Chapter 559 Clearly marked price

However, fortunately, everyone understands He Wangye's temperament, and no one is stupid enough to "remonstrate to death".

I have a word with the prince first: You can go to hell, but if I give in on a matter of principle, I will lose.

 In some respects, Prince He is sometimes more ruthless than Emperor Delong.

 Emperor Delong was not addicted to women and was not greedy for the concubines in the harem. He worked hard and diligently, and was determined to be a wise king and build a legacy for all generations.

 On the surface, he is extremely tolerant and kind to others, and he is also very polite in terms of etiquette, which often makes some veterans burst into tears.

 It is the opposite of the prince. He often talks about "serving the people", but he often does things that are embarrassing.

 It is definitely not easy to talk about. As long as it is your own opinion, it is useless what others say.

 “Your Majesty.”

Dag is dark and thin, with dry face folded together. After a while, he said, "The barbarians are rampant in the West. Please, Prince He, uphold justice for my Nanyang children!"

Lin Yi looked him up and down, and then said, "I saw you when I was in Sanhe. Why are you still so thin now?"

Dage said loudly, "During the period of Sanhe, I was educated by the Liang Kingdom and ate and drank well.

Nowadays, the Western barbarians are barbaric, and our people in Nanyang are in dire straits. As a high priest, I can only watch my people suffer and suffer, and it is really hard to sleep and eat well. "

 “Your Mandarin is very improved and you can use idioms,”

Lin Yi didn't seem to hear what he said, and still thought to himself, "Yes, if you learn Mandarin well, you won't be afraid of traveling all over the Liang Kingdom."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliments.”

Dag is about to cry but has no tears left. Is this what he is saying? Why do you keep changing the subject?

Lin Yi asked curiously, "Have you seen Xiyi's artillery?"

Dag hurriedly said, "Prince Qi, now my homeland in Nanyang is full of Western artillery, both on the coast and on ships."

 “How is the power?”

This is the issue that Lin Yi is most concerned about.

 Until now, he has not seen Xiyi’s artillery!

 He has already ordered Du Sanhe and Tian Shiyou to bring back a Xiyi artillery piece no matter what.

However, these two people are unsatisfactory and have gained nothing so far.

Dag said sadly, "Your Majesty, that artillery is very powerful, causing countless casualties to Nanyang Erlang."

“Go back and take a look at our artillery with the people from the Ministry of Works, and compare them.”

Lin Yi still didn't have much confidence in the artillery in front of Mo Shun and others, "Give them some advice."

Dag lowered his head and said, "I don't dare. The artillery of China must not be an ordinary thing."

 “I’ll ask you again,”

Lin Yi squatted on the steps and stretched, "How much territory do you have left in Nanyang?"

 “The lower official is dull.”

 Dag did not understand the meaning of these words.

“That’s how many people you still have, how much money you have, and how much land you have!”

Lin Yi asked lazily.

 He didn't see what was so confusing about this.

  It’s not an advanced vocabulary.

“In the land of Nanyang, we have a small country with few people, but we are no match for the Western barbarians. My king endured the humiliation and led his people into the mountains and forests, eagerly awaiting his master!”

Dag became more and more sad and said, "Please, Your Majesty, have mercy on our Nanyang people!"

"Don't worry, you know how far away Nanyang is from Daliang. Water from afar cannot quench the thirst of those near you."

Lin Yi suddenly asked again, "Do you know anything about Li Fo of Asuka?"

Dag hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, since the Ayu Kingdom was destroyed by the Western Barbarians, Emperor Li Fo has set up his sails and gone to sea, and people at sea still respect him."

 “That would be better,”

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "When you return, you can contact Li Fu and pass my message over. For ten million taels of silver, I will help him restore his country. The price is fair and he will not be deceived."

He is not his father, who takes advantage of the so-called "heavenly country".

What’s more, he is short of money now!

Short a lot of money!

 The more gold and silver, the better!

 As for whether it will cause prices to skyrocket and currency depreciation, he can’t know!

 After all, he did not study economics.

 If you really want to consider it, it will be something that happens in the future.

 The worst case scenario is external expansion, which has been the best way to solve economic crises from ancient times to the present.

 “Ten million taels”

Dag fell into deep thought all of a sudden.

 On the surface, he was asking himself to send a message to Li Fo, but how could he not say this to himself?

 Can the country be restored with ten million taels?

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Okay, it's hot. I guess you're tired too. Go back to the posthouse and rest."

   "I resign."

 After finishing speaking, Dag led a group of envoys out of the Jinluan Palace.

Gan Mao suddenly came out and said, "I think that Nanyang is far overseas and it is not appropriate to promote the country's prestige."

 You need money to go on an expedition!

How could he, the Minister of Household Affairs, get so much money?

If Prince He really wants to show off his power overseas, he should at least wait until he becomes an official, right?

 “I don’t want you to think, I want me to think,”

Lin Yi didn’t seem to notice Gan Mao’s face at all, and said carelessly, “You think I want to promote the country’s prestige?

 What I want is to make money!

earn a lot of money?

 You, the Minister of Household Affairs, don’t understand? "


Gan Mao's face turned red, "Now that the national treasury is empty, please think twice!"

 He doesn’t know whether to make money or not!

 But, you have to pay to find him!

"Okay, stop being so gloomy, we can discuss this later."

Lin Yi yawned and said, "Retreat from the court."

 After speaking, he left without looking back.

 After a rain, it is the autumnal equinox.

The north is coming, and the weather is gradually getting colder. Lin Yi doesn't dare to wear big pants anymore, but he doesn't wear a long shirt either. He follows the example of ordinary people and walks on the streets of Ankang City wrapped in a coat and trousers.

 Many vendors’ stalls display corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and Chinese cabbage, all of which have just come out of the fields and look very fresh.

Lin Yi bought a sweet potato and ate it while walking. He said to Liang Yuanzhi who was following him, "This year's autumn harvest cannot be delayed. Some families have weak labor force, so we asked the Ministry of War to organize officers and soldiers from all over the country to participate in the autumn harvest. They are paid." It’s all given by the people, so it’s only right to do something for the people.”

"Your Majesty, in a few days we will be recruiting troops on the battlefield. There will be competitions in autumn. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the officers and soldiers everywhere to spare their time."

Unlike Lin Yi, Liang Yuanzhi wore a white gown and looked like a handsome young man, which was in sharp contrast to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's nose twitched, and he always felt like there was mucus in his nose. He always wanted to blow it out with his hands, but there were people coming and going on the street, and there were plainclothes guards on the left and right, so he was embarrassed to be seen.

Although he is not very shy, he is still quite capable.

After walking for a long time, I didn’t find a suitable place to blow my nose. When I walked to a corner, I saw another puddle of water stains. Then I looked up at the water line on the wall, and I understood everything at once.

He frowned and said, "Let Ankang Prefecture build more public toilets in the city. People have three urgent needs and are still urinating everywhere. How unbecoming is it?"

  There is no concept of public toilets in Daliangguo at all!

The so-called public toilets were opened by themselves in Baiyun City.

At present, we are back to Ankang City. Ankang Mansion has built some toilets according to the method of Baiyun City, but they are still not enough.

 Many people can’t hold it in any longer and still solve the problem anywhere.

Lin Yi has encountered this kind of thing not once or twice.

After Liang Yuanzhi heard this, he sneered and said, "Your Majesty, Ankang Mansion doesn't have enough money at the moment, and the wages for the police officers this month haven't been paid out yet.

It is said that Ma Jie is auctioning two pieces of land outside the city and is living off the money from selling the land. "

Where is the money to build public toilets?

Lin Yi said in confusion, "This is the capital of our Daliang Kingdom!

How can Ankang Mansion be so poor?

 What about the taxes collected every month? "

Liang Yuanzhi said respectfully, "Your Majesty, there is money to be spent everywhere on old city reconstruction, demolition, and school building. As far as my subordinates know, Mr. Ma Jie has spent all his money and is still stretched thin."

  “I don’t know how each of these people got together,”

Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh, "So how is the construction of this year's greenhouse going? There was no delay, right?"

“Your Majesty, the greenhouse was paid for by the Academy of Sciences, but Mr. Ma has been hiding for a while.”

 Liang Yuanzhi told the truth.

Lin Yifa said harshly, "Let the people from the Ministry of Household Affairs come up with an agreement to impose heavy taxes on brothels and casinos across the country."

 It is impossible to ban it.

 However, it was not Lin Yi’s original intention to let them flourish.

 In this case, Lin Yi decided to let them contribute to the tax revenue of Daliang Kingdom.

 As for whether it will increase the costs for experienced drivers and gamblers, that is not his concern.

 “The prince is wise.”

Liang Yuanzhi said with a smile.

“You guys, think of another way to see if you can make more money,”

Lin Yi said helplessly, "People are worse than dogs if they don't have money, so why am I the same?"

 Liang Yuanzhi lowered his head.

   I must not have heard it.

Lin Yi threw the sweet potato skins into Han Deqing's hands and continued, "Did King Dai also go to Baima Temple a few days ago?

 Just incense? "

Han Deqing smiled and said, "Your Majesty, there is a nunnery on the left side of the White Horse Temple. The king and a young nun cherish each other and they consider them close friends. The king often goes to visit."

Lin Yi widened his eyes and said, "Does he still have this hobby?

 I didn’t know that before. "

Han Deqing said, "Your Majesty, Concubine Hui, the biological mother of the king, originally came from Tianning Temple.

 The Holy Emperor favored him very much, and he was influenced by the virtuous people on behalf of the king, and he also devoted himself to worshiping the Buddha. "

“If you didn’t tell me, I would have almost forgotten about Tianning Temple.”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I have been there several times before, and many of the nuns there are quite beautiful."

Tianning Temple is actually not just a nunnery.

The emperor has three palaces and six courtyards. I dare not say that each country is beautiful and fragrant, but there are definitely few ugly ones.

 When the old emperor was alive, his sons did not dare to put their ideas into practice.

Once the old emperor died, the new emperor who succeeded him began to do things that he did not dare to do before.

But due to ethics, it is not easy to be fair and aboveboard.

So, he played a trick and let his favorite concubine enter Tianning Temple to be a nun for a period of time.

After that, after changing his name, he was welcomed into the palace again.

This is the case with the King's Holy Concubine Hui, who was originally a lady of Emperor Yongguang.

 After his father, Emperor Delong, took a fancy to her, he sent her directly to Tianning Temple. After that, she went through the draft process again and was named Concubine Hui.

 If the process is right, no one can say "no".

After Lin Yi entered Ankang City, he also saw Concubine Hui twice from a distance. She was dressed in plain clothes without makeup. She was in her forties and still looked like a girl.

The King of Chu was once eager to give it a try, but Concubine Hui was cold-natured and highly skilled in martial arts, so she directly threw Lao Ba into the river.

 Lao Ba has troubles that he cannot tell.

Lin Yi learned a painful lesson from Lao Ba and never dared to talk to Concubine Hui.

 This is true even now.

 Why bother with that?

  Back to Prince He's Mansion, the little girl ran towards him from a long way away.

 “My walking is getting more and more stable,”

Lin Yi held the girl in his arms and continued to teach her how to speak, "Call daddy."


The little girl remained unmoved and only giggled at Zixia behind Lin Yi.

 “I really can’t have any hope for you.”

Lin Yi was quite pleased.

 At least I didn’t call her “Niang Xipi” anymore.

These days, he has stopped swearing in front of his children, and now it seems that the results are remarkable.

Zixia took the little girl and said to Lin Yi, "Your Majesty, the princess is smart and can already shout a lot of words."

 “Hope to make progress slowly,”

Lin Yi's nose was still uncomfortable. Looking at the stream brought in from outside the courtyard, he squatted down and stuffed his head. He snored for a while, and his nose became much less painful.

Zixia said worriedly, "My lord, are you suffering from the cold?"

Lin Yi said, "It's really possible. You should stay away from me while holding the child. If it's viral, it might be passed on to them."

At this moment, I also stopped thinking about seeing my son.

Zixia said, "Your Majesty, let me make some **** soup for you."


Lin Yi was still sniffling, "Forget it, I won't stay at home anymore, so that you won't have bad luck with me."

 Before Zixia could speak, the princess appeared again.

 “Your Majesty.”

Han Deqing was about to leave for duty, but he didn't expect that the prince would still go out at this moment.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Let others follow me, and you can go back and rest by yourself."

 Some people are enjoying the 996 blessing.

 But people like Han Deqing worked harder than 996, following him almost day and night.

  You can only take so many days off in a month.

 I am really embarrassed to waste his time any longer.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty, for your consideration.”

Han Deqing is not polite.

He has figured out Prince He's temperament well. The more polite he is, the more he will annoy Prince He.

 After giving Tan Fei and Lei Kaishan a few words, they went home.

In the back mountain, Guan Xiaoqi’s livestock pen became more and more lively, with the sounds of sheep braying and the sound of horns rising and falling.

Lin Yi even heard the barking of a dog, and when he entered the yard, he found a Shar-Pei.

“I’m allergic to cats and dogs, why do you still keep these?”

 “It would be best if he didn’t come over.”

 Guan Xiaoqi said angrily.

 “Are you having a conflict between your father and your daughter?”

Lin Yi said in surprise.

 Guan Xiaoqi snorted coldly, "No."

Lin Yi glanced at the Shar-Pei that was grinning at him, "It's quite fierce. Where did it come from?"

Guan Xiaoqi said, "Aren't the people in the house chasing stray dogs from the mountains everywhere? It's also a pitiful one. It knows how to hide from me, so I'm not willing to chase it away. I'll keep it. It's also very useful and can help." I looked at the cattle and sheep.”

 (End of this chapter)

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