your Majesty, be more discerning."

Lin Yi sighed, "How about we ignore these things for the time being and let the child make his own choices when he grows up?

If he wants to enjoy all the blessings of the people, let him be an idle rich man; if he wants to travel across the world, let him be a pirate. "

 As for being the successor of the Liang Kingdom in the future, there is still no trace of it!

 After all, he only has one daughter now.

Du Yinniang hurriedly said, "Your Majesty is wise!"

 She knew this was the biggest concession she could make with the prince!

 It would be a bit inappropriate if she continues to be indecisive.

Lin Yi sighed and said, "You are very good, you can actually convince me."

 He himself could not have imagined that he had made such a big concession in a daze.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Du Yinniang couldn't help but feel proud.

His father fought for his life at sea and worked hard for half his life to possess such great wealth and power. He could not give it to others!

  She is a woman, and it is unlucky to be on the sea. With her father's power, it is already very good for her to board the ship, let alone let her take over the family business.

 If she has a son, there is no guarantee that her son will be the leader.

 After all, her father is old and may not be able to survive until his son grows up.

 Only her son with Prince He can guarantee the smooth takeover of her father's power at sea!

 Become the new generation of Sea Dragon King!

As for the so-called "emperorship", in the words of her father: people must use their brains when fighting for their lives, otherwise they will lose their heads.

Their family background is not bad, but it is impossible for them to fully participate in the struggle for the throne!

The King of Nanling has his grandpa Mei Jingzhi who is a general, and the King of Jin has his grandpa Han Wenhu who is one of the richest in the world. Aren't they running around now?

King Yong has an army of 100,000. Isn’t he still huddled in Jinzhou and Yongzhou?

 Time is also destiny!

From now on, as long as she ascends the throne with the prince, the heir of her Nie family will still be an idle prince, relying on the royal family, traveling across the sea and becoming rich, no better than scheming in the palace?

 “Okay, that’s such a happy decision,”

Once Lin Yi figured it out, he didn't have to worry so much, "Are you going back to Ankang City and waiting?"

Du Yinniang covered her mouth and smiled and said, "I have seen it, and there is no one on the prince's side. As long as the prince does not dislike my clumsiness, I will serve the prince."


Lin Yi suddenly touched his cheeks and said curiously, "Your coptis chinensis and donkey hide gelatin soup is somewhat effective. After talking so much, I didn't feel the pain anymore."

Since you want to stay, then you can stay, but it’s just how you dress up.”

 Although he has been disguised, this face will still be the center of attention wherever he goes.

 He didn’t want to attract so many people’s attention when he went out.

“Your Majesty, don’t worry.”

Du Yinniang turned her back. When she turned around, Lin Yi almost recognized her.

Lin Yi walked forward, looked at the yellow and rough face, then looked at the waist of the bucket, and asked curiously, "How did you do this?"

 Compared to before, he is no longer the same person!

The person in front of me looks like a rough lady.

Du Yinniang smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I learned these from my father since I was a child. In fact, I spread dyed glutinous rice paste evenly on my face, and then cut my eyebrows. As for this waist, it is even simpler. I tied it A piece of clothing."

Lin Yi said, "It's really not an accident that I was able to escape the pursuit of the secret guards and the imperial guards."

 Looking carefully again, it is definitely not a simple glutinous rice paste.

 Seems to be some kind of glue?

 It's just that the other party doesn't want to elaborate, and there is no need for him to force it.

Du Yinniang cupped her hands and said, "Your Majesty, I am so complimentary."

Lin Yi stayed at the port for three days. His oral ulcers gradually healed and he could eat freely. However, he was still cautious about food that would cause irritation and did not dare to eat seafood too much.

Rare fruits like peaches and pears are always available every day.

Du Yinniang looked amused. She was riding on a group of tall horses. She smiled at Lin Yi who was sitting on a donkey and chewing pears. "My lord, if you eat like this, you won't be able to eat the big fish or meat in the town below." ”

The donkey made an unpleasant sound. Lin Yi patted its head, stuffed the pear core into the donkey's mouth, then clapped his hands and said, "I want to stay healthy now. Keep your mouth shut and move your legs, otherwise the bones in your body will get worse." It’s getting worse.”

If he ascends the throne in the future, he will have a man with three palaces and six courtyards!

 It is immoral to leave someone alone in an empty house without good health!

 As a human being, you can’t be too selfish!

 “Your Majesty,”

Du Yinniang rolled her eyes and said, "Actually, the best way to keep fit is to learn kung fu."

 When she first saw this helpless prince, she was completely confused!

 It even feels unbelievable!

 Daliang State relied on martial arts to build its country, and wealthy households with a little wealth would hire a teacher to teach their children martial arts.

 The worst case scenario can be sent to a martial arts school to learn some bad-ass long boxing and kicking skills.

 Let alone the royal family!

 Furthermore, there seem to be many great masters around this prince!

 This is a resource that many people only dream of!

 Just give me some pointers, is it still difficult to practice martial arts?

There is no one like Prince He.

No wonder everyone in Ankang City said that Prince He was a weirdo!

 “As long as I lie flat, no one can roll me up,”

Lin Yi said disdainfully, "My talent is only at level 3, so what's the use of it?

 It doesn’t make much difference whether I practice martial arts or not. "

 “Your Majesty, there is something I particularly admire about you.”

 “Oh, where?”

Lin Yi asked proudly.

“You can always find a reason to be lazy,”

After spending the past few days with him, Du Yinniang got to know his temperament a little bit, and she began to joke with him boldly, "I remember that every time you attended the school's opening ceremony, you encouraged everyone to study hard and make progress every day. There are everywhere in this school. It’s also true that there are roads in the mountain of books, and we must work hard to move forward.”

Lin Yi yawned and said, "If they don't work hard, how can I live such a happy life?"

 “Your Majesty.”

Looking at the shameless look of the dignified regent of a country, Du Yinniang always felt like she was being punched in the cotton wool, "Wise!"

 “What the prince said is,”

Pando quickly agreed, "If the prince works hard, wouldn't it mean that we people are too incompetent?"

 “Look, what does it mean to be able to talk?”

Lin Yi winked at Du Yinniang and said, "Learn more."

Du Yinniang pouted and turned her head to the side, deliberately ignoring him.

If he really caters to him deliberately as Prince He said, he really may not be happy.

The wet Arhat rode his horse from the front to meet him and said loudly, "Your Majesty, there is a small town called Tangjiahe ahead. It is raining heavily. Look at the dark clouds in the sky. They will be here soon. Do you want to take shelter from the rain?”

Lin Yi raised his head, looked at the clear sky, and shouted, "Doesn't it look like it?"

Song Cheng cupped his hands and said, "These dark clouds will come over very quickly if they are blown by the strong wind."

 “Then find a place to rest,”

There were dense woods nearby and the sight was limited. Lin Yi looked around and saw no place to hide the rain. "Where should we go?"

Pan Duo pointed to a narrow path next to him and said, "Two miles further along this path is a small village. Please yield to me, Your Majesty."

 “Then go.”

Lin Yi took the lead into the small forest.

Du Yinniang looked thoughtfully at Pan Duo's figure following Lin Yi.

I don’t know how many people the imperial guards have deployed around here!

 It’s amazing that you can find out the situation on the left and right so quickly.

There were many acacia flowers in the forest, and the donkey refused to leave when it saw them. Lin Yi pulled the reins several times, but it was also a stubborn donkey and would not leave until it had eaten them all.

Lin Yi felt sorry for the donkey and couldn't force it anymore. He got off the donkey, threw the reins directly to the Arhat behind, and walked on his own.

Seeing this, Pan Duo quickly dismounted and followed closely.

As we walked, the road gradually opened up, and standing on the top of the mountain, we could see farmhouses emitting fireworks in the distance.

“After traveling to so many places, only here I feel a little bit poetic.”

As soon as I finished speaking, there were dark clouds overhead.

 “Your Majesty, please!”

Pan Duo, regardless of whether Lin Yi agreed or not, directly carried him to the horse, with Luo Han and Song Cheng guarding him, and rushed down the mountain.

As for Du Yinniang, no one has time to deal with her.

The group of people hurriedly drove slowly, and finally stopped in front of the largest house in the village.

As soon as he reached the eaves, there was a flash of lightning, a thunder, and heavy rain poured down.

 Children who were playing wildly on the left and right ran away in all directions, shouting.

 (End of this chapter)

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