I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 550: common language

 Chapter 550 Common Language

Pan Duo bowed and said, "On the surface, Liu Chongfeng is only loyal to the Holy One, but he is Wen Zhaoyi's disciple. Moreover, He Jin was promoted by Liu Chongfeng. Without Liu Chongfeng's connivance, how could He Jin be there again?" How could you risk the disapproval of the world and do so many evil things that are unspeakable?”


Lin Yi put his hand on his forehead and said, "I forgot about the relationship between the two of them. When I was in the palace, He Jin was really respectful to Liu Chongfeng."

Pan Duo looked at Prince He's face and said, "Your Majesty, as a subordinate, it would be better for Liu Gongfeng to be invited out of the palace."

"No, let him stay in the palace. I promised him. There is no need to go back on it."

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "I want to see what tricks they can do when they get together. If he really leaves, there will be no excitement in the future."

 “The prince is wise.”

 Pan Duo saw that he and the prince had made up their minds, so he said no more.

“Anthracene, by the way, is He Jin dead or not?”

Lin Yi said bitterly, "You guys are so disappointing. Even if you kill an eunuch, you can't even figure it out. Until now, you haven't even said a word of affirmation."

Pan Duo hurriedly said, "I am willing to guarantee my life and property. If I personally examine the body, there is absolutely no chance of survival."

Lin Yi frowned and said, "You can definitely guarantee that the person who dies must be He Jin?"

No matter how powerful people like Pan Duo are, few people have seen He Jin's true face.

Pan Duo said, "Hong Shilong, the young man with the secret guard, identified him personally. He must be right."

 “Stop talking nonsense,”

Lin Yi waved his hand impatiently and said, "Where's that **** Qi Peng? Let him drink less tea and do more work."


Pando retreated with a sad face.

He and the prince are very dissatisfied with his performance and need to ask his family boss to come forward.

Before Lin Yi had time to lie down on the chair, Sun Chengcheng came in with Gan Mao.

 “What do you want to do if you don’t sleep at night?”

Lin Yi became worried as soon as he saw him.

Gan Mao's wrinkled old face could easily squeeze out a smile, but no matter how he looked at it, he looked like he was crying.

 “I can’t sleep.”

  "You can't sleep, can you please don't come to harm me?"

Lin Yi sighed, "Seeing you makes me even more unable to sleep."

 “Your Majesty.”

Gan Mao suddenly said loudly, "I have something to do."

 “Stop talking, really, I have no common language with you.”

Lin Yi hurriedly interrupted him.

Gan Mao sneered and said, "Your Majesty, what is a common language?"

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "When you ask me for money, I don't want to give it."

 “Your Majesty.”

Gan Mao couldn't laugh or cry.

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Palace tourism is in full swing these days, and money is being made every day. How can you still be short of money?"

Gan Mao said, "Your Majesty, Chuanzhou, Mobei, and Jinzhou are using troops at the same time. Just chewing grain every day will cost tens of thousands taels!"

This does not include the soldiers’ pay and the loss of ordnance.

In addition, Mr. Bian Jing was carrying out large-scale construction projects in Jizhou, and the money was spent like water, and it was gone. "

Lin Yi leaned back on the chair, rubbed his brows and said, "He Jixiang can't do anything?"

Gan Mao said, "If Lord He has a way, how can I dare to disturb the prince?"

“Then if you come to me, what can I do?”

Lin Yi stood up again and paced back and forth in front of Gan Mao.

“Master He said that the prince always has wonderful ideas, and maybe there is a way.”

Gan Mao’s voice became softer as he spoke.

Lin Yi also asked without confidence, "What about borrowing from Sanhe Bank?"

Gan Mao said sincerely, "Shopkeeper Bai Lin has been anxious for a long time. If we continue to borrow more, Sanhe Bank will be run on."

 Sanhe Bank is the property of Prince He.

If he caused a run on Sanhe Bank and closed it down, could Prince He spare him?

 He still knows the importance of things.

 “Can’t make it to my father’s lunch auction?”

Lin Yi asked again unwillingly.

“The auction is next month, and water from afar cannot quench the thirst for nearness.”

Gan Mao said cautiously.

Lin Yi said harshly, "Then you wait a few more days. I will think of a way to peel off the skin of the natives in the next few days."

Gan Mao said again, "Your Majesty, I need one million taels of silver. I'm afraid the natives can't give me that much money, right?"


Lin Yi jumped three feet high in anger, "Why do you want so much money?

Jinzhou and Chuanzhou want money, can I still understand that Mobei still wants us to give money?

This town's Sanbei is too incompetent, right?

 Didn’t you make an agreement with him before going? "

Gan Mao said, "Your Majesty, Mobei doesn't need the money from the Ministry of Revenue. The only ones that need money right now are Chuanzhou and Jinzhou. Moreover, they have provided work-for-relief to build canals and official roads, and hundreds of thousands of people have eaten and drank. In these two days, It has gradually become unavailable.

If I dare to deprive them of their food and they get into trouble again, the prince will probably chop off my head as a sacrifice to heaven. "

Lin Yi glanced at him and said, "Not only will I chop off your head and sacrifice it to heaven, I will also let Bian Jing be buried with you."

ˆ “.”

 Gan Mao really couldn't say the word "thank you".

 Scholars still need to have some integrity!

Lin Yi continued to pace back and forth in the garden. When he saw Dahuang blocking his way, he kicked Dahuang. Dahuang whimpered and ran away, complaining endlessly about his grievances.

 After pondering for a while, he said, "You want money, right?"

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

Gan Mao said this, but in fact he looked at fools!

This question is not nonsense!

“Hey, I still have some private money, take it.”

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and said, "I'll give you five hundred thousand taels first. Don't be dissatisfied. If you get more, it will be gone.

But let’s make an agreement first, you have to pay back the money!

 You have to pay interest! "

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Gan Mao was overjoyed.

 As for the following words, he will automatically filter them.


 What to give in return?

  In a few years, he will be able to retire and return to his hometown!

 In the words of Prince He, after he leaves, let him control the flood.

"You and Sun Cheng go to Zixia and ask her for money."

Lin Yi was so distressed that he almost cried.

It’s easy for him to save some private money!

He also hated He Jixiang!

This old **** asked Gan Mao to come over, wasn't he just trying to get his private money?

 Well, there is no such thing as a good person.

 I feel irritable and have successfully lost sleep.

 “Prepare the car, go down the mountain, and have fun.”

After hearing this, Han Deqing hurriedly went to prepare.

 Get on the carriage and go straight to the foot of the mountain.

 The streets are still bustling with people.

 He got off the carriage and took a stroll.

Passing by the Chunxiang Building, there were even more warblers and swallows inside, with constant laughter and laughter.

 “Sure enough, people’s joys and sorrows are always incompatible.”

Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh.

 The moon hangs higher and higher.

Wei Yishan held a long knife in his hand and kept wiping it with a dark brown cloth.

Wang Xiaoshuan put down the lantern he was holding and couldn't help but said, "Brother, listen to my advice. It's not too late for us gentlemen to take revenge in ten years. There is no need to have a quarrel with Chen Xinluo now."

Wei Yishan snorted coldly, "You also want me to endure it?"

Wang Xiaoshuan waved his hands hurriedly and said, "You misunderstood, that's not what I meant. It's not like you haven't fought with him before. You also saw the result. You can't do anything to him now. In this case, we might as well wait."

Now that you have gone, isn’t it still the same?

Just open, just with Wang Ye, we can't say it. "

Wei Yishan still said expressionlessly, "Either he dies today or I die. One must die to understand."

"Why bother?"

Wang Xiaoshuan sighed, "Brother, you have always been a smart person, why would you do something stupid now?

If you don’t think about yourself, you have to think about your aunt, right?

Think about it, you really have three advantages and two disadvantages. What should your aunt do alone? "

Wei Yishan turned his head, stared at Wang Xiaoshuan and said, "Do you mean that I can't beat Chen Xinluo?"


Wang Xiaoshuan was so stared at by Wei Yishan that he finally lost his patience and said indifferently, "Then think about my aunt's reputation. If you continue like this, will my aunt's reputation be lost?"

Wei Yishan said bitterly, "But how could she ever care about my reputation!

Now I am laughed at by thousands of people. How can I, a noble man, gain a foothold in the world and gain authority in the army in the future? "

Wang Xiaoshuan said boldly, "Actually, it's nothing. I don't think Mr. Chen Xinluo has anything."

 He really didn’t understand Wei Yishan’s thoughts.

Like Wei Yishan, his father died young and his widowed mother raised him with all kinds of hardships.

If his mother could get married again, it would be too late for him to be happy.

 Save yourself from worrying all day long.

 What's more, she still married a big shot like Chen Xinluo!

 It’s not a bad idea to shout daddy!

"What did you say?"

There was a clang.

 The table in front of him was smashed to pieces by Wei Yishan's palm, and sawdust flew everywhere.

“I don’t mean anything, I just think there’s no need for you to get into trouble,”

Wang Xiaoshuan continued, "Think about it, how difficult it is for an aunt in her life. It's not easy to meet one. Why should we stop her like this?"

 “Get out”

The long knife in Wei Yishan's hand was pointed directly at Wang Xiaoshuan.

 “Wei Yishan,”

This time, Wang Xiaoshuan finally got angry. He was pointed at by his best brother with a long knife. No one could bear it. "I tell you the truth, you don't like to hear it, do you?"

 Okay, if you have the guts, just come directly to me! "

After speaking, he took a step forward and directly pressed his chest against the tip of Wei Yishan's knife.

With a cry, the knife was sheathed.

 “You go out, I want to be alone for a while.”

Wei Yishan said with his head in his hands.

“If you’re really unhappy, why don’t we brothers go out for a drink?”

Wang Xiaoshuan stepped forward and said comfortingly, "Drink whatever you want, you'll die of it, just get drunk and relieve a thousand worries."

 “Come here!”

Wei Yishan suddenly shouted, "Serve the wine and food."

Wang Xiaoshuan sighed and said, "Okay, then I'll drink with you here."

The maid entered the house and was shocked when she saw it was in a mess, but she still tidied up the house quietly.

Wei Yishan said, "Go to the yard and drink."

When the food and wine were served, Wang Xiaoshuan poured wine for him and said, "Brother, think about it carefully. Neither this matter nor the prince is yours, right?"

If you really can't figure out what's going on here and really want to deal with Chen Xinluo, we brothers can just endure it for the time being and let the situation be calm. When we have the opportunity in the future, can we make trouble for him again?

  Don’t worry, I will definitely stand with you when the time comes. "

 “Thank you very much.”

 Wei Yishan drank the wine in one gulp.

 “Eat some food, don’t just drink,”

Wang Xiaoshuan put a piece of butcher's shop into his bowl and continued, "In the world in front of us, isn't it that the strong is the king? Without strength, no matter how angry you are, it is of no use. Do you think this is not true?"

No matter what he said, Wei Yishan stopped answering and just drank.

Finally got very drunk.

Wang Xiaoshuan had no choice but to ask two maids to take him into the side room to sleep.

 Then he left Wei's house without looking back.

As soon as I walked out of the door, I was stopped by someone. I turned my head and saw that it was Lao Dao from Yaxing.

 “You old boy, what are you waiting for me here for?”

 “Brother Xiaoshuan, I have something to ask you for,”

Lao Dao raised his hand and said with a smile, "Let's talk somewhere else?

 Brothers from Chunxianglou opened a private room and asked for a favor. "

Wang Xiaoshuan waved his hand and said, "I won't go. I just drank a lot of wine and there is no place to put it."

 Lao Dao said without giving up, "Which one only talks about romance and doesn't drink?"

Wang Xiaoshuan sighed and said, "Brother, you have already caught up with Mr. Hong Anhong. If you have anything to do, just ask her. Why bother fighting with me here?"

Lao Dao said, "You know that Mr. Hong is the most selfless person. If my brother goes away, he will definitely not be left behind."

Wang Xiaoshuan glared and said, "Then you mean that I can bend the law for personal gain?"

"no no,"

 Lao Dao hurriedly explained, "What I mean is, brother, you are very kind and considerate."

Wang Xiaoshuan said angrily, "You tell me Potian, I will definitely not be upright this time. I dare to offend Prince Heshun with Yaxing. Prince Heshun is furious and has ordered Ankang Prefecture to conduct a strict investigation. I will not wade into this muddy water. You Go wherever you come.”

He now relies on Wei Yishan and has only managed to capture one general from the Beijing camp.

 You can still look decent in front of uninformed people and settle some small things for you.

However, he was determined not to get involved in any bigger matters.

  Not to that extent.

Maybe you have to involve yourself.

   Not necessary.

 Lao Dao said eagerly, "Brother, I'm not that stupid. Offending the Prince of Heshun County is something only a fool can do."

 At any rate, he had experience in the military.

Not the kind of person who can't see that his eyebrows are high and his eyes are low.

Wang Xiaoshuan hesitated and said, "Since it has nothing to do with Prince Heshun, tell me, what's the matter?"

 Lao Dao chuckled and said, "The Chunxiang Building."

 “Isn’t this too expensive?”

Wang Xiaoshuan asked with a smile.

 “No, it won’t cost money, it should be,”

Lao Dao waved towards the dark place, and a carriage slowly drove over. He raised his hand and said, "Please!"

 “That won’t be the case next time.”

Wang Xiaoshuan put his hands behind his back and jumped onto the carriage lightly.

 Lao Dao followed closely behind.

 “You have tea.”

“It seems that your dental shop is really making money. The carriages are all the latest shock-absorbing carriages, and you can even drink tea so well.”

Wang Xiaoshuan blew the floating tea leaves, held the shelf and said, "Tell me, what is it?"

Lao Dao opened the curtain of the carriage window, looked around, and said in a low voice, "I offended Guo Cong of Hewang Mansion a few days ago. This kid is unyielding and wants me to look good. Brother, please be one of them." People, have some tea.”

 “Guo Cong?”

Wang Xiaoshuan pondered for a long time before he suddenly realized, "Guo Zhao's son?"

 (End of this chapter)

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